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Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

The test will have a form of a short paper (400-650 words) related to Kant’s aesthetics and Picasso’s art. It is envisioned as Gertrude Stein in Picasso’s Aesthetic Judgment. Students should virtually visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET) in New York City to analyze and aesthetically examine the painting Gertrude Stein by Picasso. Using this artwork and Stein’s words from her diary, students are asked to recognize Picasso’s method of a new way of describing the reality. What does constitute Picasso’s new way of painting? How does Picasso’sart resist, if any, the existence?

Stein wrote:
“Picasso sat very tensely on his chair, with his nose up against the canvas. On a very
small palette, which was of a uniform brownish-gray color, he would mix a bit of
brownish gray. That was the first of some ninety sittings…… Suddenly, one day, Picasso
wiped out the whole of the head. ‘I can’t see you anymore when I look at you,’ he told me
irritably… Picasso left for Spain. When he got back, he painted the head without
having seen me again, then he gave me the picture. I was and still am pleased with my
portrait. I think it looks like me.”

Use major aesthetic concepts, from Kant’s Critique of Judgment, to answer the above questions.Focus on Kant’s idea of the beautiful, sublime, deduction of taste, artistic experience, artistic creation, subjective purposiveness in our perception, fine arts and genius, aesthetic judgment,and other concepts provided by Kant’s philosophy of art.
Make your paper an interdisciplinary work that consists of a short analysis of Picasso’s artworks,logical arguments, quotes, and bibliographical sources. Critical thinking and intellectual independence are required. Enjoy the project!

You do not need to provide citations when you use the quote from Gertrude Stein given above. Analyze this quote and learn from it.

Because we have not researched Kant's aesthetics yet, students can also use concepts on art provided by Plato and Aristotle.  Nevertheless, indicate basic Kant's ideas on the philosophy of art.  Enjoy research on Kant!

350 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Assignment details
For the first part of the assignment you need to read the declaration of independence and take 2 paragraphs out of it. Give an example of a bad rephrase and then explain what’s wrong with it. Then give the right rephrase of the 2 paragraph and then explain what’s right about it.
Answer the following questions, 2 pages per question
Part 1 - You must read the declaration of independence and the exerts from Thomas pain “rights of man” and then summarize the philosophical bases of the American revolution and the establishment of government put forward by pain and Jefferson. Indicate the problems involved. Critically evaluate the two foundations and if it is possible to reconcile.

Part 2 – You must read The American Scholar by Emerson and explain how he uses the past and literature to get his message across in his speech.


155 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Write a 2-3 page paper (not including cover and reference pages) that responds to the following prompt:

You are getting settled into your seat for a very long plane ride home. As you get to know the person next to you, you learn that they are a devout atheist who believes that God is a myth that people have invented to make them feel better. After listening carefully to why this person does not believe in God, you have an opportunity to explain why you do believe in God. What would you say? 

In your response you may wish to share your personal story or testimony of faith, but you must also share some objective evidence to support your faith in God, and back up this evidence with solid, academic sources. Points will be deducted from your grade if you fail to cite some of this objective evidence and the resources to support it. 

Incorporate information from the reading assignments, supplementary reading material, class lectures, and personal observations into your paper. Use APA formatting and be sure to properly source and cite all references. Note: Please write this paper as an essay , not a dialog. Write as if you are reflecting back on your conversation with this person and reporting how you explained to them your reasons for believing in God.

230 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Schizophrenia among Young Adults

13 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Do we have good reason to believe in God?  Are there good arguments in favor of theism?  Or does faith just not make sense?  Taking one side of the question, compose an essay of five-to-eight typed, double-spaced pages in 12-point font (or 1250-2000 words) which constructs an argument either for or against theistic belief.  You will probably want to focus your argument more narrowly to stay within the length requirements.

79 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Do you believe that animals have rights? Why or why not? And if so, what types of rights do they have? For example, is it wrong to abuse an animal, or to kill an animal?

44 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Discuss Nietzsche’s criticism of contemporary moral ideas. After you have done this argue for or against Nietzsche’s notions. 

27 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

1.    Explain how Grisez and  philosopher Philippa Foot would disagree about the case.

2.    Defend either Grisez or the philosopher Foot. . The best argument will explain both why the other side’s position seems plausible and why the other side’s position is mistaken.

51 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Third trimester abortions are never morally permissible.

16 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Answer Discussion question 1, (150 word count for the discussion question) and Answer Discussion question 2 (150 word count for the discussion question) 

1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Do you think the list of human rights in the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” is sufficient?  Are there any you would add to the list?

