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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Assignment Details

Scenario: You are an investigator for Child Protective Services in your community. One of the most difficult aspects of interviewing is the interview of a suspected victim of child sexual abuse. Often, the first interviewers are detectives or investigators from the police department with little or no training for interviewing child sexual abuse victims. The Commander of the Sex Crimes Unit would like to you to identify errors in interviewing by police investigators when questioning child sex crime victims about the circumstances during the alleged offense(s). The psychopathology of the suspect and the victim are very important, but the victim can be misled unintentionally by police resulting in false or inaccurate complaint information.

The Commander of the Sex Crimes Unit would like you to outline and explain the specific areas to be avoided when questioning a child as a sex crime victim.

Specifically, he is concerned with the following:

The use of suggestive questions
The implication of confirmation by other people
Use of positive and negative consequences
Repetitious questioning
Inviting speculation
In a 2-page paper, address the specific concerns, and explain why it is preferable to have the child interviewed by a person with the qualifications to potentially testify as an expert witness in subsequent criminal trials.

220 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

After you have read Kelley v. EPA, 15 F.3d 1100 (D.C. Cir. 1994), and considered the issues and court ruling, reflect on the following questions, in your own words, in your initial substantive post.  Reflect on the other question in response to one of your classmate’s initial posts.

How did the decision change the lender liability rule?
What do you think about rulemaking as a tool for resolving concerns with statutes? What risks are involved?

Please cite statutes appropriately.

Utilize Kelley v EPA as a source and one additional source.

103 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Based on your original definition of leadership, the assigned readings, and any other related readings, what are some of the major traits of a leader? Study servant leadership. What are the major traits of servant leadership? Specifica,lly compare and contrast the traits of the first question (Good to Great textbook, Good to Great Policing, and the Meese text) with the traits of servant leadership. What would it look like to bring the notion of servant leadership to a police organization? Would this change require a culturshiftnge? What would be the benefits and pitfalls of servant leadership in a police organization? Outline a brief plan of implementing the change necessary to apply the ideas of servant leadership in a police organization.

You must accomplish this in no less than 8–10 pages. The project must uthe se current APA style, and the page count does not include the title page, abstract, reference section, or any extra materiaTo to incorporate a solid Christian worldview, you must at leonest 1 source is the Holy Bible.

183 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Written Assignment: Solitary Confinement
Solitary confinement is the segregation of individual inmates from the rest of the population, often in a small and rather dismal environment.

In the past, problem inmates were put in ‘The Box’ – literally a concrete or metal box.  Current segregation is less severe, but nevertheless has consequences, especially for the inmate. After reading the rights of inmates under law, including the Constitution and Supreme Court case law, read the opinion article below.

Do you agree with the NYTimes OpEd article The Living Death of Solitary Confinement? Or perhaps you see things from the managerial perspective, the necessity to manage disruptions from recalcitrant offenders.
Watch video for Option Two "Solitary Confinement: Investigative Reports" (2000, length 45 minutes, synched transcript)
Support your view from the text and any other research.
Use the text to support your view, or the ESC Library resources to find journal articles on the use of solitary confinement and discuss it in light of what you have learned about the correctional client and the legal issues. (Of course, you may use both!)
ProQuest is an excellent starting point for this one.
You should address these questions in a paper of approximately 2,400 words, relying primarily on the readings and other materials assigned in this module;  you will not receive credit without demonstrating that you have read and understood the material assigned.  You may include independent sources.  All information should be documented in MLA style.

253 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

  1. Identify a possible significant target/threat.  This does not necessarily have to be a real specific place, but it should be a tangible place that would reasonably be considered a viable target by a terrorist group or individual.  My suggestions would include (but are not limited to) a chemical plant, government building, nuclear power plant, military base, bridges, soft targets, as well as water supplies, agriculture/food production, environmental concerns, communications, computer networks.  You may use any type of terror attack or defense you wish, or a combination of them.  Many of you have interests, knowledge and skills in different areas, so make use of them in this exercise.
    2.  Assess the ramifications and impacts, both short- and long-term, on all aspects of people, property, government, economics, etc.
    3.  Formulate a practical and complete strategy either to attack or defend the target/threat, and specifically assess the chances of success or failure with current weapons, security, personnel and technology.  The weapons and technology must actually exist.  Do NOT use classified sources and methods for any reason.  Either side you choose, you will still have to know both sides to ensure a successful operation.  This is an action project—not passive.  You are part of it, not standing around describing it.
    4.  Propose new ways to accomplish the task successfully with suggestions of new methods and inventions not yet available, if you wish.
    5.  Your project text should be about 2500 words.  Graphics, diagrams, floor plans, escape routes, weapons, etc. are all welcome, if you wish to include them and are talented in these ways, but they are not required.
    6.  This is a creative exercise, and I want you to have fun with it.  There are almost no limits for this project, so think out of the box.
305 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

A list of the key learnings that you have personally experienced in this course. Please keep your list succinct and highlight the most important or notable learnings.
Answers to the following questions:
What are some key perspectives you have developed? How can you apply these perspectives as an NGO manager or leader?
What have you learned, and how has it changed/enhanced your perspective on NGOs? How will it impact your work as an NGO professional or researcher?
What do you think will be your biggest challenge managing "with" an organization's culture? Why? Justify your response.

