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Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Two Routes to Persuasion

When you listen to a persuasive communication, what determines whether it changes your mind? Is it factors related to who is speaking (the source), the content of the communication (the message), your knowledge about the topic (the audience), the place where you first heard it (the context), or the manner in which you received it (e.g., audio versus print; the channel)? The answer is that all of these variables can play a role in changing your attitudes and beliefs, but how each variable exerts its influence depends on the favorability of your response to it. If the variable elicits favorable thoughts, your attitude is likely to be positive after the message. If the variable elicits unfavorable thoughts, then your final attitude is likely to be negative toward the message.

There are two general modes of thinking that determine when source, message, audience, content, and channel variables influence your responses to a message. On the one hand, when you are motivated and have the ability to think carefully about what someone is saying to you, the content of the message has a greater impact on your final attitude than the source of the message. This route to persuasion is called the "central route" because it is relatively effortful and leads to long-lasting attitude change. Central route persuasion occurs because as you think carefully about the message, your thoughts are favorable, and this leads you to conclude that the message's content is accurate and should be permanently adopted into your view of the topic.

On the other hand, when you are not motivated to think about the message, or do not have the ability to think about it, then factors like the source of the message have greater impact than the content. This route to persuasion is called the "peripheral route" because it is less effortful and leads to short-term attitude change. Peripheral route persuasion occurs because even though you are not thinking about the content of the message, you are thinking about the expert source, or about how the message makes you feel great, and as a result, your responses are favorable. You wind up adopting the new point of view, but since it is not based on much consideration, the new attitude does not last. This week's Learning Resources consider several factors that determine when and how each route to persuasion influences you.

To prepare for this Discussion:

• Read Chapter 5 in the course text, Persuasion: Psychological Insights and Perspectives.

• Reflect on the assumption that you are motivated to hold "correct" attitudes and beliefs. Are there other reasons why you might come to hold a "reasonable" attitude?

• Consider the concept of elaboration and why it is the "hallmark" of central route persuasion. Think about the relationship between elaboration and a "cognitive response." Also consider the difference between objective and biased elaboration.

• Think about the difference between heuristic and systematic processing. Consider the text explanation for why you are a "cognitive miser" and rely on heuristic processing most of the time.

• Carefully reflect on the conditions under which you are likely to engage in systematic processing of a persuasive message (i.e., the central route). How might you explain the path in Figure 5.2 that leads from a persuasive message to central positive attitude change.

• Now work through the conditions under which you are likely to engage in heuristic processing of a persuasive message (i.e., the peripheral route) and think about how you would explain the multiple paths in Figure 5.2 that lead from a persuasive message to peripheral attitude shift.

• Consider how motivation and ability impact thinking about a persuasive message.

• Next, think about how personal relevance, need for cognition, forewarning of persuasive intent, and open-mindedness influence your motivation to think about a message.

• Reflect on how distraction, head movements, intelligence, and knowledge about the issue impact your ability to think about a message.

• Think of someone in your life whose words and ideas have had a profound effect on you, like a friend, a teacher, an employer, a member of the clergy, or a member of your immediate family; someone to use for this Discussion. This person may have said something once that really changed your thinking and attitudes about an issue, or perhaps this person influenced you after several conversations or lectures about the issue.

The Assignment Below:
With these thoughts in mind: Assignment: APA style format, No Plagiarism and must be cited and done according to course rubric and detailed instructions. Thank you

Write a 1 page description of the person you chose and your relationship to him or her. Next, describe how he or she strongly influences you and discuss whether this person's influence travels primarily through the central or peripheral route to persuasion. If central, how does this person motivate and allow you the ability to process the message? What is the strongest and weakest argument this person presents to you? If the route is mostly peripheral, explain why your motivation and/or ability to process the message are low. What positive source cue, heuristic, or other variable accounts for this person's influence on you? Finally, explain whether this person's influence on you is/was temporary or long lasting and why.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.
Course Text: Persuasion: Psychological Insights and Perspectives 
Chapter 5, "To Think or Not To Think" (pp. 81–116)

926 Words  3 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

The Psychology of Prejudice and Prejudice Reduction

This course finishes by looking at one of the oldest and more important topics in the study of influence and persuasion—the psychology of stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination. Consider, first, some definitions: Prejudice is defined as holding negative beliefs about a group and its individual members. Stereotypes, in contrast, are the beliefs people hold about a group and its individual members. Whereas prejudice is considered to be a negative attitude, stereotypes can be positive or negative. You will learn from the readings that prejudice and stereotypes can influence behavior independently of each other. For example, it is possible to hold negative stereotypes about a group and its members, but not necessarily hate or dislike them. Even people who are low in prejudice toward a group can hold negative stereotypes about the group and, under some conditions, rely on their knowledge of negative stereotypes to form an impression of a target individual. Finally, discrimination is negative behavior toward a group and its individual members. As you know, prejudiced attitudes can guide discriminatory behavior, but they may do so outside of awareness when the negative attitude is implicit. Thus, much of the study of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination is based on what you already know about the relationship between attitudes, beliefs, and behavior. But changing intergroup biases like prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination requires a thorough understanding of why people are biased and how they maintain their attitudes and beliefs. After you read about the causes of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination, you will examine the different ways in which these biases can be reduced.

