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  • Social Work with Children & Families
  • Introduction
  • Collaborative working between the agencies and professional disciplines can help to improve the social lives of different members of the community. Through working in collaborative multi agencies I have been able to learn several thing related to the service delivery on the social work. This report first outlines the experience that I have gained while practicing the collaborative multi agency. In relation to this, the report outlines first the various roles that a social worker is supposed to undertake. The report also presents the role of the multi-agency in providing consultation services. This report also outlines the importance of collaborative multiagency in the social work. In this case, the report presents factors such as building cohesiveness among the community members as one importance of collaborative working between the professionals and different agencies. Moreover, the report also outlines the weakness associated to the use of the collaborative multiagency in the social work.

  • Heterosexuality
  • Introduction
  • Various scholars have tried to address the issues related to the male heterosexuality. Most of the studies indicate that the male heterosexuality has been associated with the body masculinity. This is essay present some of the works by different scholars who have researched on the male heterosexuality. This essay therefore presents a strong argument that the scholarships on the heterosexuality have successfully addressed the male position and perspectives.  

  • Paleontology
  • Introduction
  •             Paleontology, which is the study of the history of earth as based on the fossils, has helped to contribute towards understanding of different aspects of the extinct and the living organisms. Studies indicate that the fossils contain information about the organism and the environment it occupied. In addition the scientists have also been able to deduce the behavior and the evolutionary history of an organism using the fossil information. This report analysis three articles that presents studies related to the paleontology. The first article analysis the various reforms related to palaeontology and the rise of the biogeography. The second article analysis the fossil record of Limopsis in Antarctica and the Southern high Latitude. The last article describes the rhetorical invention of the paleontological representation. In addition this report also present some of the possible research that need to be studied in relation to paleontological studies.

  • Private schooling versus public schooling
  • Introduction
  •             The public school refers to the school that are owned and operated by the government. Most of the government schools do not charge for the tuitions although in some cases they may levy charges to cover on the cost of supplies of different materials. The government through the federal state or the local taxes finances the public schools. Individuals on the other hand finance and operate the private schools. In this case therefore the private schools tend to have different admission requirement from the public school.

  • Corporal punishment
  • Introduction
  •             According to the United Nation committee on the Rights of Children corporal punishment is the use of the physical force to cause pain or any discomfort of any intensity. Corporal punishment entails violation of the basic human right, which includes right to protection against any form of violence. Corporal punishment has both emotional and physical effects on the children on their ability to learn. In addition the corporal punishment has also been known to cause depressions among the children. This paper analyses on some of the effect of the corporal punishment on children.

  • Technology impact on the society
  •             Technology has influenced the positive things in the society that encourage the development of various projects. Technology has come with more advantages in the society especially in nowadays lifestyle of many people. Life has become more enjoyable because of the automation that has come by technology (Ryan and cooper, 2008). The advantage of mechanism is saving of time and the human effort. People reach their destinations faster due to the advance transport system. Although the advantages of technology outdo the disadvantages, there is a negative impact that has come by technology. One of the negative impacts of technology is abuse of environment (Castels, 2009).

  • Unity community center praise dancers
  •             Unity Community Center was founded about 40 years ago in various churches of New Jersey. UCC praise dance ministry was established on September of 1998 by Wanda Dickerson (Johnson, 2010). UCC is a channel that passes the gospel through music and dancing (Johnson, 2010). The group helps to discover young talents of gospel music in the society. UCC ministry offers academic assistance to those who are less privileged in the society. Pastor Parker Camden is the one who sponsors the UCC dancing group. The group performs inspirational gospels done by other professionals. UCC has won quit a number of prizes through their dancing performances (Johnson, 2010).

  • Cost-effectiveness of Adult Day Care Services
  •            The researcher conducted Cross-Sectional 3 months and retrospective Case-Control study for 6 months for the period from November 2010 to July 2011. From the patients admitted to the Rehabilitation Center, the researcher identified those sustaining injuries because of mechanical fall. The researcher identified those who underwent different type of medical treatment including orthopedic surgeries due to various injuries. The researcher Identified and examined the medical records (n=179) of patients. All the male and female participants who were under the Medicare insurance were more than 65 years old. The researcher reviewed the charts and identified the legal number of patients enrolled to Adult Day Care Services. The researcher calculated Relative Risk ratio and established prevalence of falls injuries in population enrolled to Adult Day Care Services. This allowed calculating and comparing health care cost for Adult Day Care Services versus health care cost incurred due to fall’s injuries.

  • Education in Qatar
  • Introduction
  •             Education is essential to every human being and all children have the right to access knowledge from learning institutions. Qatar is one of the greatest education institutions in the world and has the privilege of holding six universities (Dudley 29). The universities offer various different courses that help students in shaping their lives. In order for the students to achieve their target goals, various parties in the education sector have the obligation of providing proper mechanisms of assisting students. However, accessing quality education in Qatar fails due to the flaws associated with this sector. Various parties associated with the education sector ought to change some policies in order to improve the learning standards in Qatar.

  • At The Beginning: Let’s Identify the Crisis
  • Introduction
  •             In this blog, I will focus much on how to identify the possibility of crises to occur in a certain geographic area. I will concentrate much on the crisis communication management in order to find possible ways that can help various organizations to prepare for a possible outcome of a crisis. In order to come up with a comprehensive solution of how to manage crisis, I will combine the information taught in schools and the real personal life experience. I will also include the experience from corporate levels of various organizations.
  • Importance of Crisis communication

  • Near Death Experience
  •             Near death experience refers to various different personal experience of an individual associated with death that is about to happen (Gibson, 2006). Many people view this experience under different angles that encompass various possible sensations. The sensations include feelings of extreme fear and need for more security. According to many sociologists, many people experience the sensation of detachment with the body and see the presence of light. Some people find refuge to their relatives when having this kind of experience. Many people consider that the experience changed their life while others fail to comment on this issue. The experiences fascinate everyone including the learned professionals who do research about human characters and behaviors.

  • Rapist Cannot Be Justify Or Excused In Any Reason
  •             Many of the people who engage in cases of rape try to justify themselves by illustrating various reasons of performing the act. Most the people who perform the act are normal and not out of their mind, us many of us would think. The high percentage of those who rape is men. However, some may argue that even women engage in rape scenarios but the authorities’ record few cases of that kind. The arguments that most of the rapist give tend to show various justifications that they did the act with the right reason. However, I tend to disagree with the excuses and justifications that those who engage in rape activities rise in order to set themselves free from facing the law.

  • Avatar
  •                 According to the portraits expressed in the avatar, I may argue that Avatars provide us with social rank, immortality, and influence that extend far beyond where we stand.” Many of the portraits outlined in the avatar tend to show the real meaning of life. They show that every one ought to appreciate what he/she manages to achieve in life. One of the artists who present her avatar is Rebecca Glasure. She was born in 1980 and lives in Los Angeles. After completing her education, she got married and for the time being, she is a home wife in her matrimonial home. She created her avatar back in 2005 and named it “Stygian Physic”. Glasure named the game played in her avatar as the “City of Heroes” while the character type of the avatar was Elf.

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