106 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Complete the Riverbend City: Succession Planning and Conflict Management quick-simulation and answer the guiding questions, write a brief 1-page memorandum clarifying the organization's policy on professional employee behavior. Address your memo to all employees.

Choose one of the conflict issues that arose and include the following in your memorandum:

Summarize the succession planning and conflict issues that occurred.
Clarify expectations for professional behavior and conflict resolution.

77 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Discussion posts must be 3 paragraphs single spaced.

What information is contained in a public (federal or state) budget? What are the respective roles of line agencies, the central budget office, the chief executive and the legislative body? 

Utilize the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)-if available (

Please be sure to cite and list all references. This post must be plagiarism free

76 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Business Law: Crimes in the Business World - Research and Prepare a 800-1000 word essay on a current case involving embezzlement.

32 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

-    Definition 
What dose Euthanasia mean?
What does terminally ill mean?
What dose cureless disease mean?  
-    Historical information about euthanasia 
Who is the first person used this word it? where? why? 
-    Types of Euthanasia 
Active Euthanasia and Physician assisted suicide 
Passive Euthanasia 
-    Reasons or issues have contributed to exercise euthanasia?
Such as Pain, Economic. And maybe other reasons. 
-    Euthanasia in Holland. 
When it allowed euthanasia? 
Why it allowed it?
its mechanisms and requirement?

89 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Why or why not should the law be struck down as unconstitutional under the First Amendment?

27 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

At a minimum, this critique should address the following questions or issues. If, in your opinion, your article does not address one or more of them, then you should say so and defend or justify why you believe that to be the case. In all cases, defend or justify your answers with specific references to words, phrases, or passages in the article and corresponding references to the assigned readings for the course. In other words, while your critique should be written in your own words (third person only), you do need to make references to specific words, phrases, and relevant passages in the text of your article, as well as corresponding references to the assigned readings for the course. Each of the following items in BOLD must be listed as a heading on your critique. Do not use bullet points. Discuss in your critique the questions/issues under each bolded item. If a question/issue does not apply, please explain why.

•    Summary (1-2 pages)
o    Summarize the contents of your article.
o    Who wanted the policy or program evaluated? In other words, why did the author(s) conduct the evaluation?

•    Evaluation Goal(s) (1 page)
o    What were the goals or desired outcomes of the policy or program under examination?
o    How did the author(s) propose to evaluate the policy or program in terms of its goals or outcomes?

•    Theoretical Perspective (2-3 paragraphs)
o    What theory connects the policy or program to the goals or outcomes?
o    What rival or plausible explanations or theories were ruled out?
o    How did the theory guide the author(s) in their conduct of the evaluation?

•    Research Methods (2-3 paragraphs)
o    What principal research method(s) did the author(s) use in the conduct of the evaluation?
o    Did any unintended or unanticipated consequences arise? If so, what were they?
o    How and why did they arise?

•    Conclusion (1 page)
o    What did the author(s) conclude? On what basis?
o    Did the policy or program achieve its intended goals or outcomes in whole, in part, or not at all? If so, why or why not?
o    To what uses were the results of the evaluation to be put?
o    Based on the results of the evaluation, what principal recommendations did the author(s) make?

•    Evaluation Concepts (1-2 pages)
o    After you have written your summary, identify which of the following apply to the article. Be sure to define the concept and explain how each of your selections applies to your article.

Read chapters 11 - 14 from Joseph S. Wholey, Harry P. Hatry, and Kathryn E. Newcomer, editors, Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation

448 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Race, Class and Gender Concerns with anomie and social disorganization theory

  1. What are some race, class, and/or gender concerns addressed by anomie and social disorganization theories? What race, class, and gender concerns go unaddressed in these theories?

    2. Labeling theorists' fundamental concern is with secondary deviance rather than primary deviance.  What are the strengths and weaknesses of this approach? What other theory do you think would work well with labeling theory to explain primary deviance? Why?

    3. In what ways do labeling, conflict, and feminist theories address power disparities? Which approach do you find the most compelling?

    No header and no page numbers required.
    No header page.
    No title needed on page.

    Must respond directly to the questions in the post. 
132 Words  1 Pages
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