To prepare for this Discussion:

• Read all of Chapter 11 in the course text, Persuasion: Psychological Insights and Perspectives. As you do, think about your own prejudices and stereotypes, and also about the prejudices and stereotypes expressed by people you know.

• Think about how the text describes the process of categorization and why it might cause you to use stereotypes when you form an impression of an individual. Think about why stereotyping is useful but also harmful when you interact with someone or evaluate his or her potential. How can you avoid using stereotypes? 

• Reflect on how the need to maintain a positive group identity and high self-esteem motivate people you know to harbor negative attitudes and beliefs about a group and its individual members. Can you think of a way to make prejudice less rewarding for them, or make it irrelevant to self-esteem and social identity needs, in order to reduce their biases? 

• Consider whether you know anybody whose prejudice stems from pent-up, displaced aggression. Also consider whether you know anyone who grew up in an authoritarian household and, as a result, holds strong conservative beliefs and is overly submissive to authority. Think about whether it is possible to persuade them that the group they dislike is not the reason for their frustration or does not threaten their conservative beliefs. 

• Think about the role that competition and perceptions of relative deprivation play in the prejudices held by people you know. Can you reduce their biases by educating them about the perceived conflict or their comparison to the disliked group? 

• Consider the morality of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination. Think about how you would react if someone pointed out that something you said violated the values of freedom and equality. Are there other ways to confront people without making them feel angry or guilty? See if you can think of recent books, films, or other media that cause people to reflect on the morality of prejudice and as a result, change their negative attitudes and beliefs about a group and its members. 

• Reflect on the conditions under which intergroup contact can reduce prejudice described in Table 11.1. Does the research lead you to believe that if carefully structured, contact between groups can reduce their dislike for each other? 

• Compare and contrast symbolic, aversive, and ambivalent racism. Think about what Devine's dissociation model adds to the understanding of prejudice.

• The idea of implicit attitudes was introduced in Week 2 of the course. Think about how the study of implicit stereotypes and prejudice is related and how positive thinking and just saying no to stereotypes can change implicit prejudice. 

With these thoughts in mind: APA style format, No Plagiarism and must cited with references including information from the course text book. Thank you

(1)Write a 1 page description of someone you know who is prejudiced against a group and its individual members.(2( Explain the negative stereotypes and/or attitudes that this person holds toward the group and the degree to which the biases are explicit or implicit. (3)Then, using the theories in the textbook, explain why you think this individual developed his or her biases against the group.(4) Finally, suggest a way to reduce his or her biases.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

            Course Text: Persuasion: Psychological Insights and Perspectives 
            Chapter 11, "Changing Prejudice" (pp. 249–280)

852 Words  3 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Just need this scenerio and questions addressed 
Leonora and Joshua are having disagreements about Leonora returning to work after staying home with their child, Christa, who is now 3 months old. There is constant rejection and retaliation as Leonora demonstrates anger by yelling at Joshua. Joshua continues expressing his opinions about the cost and care of day care centers and wants Leonora to wait until Christa is 5 years old and starts kindergarten. Leonora feels that if she is out of the workplace for 5 years it will be extremely difficult for her to re-enter and will have to start her career from the beginning and move backwards with salary and benefits. They both feel stress because of the economic pressures as well as freedom to continue the lifestyle that they were accustomed to before Christa arrived.Guideline 1: Express Anger Directly and with Kindness
Guideline 2: Check Out Your Interpretation of Others’ Behaviors
Guideline 3: To Avoid Attacks, Use “I” Statements
Guideline 4: Avoid Mixed, or Double Messages
Guideline 5: When You Can, Choose the Time and Place Carefully
Guideline 6: Address a Specific Issue, Ask for a Specific Change, and Be Open to Compromise
Guideline 7: Be Willing to Change Yourself
Guideline 8: Don’t Try to Win
Guideline 9: Be Willing to Forgive
Guideline 10: End the Argument

229 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

pros and cons of installing Linux vs. installing Windows in the enterprise

21 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

You are the Enterprise Architect for your organization. You must select an architecture framework for your organization (of which there are several). Describe in detail the elements of the framework you select and how you will employ it.

47 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Review and analysis of the selected book in conjunction with recent articles on the topics that the author raises.      Book Titile "The Champion's Mind: How Great Athletes Think, Train, and Thrive" by Jim Afremow


If you are writing on more than one topic, use subheadings, different sections, etc. to make sure reader knows what is coming next.

Ideas need to flow from paragraph to paragraph, connect thoughts as best you can without jumping around too much. Please keep the paper organized and use different sections!


You used your main book to find an important topic(s) to write on: The Champion's Mind: How Great Athletes Think, Train, and Thrive by Jim Afremow
The content is not just limited to your main book. I can tell you connected it to other resources and content from other articles, books, sources, etc.