2. Care Ethics

How does care ethics differ from utilitarianism?  Do you prefer one to the other?  Which one is right?  How would you apply each of these to the question of abortion?

How the teacher will Grade the Discussion Argument) 1. Argument for position is strong and persuasive and (make SURE YOU Be sure that you don’t forget to ask the class a question related to something observed) 2. Argument is well-ordered (each idea clearly follows the next) and is articulated clearly 3. Considers most relevant objections and makes convincing and significant responses 4. Very clear that readings were understood and incorporated well into responses 5. (USE References and Citations are accurate) 6. Relates the issue to prior material covered in the course 7. Asks questions that extend the discussion and makes insightful, critical comments 8. Post contains no or almost no grammatical errors 9. Make sure you cite your work

216 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Ethics in Television Assignment
For this assignment, you are required to find an episode of a television show or a film with an ethical dilemma.
Your first paragraph should contain the title of the show/film, introduce the character(s), explain the moral dilemma and include the theory that you are using (one theory). In addition, provide any necessary background information that I might need to know in the first paragraph. Background information should not exceed 150 words.  
For this paper, you must demonstrate knowledge of two theories. You argue for one position. Then, you take a critics position and argue for another theory. Lastly, you explain why the criticism fails. 
For example, you argue that Clark Kent is a utilitarian. Then, an opposing party might argue that he is a virtue ethicist, so you explain that position. Then, you’ll explain why the opposing party fails. 
The following theories are acceptable: nihilism, ethical relativism (either ethical subjectivism or cultural relativism, but you cannot use both), utilitarianism, Kantianism, virtue ethics, and ethical egoism
I must have access to the television show or film. I have access to both Netflix and Amazon. A YouTube clip will also work, but please cite the film AND include the YouTube link. In addition, indicate where the dilemma in the film occurs. For example, at the bottom of the works cited page indicate that the dilemma occurs 45 mins (or however long) into the film. (This part is just for my reference, so it will not be in the MLA handbook)
Your assignment should be in MLA format, be 1000-1200 words, and include a works cited page. (Works cited page is not included in the word count) You must have a minimum of 4 sources including the film. You must use a minimum of 5 in-text citations and are required to use your textbook and/or D2L reading assignments as sources.  Please double space and use 12-point font. (Note: You can use each chapter as a different source) 
Your turnitin summary should not exceed 22%. Points will be deducted if your turnitin summary exceeded 22%.

Things to remember when writing an essay: (I will take off points)
•    Never use the phrase “In today’s society”
•    Do not use the word “pretty” to describe an amount
•    Make sure your subject and verb agree. 
•    Don’t use excessive adjectives or words 
•    Do not add additional space between paragraphs
•    Indent all paragraphs
•    Use a creative title
•    You need to italicize films or a series; You use quotations for a particular episode
•    Do not include how great or amazing a particular philosopher is. 
•    Eliminate the word “truly”
•    Do not use the phrases “whether or not”. Whether already implies either. 
Your essay will be graded on knowledge of theory, creativity, grammar/spelling, MLA format, and word count. See Rubric. 

482 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

1)    Naturalism: The following statement is true. How does this information lead us to a clearer understanding of Naturalism in The Great Gatsby? 

*** James Gatz had grown up in North Dakota, and his parents were described as “shiftless” farm workers by Fitzgerald. 

2)    The Role of the Individual: In this exercise, you are being asked to support the following statements with specific information. You are not being asked to disprove the statements. 

***The corruption and moral ineptitude of others ruins George Wilson’s life. Explain, with specific information 

***The corruption and moral ineptitude of Jordan Baker ruins her chances of having a relationship with Nick Carraway. Explain, with specific information.

This is for Questions 3 & 4 - Description:  Focus on Arthur Miller’s classic American drama "Death of a Salesman" to examine the economic and personal aspects of achieving the American Dream in the mid-20th Century. Instead of reading the play (which of course you are welcome to do), watching the Lee J. Cobb version will be sufficient. here is the link on YouTube

3)    A Sense of Place: The following statement is false. Why? The key word here is “present.” This is not a trick question. I am asking about the present time that takes place in Death of a Salesman, not the past, and the statement below is false but close to being true. 

***The present time action in Death of a Salesman takes place in four locations: the Loman house and yard, Charlie’s office, Howard’s office, Willy’s gravesite. 

4)    A Sense of Place: Why are Willy’s recollections of his home and yard in the past pertinent to understanding a lifestyle that may have fit him more suitably than the lifestyle of a salesman?

299 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Write a dialogue in which you attempt to define an important philosophical concept such as justice.

25 Words  1 Pages
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