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Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer

Gender - Unequal Pay Critique 

Review the Gender Pay Gap article (click on link).

First, provide an overview of the author's main points. Next, what theoretical perspective and/or concepts (minimum of three) discussed in the course do you find to be the most relevant to this discussion and why? Clearly state, define and cite each. 
 How to format your response:

73 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer

Assignment instructions:
This is a 3-part reaction paper assignment.  Each research segment has its own separate requirements. 
Series I
Briefly describe the American Eugenics Movement. (1 pt)
Briefly summarize Hoffman’s extinction thesis. (1 pt)
Discuss why biological scientists now feel that our current racial categories/classifications are inherently flawed.  Provide at least one example of supporting evidence used in the film. (1 pt)

Series II
Summarize the significant roles of both Thomas Jefferson and Louis Agassiz in the creating of scientific race. (2 pts)
What did you find to be the most interesting and/or surprising detail from this episode, and why? (1 pt)
What term or concept from chapter 8 do you see as most relevant to this episode, and why? (1 pt)

Series III
What arguments were brought before the courts both the Ozawa and Thind cases? What was the court’s ruling? (2 pts)
Discussing the Natl. appraisal system and redlining. (1 pt)

162 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer

Crime and Punishment Should Incarceration Serve As Rehablitation or Retribution?

19 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help to Answer

Factors affecting boy-child in America

12 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help to Answer

MA Industrial and Organizational Personal Statement

13 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help to Answer

Focused Assignments. 
Gait Pattern Assessment in an Older Adult 
Assess the gait pattern of a normal healthy adult 65+. Perform the Get up and go test and Performance Oriented Balance and Mobility Assessment (POMA) on your adult. Both tests can be easily located by typing their names in your search browser box.
“Get up and go test” can be retrieved from ( I also included other information for GET UO AND GO TEST as an attachment)
“Performance Oriented Balance and Mobility Assessment(POMA) can be retrieved from attachment included also) 
Compare the gait pattern of a young individual to the older adult you have selected for this assignment. How is your older adult client’s gait pattern different from a younger individual and how it is different from the presented abnormal gait patterns in the course lecture content on mobility issues? Is your client at risk for consequences of immobility, and if so, why? Write a one-page brief summary of your assessment and impression of your client’s risk for immobility. 
Cardiovascular Disease Risk (CVD) in an Older Adult 
From the National Heart and Lung Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health @ can be retrieved from, (also an attachment included for this website) under Assessing Cardiovascular Risk
conduct the Framingham study calculation for 10-year risk of CVD on an older adult. You will need to know their gender, age, smoking status, high density lipoprotein (HDL), systolic blood pressure (SBP), and whether they are being treated or not for high blood pressure. 
Complete the risk calculation and write a one page summary of your impression of the CVD risk for your selected individual based on their risk factors and what your recommendations would be based on the content from week 13 lecture. 

312 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help to Answer

The Biological Bases of Behavior chapter contains a great deal of information that needs to be memorized. For example, you need to remember the divisions of the nervous system, the parts (including their locations and functions) of a neuron, and the main structures (including their locations and main functions) of the brain. 

Mnemonics are memory aids designed to help you remember the material. For this assignment, you should watch a video where brain structure mnemonics are used, develop your own brain mnemonics (that your classmates can relate to and use), and share your mnemonics (and opinions) with the class. 

Watch the Brain Mnemonics video (located in this week's folder) showing how one man developed some humorous mnemonics to help people remember specific brain structures. 
Develop 2 new mnemonics to help others (and yourself) learn the parts of the brain.
Each mnemonic that you develop should be designed to help someone learn the main function of a specific brain structure and/or the location of that structure.
Do not post a mnemonic related to other parts of the nervous system or a neuron itself.
Do not use mnemonics that were used on the video or that someone else developed. You must develop your own.
You are developing mnemonics for others to use; therefore, your memory aids cannot be obscure, like cerebral CORTEX=Cory Ordered Rice To Eat eXcitedly. Instead, the mnemonics should be understandable to all and actually relate to the brain parts you are describing (as explained in the next bullet point).
Your mnemonic actually should relate to the brain structure's location or main function. For example, the video identifies the location of the cerebral cortex by associating the "tex" in the word cortex with a Texan's hat that sits on the top of the head. You should not use a mnemonic that requires you to remember that complex thinking occurs in the cerebral cortex by associating it with your friend, Matt, who is from Texas and is smart. That will mean nothing to your classmates because they do not know Matt. Everyone can understand that tex stands for someone from Texas that wears a tall cowboy hat on top of the head.
Once you have done all of the things listed above, post a detailed explanation of your 2 mnemonics on this forum by 11:59pm on Thu of the first week this forum is open.  Your posting should include 8 items:

the 2 brain structures you chose.
a detailed description of each structure to explain the material to your classmates.
your mnemonic for each structure.
how your mnemonic can help someone remember the location or function of each structure.

Video link ( Brain Mnemonicx video):

454 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help to Answer

What is the mission and purpose of social work?


16 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help to Answer

Latino Immigrants and the U.S. Racial Order: How and Where Do They Fit In?

22 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help to Answer

Write a 250 word documented essay on the topic of White- Collar Deviance , (coporate crooks, employee theft, embezzlement, etc) using three sources, cited. Your essay will be used to supplement your final course grade. Please include your reasoning for defining this behavior as deviant, the frequency and population involved, an explanation of what has been done to eliminate or reduce it, and finally, your out of the box solution.

76 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help to Answer

What is the relationship between knowledge and power? How does power operate for Foucault?

21 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help to Answer

After reading the assigned readings and “The Loving Family Case Study,” address the following in an essay (1,000 to 1,500 words). Cite four to six scholarly sources to defend your answers:

Describe how the primary group shaped the social nature of the Lovings. Explain how the Loving couple’s primary group influenced their lives. How did this group influence the couple’s behavior?
Explain how the secondary groups influenced the Loving couple and their behavior.
What were some of the social and behavioral expectations in the rural South during the 1950s and 1960s regarding marriage and racial interactions? How did these expectations influence the Lovings?
Describe the formal organizations and bureaucracies involved in the Loving’s case. Explain how formal organizations and bureaucracies affected the Lovings.
Finally, explain how the acceptance of the Lovings by their families influenced their decision to endure persecution and prosecution by society.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


178 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help to Answer

Choose a theoretical perspective (assimilation or pluralism) and write a 1500-2000 word essay on the strengths and challenges of this perspective. This assignment should incorporate class reading materials, discussion questions and associated materials from the lecturette(s) as well as 4 other peer reviewed sources. The final exam should be double spaced and in APA format. This assignment is focused on assessing your ability to use a theory to analyze the feature of one of our social institution(s).

Your grade will be based on how well you communicate your understanding of each topic to me, and how thorough that understanding is. The importance of your topics to the subject-matter of the course will also impact your grade.

123 Words  1 Pages
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