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Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Read the article titled “COMPSTAT: Its origins, evolution, and future in law enforcement agencies” located here. You may also view the article here. Next, predict the two (2) most important future implications of COMPSTAT use in the future of law enforcement in America. Support your response.
Use the Internet to select a city that is plagued with loosely organized gangs. Next, imagine that you are the Chief of Police for the selected city; analyze the main reasons why the city is plagued with loosely organized gangs. Next, propose at least two (2) gang violence crime prevention strategies and provide a rationale for your proposal.


116 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer


This written assignment requirement is for a minimum of 10 double-spaced pages of text, submitted in APA format, using 12 point font.  ***In addition, your paper should include a cover page, abstract and reference page.***  A minimum of 4 scholarly sources, aside from your required text, must be used and properly cited.  

Identify a notorious criminal case occurring within the past 10 years and provide a comprehensive analysis of the case.  In your analysis, be sure to discuss the case facts, disposition, legal and constitutional implications and reflect upon the current and future consequences of the decision.  Be sure to support your paper with information presented throughout this course.

118 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Crime-Reduction Strategies"  Please respond to the following:

Read the article titled “What Can Police Do to Reduce Crime, Disorder, and Fear?” located here. You may also view the article here. Next, select two (2) of the identified strategies and analyze how they relate to crime-reduction effectiveness.
Imagine that you are the precinct commander for a mid-sized city. You have been provided with a statistical report which shows there is an increase in the number of burglarizes between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Your precinct is located in an area with two (2) middle schools and two (2) high schools which both release students at 2:30 p.m. each weekday. Speculate on how you would use the precepts of problem oriented policing to develop a plan to tackle this issue. Support your response.

143 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Shortly before midnight, Mr. Ross is driving through a residential area in an attempt to get his wife, who is in labor, to the hospital. The posted speed limit is 30 mph, but Mr. Ross is anxious to get his wife to the hospital and is driving 75 mph. In a dark area, the car strikes a 10-year old boy and his mother who are walking across the street. The boy is instantly killed, and the mother severely injured and unconscious. Mr. Ross loses control of the vehicle, the car hits a pole, and he and his wife suffer minor cuts and scratches. Mr. Ross, in shock and panic, takes a bat out of his disabled car and stops a passing vehicle by force, throwing the driver to the ground, placing his wife in the stolen vehicle and leaving the scene. The police ultimately apprehend him several blocks from the scene and arrest him.

You own a private investigation firm specializing in criminal investigations for criminal defense attorneys like the one who represents Mr. Ross. You assure Mr. Ross’s attorney, who has hired your firm, that your information will be accurately assessed with the explanation of the events that occurred, as outlined above. Your job is to conduct an independent criminal assessment of what happened in this case, based upon the facts outlined above, and provide the attorney with your analysis of the case against Mr. Ross.

The attorney asks you to make sure that you address the following areas of concern, and any other information that you feel pertains to the case, in a document of 2–3 pages:

Explain whether Mr. Ross is guilty of any crime and if so, identify the crime that has been committed.
If you conclude that Mr. Ross has not committed a crime, explain why, and discuss the specific elements of the type of homicide this may be.
Explain the elements of murder, including what is required to convict someone of attempt to commit murder.
Robbery is classified as both a property crime and a crime of violence. How would Mr. Ross’s crime be classified?
If he was guilty of this crime, would it then be classified as a property crime or a violent crime? 
Define violent crime and property crime. Which is more serious? Explain. 
Based upon your opinion, reading assignments, and research, should Mrs. Ross be charged with any crimes? Explain and support your position.

412 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Turabian formatting - Your Final Paper will outline the basic primary arguments of the opinions written in support of and dissenting from the same-sex marriage decision, Obergefell v Hodges. The concern in this assignment is not your personal view of the topic or even how you see it through a Christian worldview. Rather, it is an important exercise in reading Supreme Court case opinions and discussing the important constitutional arguments from the various interpretive viewpoints you have studied during this term. Locate the arguments and present them in a 5–7-page paper. The paper must use a compare/contrast format and include at least 5 citations in addition to the course textbook. Amercian Constitutional Law: Custom by Scheb is textbook

127 Words  1 Pages

Question We Can Help You To Answer

Write about Trump Administration's New Principles, Standards, and Procedures

16 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Stella Liebeck (79 yrs old) was in the passenger seat of her grandson's car when she was severely burned by McDonalds' coffee in February 1992. Liebeck ordered coffee that was served in a Styrofoam cup at the drive-through window of a local McDonalds.
After receiving the order, the grandson pulled his car forward and stopped momentarily so that Liebeck could add cream and sugar to her coffee. Liebeck placed the cup between her knees and attempted to remove the plastic lid from the cup. As she removed the lid, the entire contents of the cup spilled into her lap.  
(Two things to note: In 1992 most cars did not have cupholders, and in 1992 it was uncommon for restaurants to add the cream/sugar to coffee for you.)
A surgeon determined that Liebeck suffered third-degree burns to over 6% of her body, including her inner thighs, buttocks, and genital areas. She was hospitalized for 8 days, during which time she underwent skin grafting, and other medical treatments.  
Liebeck offered to settle her claim for $20,000 (her medical costs from the accident), but McDonalds refused.
During pre-trial discoveries, McDonalds produced documents showing that more than 700 people claimed they were burned by McDonalds coffee. Some claims involved third-degree burns similar to Liebeck’s.  These documents indicated McDonalds' knowledge about the dangers of hot coffee.
McDonalds also said that, based on a consultant’s advice, McDonalds kept its coffee temperature between 180 and 190 degrees Fahrenheit (82-88 degrees Celsius). McDonalds says this temperature gives their coffee optimum taste. McDonalds admitted that they had not evaluated the danger of coffee at this temperature.  Other restaurants sell coffee at substantially lower temperatures, and coffee served at home is generally 135 to 140 °F (57-60 °C).  