You dive deep into the topic and use facts to back up your opinions


You had an editor, friend, etc. read and recommend changes on your paper

Follow APA and make sure to get it done ahead of time so you can look it over many times before handing it in

I will look for tense usage, sentence structure, basic grammar, etc.


The paper needs to be 8 pages, double spaced 12 size font.

For any papers that do not meet the length, you will be deducted 15 points per page that you are short.

246 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

In the video “Giants upon the Skyline”, what was the event that became the first major environmental initiative in the West?  Why was it important in the environmental movement?

38 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Sports Ethics Case Study
Background: You are the athletic director at a private high school with a highly successful athletic program. Your teams frequently dominate the public schools that are in your conference, which leads to some resentment of your programs from the community. 
Your detractors frequently say that your success is due to recruiting the best players away from other schools. This is not factual; you do not actively recruit players. However, it is true that many top players in all sports transfer into your school for the educational and athletic opportunities that you offer. As a result, your varsity teams often appear to be made up of the area’s all-stars, many of whom played for other schools as freshmen and sophomores. Other athletic directors have even discussed removing your school from the conference because they feel you have “unfair advantages.”
You have been reading, with increasing frequency, about high school teams “blowing out” opponents and about the negative attention this brings to the winning team and its school. Often these lopsided scores occur in spite of mercy rules. You are growing increasingly concerned about some of the scores that your teams are posting against weak opposition.
The mission of your athletic department is:  
The mission of the (create your own name) High School is to serve our student-athletes, coaches, staff and fans by:
•    Displaying INTEGRITY in every decision and action
•    Building and maintaining TRUST with others
•    Giving RESPECT to each person we encounter
•    Pursuing unity of purpose through TEAMWORK
•    Maintaining LOYALTY to student-athletes, co-workers, and fans 
These are our core values. We will exhibit them as we pursue excellence in all that we do.
Your task: Create a memo to distribute to your coaches (which you would also discuss at your pre-season meetings with coaches and parents). The memo is intended to get your coaches “on board” with the idea that, while we want to play hard and win games, we also must avoid the negative publicity that comes with a blowout.
Further, your memo should discuss the mission and values of the program. It also should discuss some things that coaches should consider in the event that the mercy rule is not sufficient to prevent a “situation.”  Be specific in your expectations. It’s up to you to take the first, and biggest, step to avoid embarrassment for the school.

*The mission and values in this case were taken from The University of Nebraska

431 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

You will write a currere. “The method of currere – the infinitive form of curriculum – promises no quick fixes. On the contrary, this autobiographical method asks us to slow down, to remember even re-enter the past and to meditatively imagine the future. Then, slowly and in one’s own terms, one analyzes one’s experience of the past and fantasies of the future in order to understand more fully, with more complexity and subtlety, one’s submergence in the present” (Pinar, 2004, p. 4)

The currere need to be build in four parts,
Currere (Regressive)
Currere (Progressive) 
Currere (Analytic)
Currere (Synthetical)

108 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Malware, Vulnerabilities, and Viruses

1) In a short essay name three ways viruses infect a system and three symptoms that help you identify a virus infection.
2. Create a table that lists and defines five different types of viruses.
3. Research two antivirus products. Create a table that compares the features of the two products. Example: product, systems supported, features, update frequency and cost.
4. In a short essay explain the difference between spoofing, pharming, and phishing attacks.
5) Create a table listing and defining three types of injection attacks.
Attack            Definition             Defense
6) In a short essay define the following tools that help identify and prevent malware attacks.
Vulnerability Scanners
Honeypots and Honeynets
Port Scanners
Banner Grabbing
7) Research “How to recognize phishing e-mail messages, links, or phone calls” 

13 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Trinity Health Case Study

Using the assigned Case Study as the basis, create a table that illustrates the primary roles that are necessary for the integration of the business architecture and the information system that supports it and.....

Write a two-page Executive Summary describing each of the roles.

57 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Structured Query Language (SQL) has standards adopted and maintained by both American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Consider if there is benefit for the ISO maintaining the standardization of SQL.

In a two to three page research paper answer the following questions using a minimum of 2 scholarly references.

What affect does standardization have on innovation and technology diffusion? Support your opinion with sufficient detail.
What is one innovation that could not have been had without standardization? Why? Support your opinion with sufficient detail.
What purpose does the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) serve in global technological standards? In your opinion what are two major technology standards and what are the implications of their elimination? Support your opinion with sufficient detail.

136 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

I need to have this literature review fixed according to the professor's notes. Also I need you to do PART 2 for me, which will include:
1.    Title Page
2.    The Abstract (15 points)
a.    Should start on its own page, and should have the headers and page numbers you did on the title page. 
b.    The word ABSTRACT should be centered on your page 
c.    The abstract should be no longer that 120 words 
d.    Make sure you include keywords!
3.    The Corrected Literature Review 
4.    The Methods Section (30 points)
a.    The word METHODS should be centered on your page
b.    You should include an overview of the research that focuses on your hypotheses 
c.    Design

5.    References 
a.    All references in APA format 
6.    Appendices (Demographic Questionnaire)
7.    Writing Quality (5 points)

144 Words  1 Pages
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