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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Review the Big Five Personality Traits. Then, write an essay of at least 250 words describing yourself in terms of the Big Five Personality Traits using social traits, personal conception traits, and emotional adjustment traits. Also, describe how your personality profile (in terms of these various dimensions) seems to influence your personal behavior.

64 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

On page 588, Wolf says "Culture-and-personality studies advanced notions of 'basic personality structure' and 'national character', without paying heed to history, cultural heterogeneity, or the role of hegemony in shaping uniformities; but suspiciously similar characterizations of modern nations and 'ethnic groups' continue to appear."  Discuss this in relation to one of the three projects Wolf discusses, or another example you can think of.

please do not just regurgitate a summary from the article, reflect on it in some way - either conceptually, or as it relates to something else.

101 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The NOAA Scandal

One of the points raised in the podcast about the NOAA scandal is that there are increasingly efforts to "censor" science.  Which characteristic of science is clearly most at odds with such a campaign?  Explain your position.

51 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

At least 4 full pages. NO PLAGIARISM. APA Format. use 2 peer reviewed journal articles per theory. provide 2 paragraph summary for each article

Choose two theories related to human behavior utilized in understanding lifespan. Paper should answer the following questions for each theory: 1a. Identify major theorist b. Academic background of each theorist (e.g sociologist, social worker, educator, etc.) c. How was it first utilized 2a.Primary focus of theory b. major concepts related to theory c. How can the theory be used as a practice intervention? d. How can the theory be applied in practice? 3. 1 paragraph discussing if any group was excluded or included in focus (e.g race, gender, class)

Each theory requires a heading.

133 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Describe whether you met or did not meet the goals/objectives in your agency learning agreement and include the results from your evaluation.
Compare your learning agreement and your evaluation to critically consider how the two are compatible and how you may approach completing the learning agreement differently next term.
Describe the social work practice skills you developed.
Describe potential areas where you might need improvement in relation to social work practice skills, ethics, or professionalism.
Explain how your next field education experience might address those areas.
Explain how participation in this course might inform your future field courses, what will you do the same, what will you do differently.
Be sure to submit the results of your evaluation to this assignment

132 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Assignment Expectations: 
Please write a 5-6 page double-spaced and typed paper that examines community issues in an urban neighbourhood. Reference List and any photos, maps, illustrations that you choose to include are additional to the required 5-6 pages of text. Please do not include visuals in the main body of the paper.
You are to select an urban neighbourhood within Toronto or its urban region that you are familiar with. It can be a neighbourhood where you currently live, have resided in the past, or one that you have visited or regularly visit.
Selecting an Urban Neighbourhood:
Neighbourhoods are small geographical units of a city – not the city itself. For example, Scarborough is not considered to be a neighbourhood because it is a large urban area made up of individual neighbourhoods such as Guildwood, Scarborough Town Centre, West Hill, Agincourt, Malvern. Please think about the small area in which you live, and the name that is given to this particular area. If you cannot identify the name of your neighbourhood it is fine to call it by a name of your choosing – for example, to refer to the major intersection that you live close to (for example, Major Mackenzie & Highway 400).
If you do not live in or are not familiar with urban neighbourhood in Toronto or its urban region, please select an urban neighbourhood that is well known and has existing literature about it, and one that you are able to visit with some ease. Some examples in Toronto are: Malvern, Kingston-Galloway/Orton Park, Scarborough Village, Regent Park, Kensington Market, the Annex, Riverdale, Weston, Willowdale, and Mimico. Please consult with the course instructor if you are unsure or would like advice about selecting a neighbourhood.

