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Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Research on Madrid 2004 Bombing

In March, 2004, commuter trains in Madrid, Spain were attacked, and terrorism was suspected. Research this incident and prepare a report that describes the following:
•Which group or groups were responsible for the attack? Describe how this was investigated.
•How did the group carry out the attack? Provide a detailed description of the attack.
•Why did the attackers choose this particular target? What did they hope to achieve?
•How did investigators identify the attackers? Was anyone punished for the attack?

Conclude your report by explaining whether the group achieved its goal.

Submit your report, including a cover page, reference page, and 3–5 pages of content, in a Microsoft Word document.

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.

135 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Read Case Study 2 Medication Errors Reporting at Community Memorial Hospital in the Text on pp 459-464.  Once you have read the Case Study complete the assignment that I have attached.  Give full and complete answers using essay style.  Review the case --make sure you identify all the key issues /problems.  Start by framing the problem:  make believe the reader has no idea of what the case is all about.  Give a few sentences up front to introduce the reader to the overall situation.  Do not just start with i.e. Ms. Ballentine reviewed the problem of errors etc etc.  If the reader does not know the case how do they know who Ms. Ballentine is or why she is being asked to do this study.  Remember the who , what , where and when . You can then describe specifically what was found-how they went about correcting the problem. Most important is to refer to the text book use the concepts and strategies outlined in the text. In addition to the strategies Ms Ballentine used  what would you use or not use or do differently--again refering to the text book--even using direct quotes from the textbook.  Although this case relates to Chapter 7 Quality Improvement Basics you may refer to other Chapters to assure you are most effectively addressing this real life situation. You must demonstrate that you  understand and can apply the concepts and strategies discussed in the text to the case study.  As stated before, use the textbook--actual quotes to substantiate and expand your discussion of the case.  Remember to use actual names from the text--so if you are discussing quality--do not just say for example, " I will put in place a quality program".  You must state which quality strategy/program you would use and why.

305 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Review the attached article and do a journal summary. AMA format and it should include a copy of the first page of the journal (only summaries/research papers submitted by the due dates will receive credit; no late work will be accepted). You should summarize research that is being done in your field (i.e. radiography, Sonography, Therapy, etc.…) that has been conducted over the past five years (preferably nothing older unless okayed beforehand). These summaries can come from any scholarly journals such as the ASRT Radiologic Technology Journal or the Radiation Therapist Journal, but are not limited to these. Other links can be used as well like PubMed or the Morris Library link (no textbooks are required for this course). A formatting and reference guide and grading rubric are attached please follow. Please contact with any questions.

150 Words  1 Pages

Paper instructions:

Review the attached article and do a journal summary. AMA format and it should include a copy of the first page of the journal (only summaries/research papers submitted by the due dates will receive credit; no late work will be accepted). You should summarize research that is being done in your field (i.e. radiography, Sonography, Therapy, etc.…) that has been conducted over the past five years (preferably nothing older unless okayed beforehand). These summaries can come from any scholarly journals such as the ASRT Radiologic Technology Journal or the Radiation Therapist Journal, but are not limited to these. Other links can be used as well like PubMed or the Morris Library link (no textbooks are required for this course). A formatting and reference guide and grading rubric are attached please follow. Please contact with any questions.

143 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Review the attached article and do a journal summary. AMA format and it should include a copy of the first page of the journal (only summaries/research papers submitted by the due dates will receive credit; no late work will be accepted). You should summarize research that is being done in your field (i.e. radiography, Sonography, Therapy, etc.…) that has been conducted over the past five years (preferably nothing older unless okayed beforehand). These summaries can come from any scholarly journals such as the ASRT Radiologic Technology Journal or the Radiation Therapist Journal, but are not limited to these. Other links can be used as well like PubMed or the Morris Library link (no textbooks are required for this course). A formatting and reference guide and grading rubric are attached please follow. Please contact with any questions.

150 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:


Language and Individual Differences
Competencies Addressed in This Assignment
Competency 1: Apply research findings to topics in human learning and cognition.
Competency 2: Apply psychology theories and concepts to human learning and cognition.
Competency 3: Describe the research methods used in the study of human learning and cognition.
Competency 4: Analyze theory and research to solve problems and inform professional behavior in human learning and cognition.
Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.