Further, McDonalds' quality assurance manager testified that the company actively enforces a requirement that coffee be kept at 180 to 190 °F. He also testified that a burn hazard exists with any food substance served at 140 °F or above, and that McDonalds coffee is dangerous to drink because it would burn the mouth and throat. The quality assurance manager admitted that burns would occur, but testified that McDonalds had no intention of reducing the temperature of its coffee.
An expert in thermodynamics applied to human skin burns, testified that liquids at 180°F will cause 3rd degree burns within 7 seconds.  Other testimony showed that with a temperature around 155°F, the extent of the burn significantly decreases. Thus, if Liebeck's spill had involved coffee at 155°F, the liquid would have cooled quicker, and given her time to avoid a serious burn.
McDonalds argued that consumers know coffee is hot and that customers want it that way. But, the company admitted that customers were unaware they could suffer 3rd degree burns from the coffee.  They also said that a statement on the side of the cup was not a "warning" but a "reminder" (since the location of the writing would not warn customers of the hazard). 
The jury awarded Liebeck $200,000 in compensatory damages. This amount was reduced to $160,000 because the jury found Liebeck 20% at fault in the spill. The jury also awarded Liebeck $2.7 million in punitive damages.
McDonalds appealed (of course).  They won the appeal and the punitive damages were reduced to $480,000 even though the judge called McDonalds' conduct “reckless, callous and willful”.  
(By the way:  An investigation done after the trial found that the temperature of coffee at the McDonalds where Stella spilled her drink had dropped to 158 °F.)
The parties eventually agreed to an out of court settlement which has never been revealed to the public.  

1.    Do you agree that Stella Lieback was 20% responsible for her injury?  Should she be held more/less responsible?  Why or why not?  
This is all about EXPECTATIONS and DUTY OF CARE.  But before I get to that… It’s also about the facts of WHAT HAPPENED not what you wish had happened or what someone COULD HAVE DONE.  Many students say:
•    Stella could have asked her son to put the cream/sugar in for her
•    She could have asked McD to put cream/sugar in for her
•    She could have waited for a more secure/safe place to add the cream/sugar
•    Etc. 
Yes, well, should also could have ordered an orange juice instead of a coffee… she also could have stayed in bed all day and ordered a pizza!  But the FACTS of what-where-when-how, etc. are what’s outlined in the reading.  You must deal with the facts!

Expectation: she knew coffee was a hot beverage, but did she know HOW HOT?  The answer is NO    Duty of care: McD KNOWS people at drive thru are in their cars and either are moving or will be moving.  With that in mind: Duty of care to ensure safety of their products in a moving vehicle.
Did she expect that a coffee might lead to 3rd degree burns?  NO!    McD knows what their coffee temp is.  They KNOW the risk (see 700 complaints)
Is there any reason for her to think that the McD coffee would be about 40 degrees hotter that elsewhere.    The coffee temp is in THEIR control
Reasonable person: Would a reasonable person have expected the coffee could     Foreseeable: Given the 700 complaints, yes – this was foreseeable

2.    The judge called McDonalds conduct “reckless, callous and willful.”  Do you agree with this criticism?  Why or why not? 

Reckless: Their coffee is about 40 degrees hotter than elsewhere.
Callous: They showed total disregard to potential harms
Willful: They COULD HAVE lowered the temperature of their coffee, but they chose not to.

3.    How much money do you think Stella Lieback should have been awarded?  Consider compensatory and punitive damages.  Tell me why.  

•    Ongoing medical costs
•    Reduced quality of life: pain to her body
•    Think about daily actions and where she was burned: Imagine going to the bathroom!  Or, what about her sex life?
•    For damages in this case, consider both compensatory and punitive.


1019 Words  3 Pages

Question We Can Help You To Answer

What are The Effect of Palermo Convention to Combat the Crime of Human Trafficking in United Kingdom & Kingdom of Jordan?

28 Words  1 Pages

Question We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

There should be 500-1000 case analysis of Case 13 The Bible v. Ms. Wright. Everything that you need is on the attachment. In the attachment it has the case information, the questions that need to be answered,  specific directions, and the rubric.

51 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Answer For you

Review the Captain Edith Strong case study in Organizational Behavior and Management in Law Enforcement. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that answers all the case study questions that follow. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

44 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Answer For you

Review the Officer Robert Barton case study of Organizational Behavior and Management in Law Enforcement. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that answers all the case study questions that follow. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

44 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Answer For you

Read the case study, Targeting Tattoos of Justice administration. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that answers the following questions: •Do you consider Newton a problem employee or would you consider this a problem situation? Explain your response. •What type of disciplinary actions, if any, would you take against Newton? •What potential issues or ramifications should you be aware of when considering disciplinary actions? Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

78 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Answer For you

Review the Intruding Ima and the Falsified Report case study. Assume the role of the police chief or sheriff. Discuss questions following the case study. • evaluate Ima Goodenough from different perspectives: for example, as an HR manger, coworker, direct supervisor or other work place individuals. (Evaluation: My thoughts about Ima are she needs to be written up, suspended, and reassigned immediately. I would say she deserves termination for going outside her jurisdiction and messing with evidence, but I have a problem with the fact that none of her previous supervisors have written her up or disciplined her in any way. I would hope that an unpaid, stiff, suspension and reassignment would get her attention enough to hopefully get her back in line. If not, she will be on notice that her job is on the line.) Prepare a 3 slide Microsoft PowerPoint® presentation that addresses the following: •A summary of the case study •Identify the problem situations that are occurring add speaker notes to each slide.

174 Words  1 Pages
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