Conducting your Research
The assignment allows you to act as the primary researcher and observer by addressing and incorporating your own observations about community issues and needs in an urban neighbourhood. Your personal observations and analyses will be strengthened by reference to lecture materials and course readings to date. Please feel free to use the first person (“I”) to discuss your observations and analyses in your paper.
You should also incorporate additional information about your chosen urban neighbourhood that might be in the form of demographic information (for example, the City of Toronto creates neighbourhood profiles with demographic information based on statistical data, for example) and media sources (such as city wide and local newspapers, video news reports) that discuss your neighbourhood.
You should observe your neighbourhood by making note of the surroundings, infrastructure, and community issues that are present during a walk around the neighbourhood. Some examples are (but not limited to):
the quality and type of housing
existence of street life – how do people use the sidewalks? Is it primarily an automobile-centred neighbourhood?
community activities that you notice (sports? Recreation in parks?)
transit provision or lack of transit
presence of community centres, public libraries, schools
types of commercial spaces
communities in your neighbourhood – what types of communities do you observe? (ie. sports communities, senior communities, faith communities).
This is more of approach to research where your personal observations and analyses are made first and then linked with scholarly writing and existing research data (such as statistics and media articles). You are welcome to include maps of the neighbourhood that you may find during your research as well as photos that you might take during your walk around the neighbourhood.
IMPORTANT: * If you do not feel safe walking in your selected neighbourhood please arrange for a classmate, friend, or family member to accompany you*
Questions to Consider in your Research. You must answer these questions in your Paper:
1)  Where is the neighbourhood located and does it have a formal name?
2)  What are the political, environmental, and/or social boundaries of the neighbourhood? How are these boundaries identified/identifiable?

Political boundaries: noticeably created by government (ie through streets, planning, and/or policies)
Environmental boundaries: demarcated by biophysical terrain (ie. ravines, valleys, parks, waterfronts, rivers, etc.)
Social boundaries: created by individual, community, and/or stigma – how a neighbourhood’s identity and territory is socially imagined and constructed
3)  What types of communities do you identify in the neighbourhood? (ie. faith- based communities, residential communities, business communities, community-based organizations, sports communities)
4)  What types of infrastructure do you observe in the neighbourhood? (ie schools, libraries, parks, community centres, community health centres, recreation centres, places of worship).
5)  How (in what ways) does this infrastructure help to inform your understanding about the neighbourhood? (ie. if your neighbourhood does not have any green park space, what can that tell you about your neighbourhood?). Be analytical!
6)  In your opinion, what are the main problems/issues of concern in the neighbourhood?
7)  How do your opinions connect with existing literature about this neighbourhood, if available (ie demographic data, neighbourhood profiles, and/or discussions in the media)?
8)  What solutions would you, as a student in a City Studies course, propose to address these problems/issues of concern? In what ways could the communities within the neighbourhood address these problems/issues?
Paper Organization:

You are not expected to answer the questions sequentially, but rather should incorporate them into the organization of your paper based on how you choose to structure your work.
Your paper must have an Introduction and a short Conclusion sections.
You may use subsections with subtitles to organize your answers.
Please try to connect your observations and analyses to lecture material and readings in the course to date.
Photographs and maps:
Your paper can include photographs and maps. These can be attached at the end of the paper, after the bibliography (one or two visuals per page).  Each visual must each have a title and proper citation. For example, if you are including a photograph taken by yourself, you should state “Author: Self” and the date that the photo was taken directly underneath the photo on the page.
Reference List: 
Your reference list must contain a minimum of 4-5 sources. Sources that can be used for this study are:
course reading material (required reading and recommended reading)
lecture notes to date
other scholarly journal articles and books
demographic data
media sources (where applicable)
neighbourhood specific policy and plans (if you are able to locate any).
Please use APA referencing system and cite accordingly (please see guide for APA referencing and citations on Quercus).
Other Information: 
* Please DO NOT conduct interviews or cite conversations with individuals in the assignment as this goes against university research ethics protocol. Interviewing people is not allowed for this research.

1099 Words  3 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Pick a soldier (can be anybody from this website):

It involves getting to know whoever you've picked who has, currently is, or will be serving in the military (if possible one who is, has, or will be deployed in a combat zone). 
They can also be one who has been wounded or has died.

Find out as much information as you can about that soldier (can be on other websites too once you've picked who you want to write about), for example: their home town, branch of service, age, where they were deployed, their job in the military, rank, etc.

Also look for information that tell you something more about them as a person, their family, why they joined, what they think about serving in a time of war, what others think about them, etc.