We study language in the context of how we think, read, and comprehend and derive meaning from words. But what about language from our social environment? A recent area of linguistic research is the study of language in a social context. From this perspective, language is examined in terms of how people communicate whether in person or on the Internet. People change their pronunciations, grammar, vocabulary, and styles of language for many different purposes. Given that, sociolinguists are curious about how a language is acquired and learned in the context of one's gender, community and society. Some of these differences are related to biology. Others are related to the social environment and some differences are related to both, for example, do men and women speak different languages in our culture? Can misspelled words on a person's Facebook wall hurt their employability?

For this assignment, research either the language differences between men and women from a social context. Are there differences in their conversational, nonverbal, and cross-cultural styles of communicating? Analyze how knowledge gained from research about language differences can be used to solve problems in social and work settings.

For this assignment, think about situations where you had to adjust your use of language to suit a particular context. How did you change the language? What did you say or do? Feel free to use an example from one of the activities in the course.

In your written assignment:
Describe examples of events or situations where you changed your language in response to a situation or people with whom you were speaking. Since these are personal examples, you may write in first person for this part. Use third person throughout the remainder of the work.

Find at least three peer-reviewed research articles that help you understand language in a social context.
Describe the theoretical foundation for each study, including the psychological concepts that the researchers are using.

Summarize the research articles, including the research questions being asked in each study, the methods and measures, and the conclusions reached in each article.
Address how the research findings on language apply in solving communication problems.

Use the implications of the research to explain how people use language and how the knowledge can apply to personal and professional life. (Think about how this information can guide communication in social contexts).

Describe one or more specific ways that the information can be applied in the workplace to guide and improve communications.

To meet the criteria for the assignment, your paper should comprise 6–8 pages of content plus title and references pages. You should include a minimum of three scholarly sources. Strive to be as concise as possible and support your statements and analyses with references and citations from the three academic resources as well as any necessary scholarly resources.

578 Words  2 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

For this assignment, develop your research paper introduction to communicate your knowledge and understanding of a research topic. Using the Introduction Scoring Guide as a reference, write a paper in which you discuss the following specific points:

An introduction stating the problem and describing the background of the problem.
The purpose and significance of the study.
A preliminary summary of the research method and design.
Guiding research questions or hypotheses.
The assumptions and limitations of the study.
The operational definitions used in the study.
The expected outcomes.

96 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

How do you exhibit professionalism in your daily work?
Describe at least one situation in which you demonstrated professionalism in nursing, explaining how your behaviour in the situation is different than it would have been without your additional education from RN to BSN programs.

53 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Write an essay on:

Obesity in Children and Adolescents:

18 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Write two paragraph for each seminar stating the benefits of the seminar and how it will help as a master guide.
Child Development:    survey of disciplinary theory and technique


Practical communication practices     
    What is practical communication?
    What are the basic skills of communication? 
    Various types of communication
    Practical ways to improve communication 
    How will effective communication benefit me as a master guide?

87 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Write an essay in each of the following topics;

Medical 3-D Printing

Vertebral Osteomyelitis and Imaging

Precision Medicine in Breast Cancer

Anorexia Nervosa in DEXA

34 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Metastatic Breast Cancer

Review the attached article and do a journal summary. AMA format and it should include a copy of the first page of the journal (only summaries/research papers submitted by the due dates will receive credit; no late work will be accepted). You should summarize research that is being done in your field (i.e. radiography, Sonography, Therapy, etc.…) that has been conducted over the past five years (preferably nothing older unless okayed beforehand). These summaries can come from any scholarly journals such as the ASRT Radiologic Technology Journal or the Radiation Therapist Journal, but are not limited to these. Other links can be used as well like PubMed or the Morris Library link (no textbooks are required for this course). A formatting and reference guide and grading rubric are attached please follow. Please contact with any questions.

153 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

How are team dynamics being demonstrated in health care?
- Post the APA citation and a descriptive summary of an article you located addressing Team Dynamics.

How do you exhibit teamwork in your daily practice?
- Describe at least one situation in which you acted as a member of a team. Describe the team, identify the role you played on the team, and explain how your behavior in the situation is different than it would have been without your additional education from this RN to BSN program.

96 Words  1 Pages
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