149 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Describe whether you met or did not meet the goals/objectives in your agency learning agreement and include the results from your evaluation.
Compare your learning agreement and your evaluation to critically consider how the two are compatible and how you may approach completing the learning agreement differently next term.
Describe the social work practice skills you developed.
Describe potential areas where you might need improvement in relation to social work practice skills, ethics, or professionalism.
Explain how your next field education experience might address those areas.
Explain how participation in this course might inform your future field courses, what will you do the same, what will you do differently.
Be sure to submit the results of your evaluation to this assignment

132 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

If you were to undertake study of teen pregnancy in Houston - What research design will you use - qualitative or quantitative? Why? 

Your discussion should be well thought-out and relevant to this topic (research Methods)

47 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

What is social construction? Have you learned about social construction in other courses? How is it discussed differently in the context of nature?

What is critical materialism? How does it compare to social construction?

How do Bruningham and Cooper present Bruno Latour? Does the excerpt from Latour’s Laboratory Life support or contradict this characterization?

What in the readings was surprising or unexpected to you?

What questions remain for you after discussion this week?

84 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

PEER – REVIEWED ARTICLES Locate and Critically assess two New peer-reviewed articles that describe research that contributes to the topic: “Pastoral Counseling Experiences with Liberian Refugees” Use the sections and questions below to help you critique each article. You do not need to answer every single question as some questions might not apply. The questions and statements are listed to help you generate ideas as you evaluate each article. 1. Introduction. • Give an overview of the problem or issue discussed in the study. Also explain the purpose of the study, any hypotheses, method and design, as well as conclusions. • However, keep in mind that the focus of this assignment is your critique. The introduction section of this assignment should not be more than a page. After you have written this section, it might help to reread the article with a more critical eye focused on inconsistencies or limitations. 2. Evaluate problem or issue discussed. • Consider whether the problem is clearly described. Did the author(s) document and support the existence of the problem with scholarly sources and data? Were the sources credible and relevant (as defined by the readings you’ve done for this course)? 3. Evaluate literature reviewed. • Examine the literature reviewed by the author(s). Have the author(s) cited only relevant literature? Do certain ideas or concepts appear to be over/underemphasized? Was there any bias in language or tone of the writing? Do you think there are any discussions that need elaboration or maybe could be more concise? Is there a clear theoretical framework? 4. Evaluate methods. • Are the methods described with enough detail so that a reader could duplicate the research process if needed? Do the method and design appear to be appropriate for the problem being addressed and the purpose of the study? • Also consider the procedures and materials used (e.g., survey, interview guide, etc.). Do you believe this was the best way to collect the data needed to address the problem, purpose, and research questions? • Evaluate the sample. Do you see any issues with the size of the sample or the way participants were recruited? What about the demographic composition of the sample? 5. Overall impressions. o How useful does this work seem to you regarding theoretical and/or practical applications? Does the author suggest the findings could be applied in theory and/or practice? o Is the writing clear and easy to follow? o How useful are the visuals (e.g., tables, charts, maps, photographs) utilized? How do they help to illustrate the argument/findings? Are they confusing or hard to read? 6. Conclusion. Synthesize the pieces of your critique to emphasize your own main points about the author’s work. • o Based on the limitations noted above and recommendations from the author(s), what further research might be conducted on the subject? o Ideas for future research could also include alternative ways to conduct the study. For example, could different samples or materials be used? What about a different method or design? Submit your analysis of both articles in a single brief paper. Also submit the articles or links to your professor. Length: 5-7 pages References: Include a minimum of two scholarly resources Assignment due: Sunday, 01/26/2020 @ 8:00pm

549 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

If nuclear weapons and MAD are the ultimate deterrent, do you think we should build a ‘doomsday’ device? Write a memo to President Trump outlining why you think the US should or should not develop and operationalize a doomsday device. In your memo you should explain how deterrence works and why you think a doomsday machine would help US security or hurt it. You may include a discussion on whether or not having Trump as president strengthens your argument and position or not, and you may want to address the uniqueness of nuclear weapons and how we understand their power and destructiveness. Citations need to be Chicago style. If you could reference the movie Dr Strangelove at least two times and how it relates to this, that would be great. Thank you!

147 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Please focus on your research topic (police Brutality) area and describe how the original bill or policy proposal became law. Include details of who originated the bill, the sponsors, what committee debated it, and the date of passage. Site one reference.

52 Words  1 Pages
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