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Emma, Jane Austen (school of criticism Marxist)
Questions We Can Help You To Answer
Paper instructions:
Emma, Jane Austen (school of criticism Marxist)
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Ecological Footprint, Global Warming
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Meditations on First Philosophy
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Paper instructions:
This paper should be 2700 words long and in MLA format with a work cited page and at least 7 sources. The topic is, how "the enlightenment period" and Philosophy in general relates to business now in today's world.
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Paper instructions:
Aristotle and Kant have contrasting views about the goal of ethics. Aristotle believes that we ought to be aiming at excellence in rational activities, and that ethics is a description of the character of a person capable of achieving such excellence. Kant believes that we ought to be aiming at the perfection of our wills, and that ethics is a description of a good will.
a. Using about a page, give Aristotle’s argument for the claim that excellence in rational activities is the human function — is the ultimate, all-encompassing good.
b. Using about a page, explain Kant’s argument for the claim that a good will is the sole ultimate, unconditional good.
c. Using about a page, explain which of those views you find more plausible, and why. Your answer must include a description of some defect in the best argument offered for the answer that you think is wrong (e.g., if you adopt Aristotle’s view, you have to say how Kant went logically wrong, not just that he did).
d. Using about a page, explain your own view of the good to be sought in ethical action. (Yes, I have basically just asked you what you think that the meaning of life is.) You must make it clear why your view is the right view, or is a plausible contender for being the right view. We’ve already been through relativism — you don’t get to evade having a view by saying that it’s up to everyone to decide for him- or herself, as you are one of those him- or herselves who has to decide. You must take a stand.
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Paper instructions:
Write a 3+ page, double-spaced, paper reacting to the following:
Describe the Utilitarian, Individualism, Moral-rights, and Commutative Justice views.
What are the drawbacks in each view?
Compare and contrast two sets of alternative views, illuminating the reasons for the distinctions.
Consider your most recent employer and determine what view is most useful to your company and why
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Paper instructions:
As one of founders of moral sentimentalism, Adam Smith gives an account of moral approval/disapproval, which is roughly expecting an empathy-based account of morality. Specifically, according to Smith, if find people acting pretty similarly to the way that we would act, then we approve of them, and otherwise we disapprove of them. This account of moral approval/disapproval has some obvious flaws which should be recognized and modified.
Answer the following questions in your paper: (1) What is moral sentimentalism? In what sense the theory is different from so-called rationalist theory of morality? (Consider the way they give an account of moral judgments.) (2) Smith's explanatory model of moral approval/disapproval is roughly considered to be empathy-based account but not exactly so. Explain why, by giving a clear account of what empathy is. (3) Smith's account is limited because of some obvious flaws. What are they? And does Slote's (new) model of moral approval/disapproval evade such problems?
*You can find necessary information in Slote's "Moral Sentimentalism", Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, Vol. 7, No1 (Mar., 2004), pp. 3-14
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Paper instructions:
Write a 500-750-word essay that discusses the role of Darwinism in America. Include in your essay an explanation of how Darwinism was used to classify some people as inferior and justify actions against them; how Social Darwinism and Eugenics shaped the immigrant experience in America; and why Fundamentalist Christians opposed Darwinism.
Use a minimum of three of the sources provided to support your assignment and be sure to cite the sources
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Paper instructions:
Each student will be required to find a portrayal of a person (or persons) with a disability and consider the following:
The portrayal of the disability and whether it is realistic or stereotypical (3 points)
Evidence of labeling and whether is was appropriate (3 points)
Ethical issue(s) brought up by this portrayal (3 points)
Quality of life (friendships, independence, mobility, etc.) of the person being portrayed (3 points)
The possible reaction of individuals with the disability being portrayed – e.g., how someone who is blind might react to watching or reading Daredevil (3 points)
What you think the average person would take away from this portrayal (3 points)
How you might change this portrayal based on what you learned in class, so the general public would walk away with an ability focused perspective. If you would not change it, you must explain the reasons why. (3 points)
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Paper instructions:
explain the two interpretations of the meaning of a right to life as presented in class. which version is implicitly advocated by thomson?
2- Explain the argument presented by the wade side in the Roe vs. wade court case . do you find it persuasive?
3- Explain two ways according to gay -Williams that euthanasia goes against one 's best interests. Are you convinced?
4- what argument from Rachels is made through the story of jack ? Does Rachels have a valid point here ?
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Paper instructions:
Vedanta Philosophy and the three step individuating mechanism
The research paper must include proper citation in APA format as well as have at least three academic references. The three pages do not include the cover, abstract or the reference page.
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Paper instructions:
Etiology on Schizophrenia and the influence that drug use has on it
This review should synthesize the findings of multiple studies, draw conclusions about what the research shows, describe weaknesses and strengths in the literature, suggest areas that need further research, and discuss potential implications of the research you review.
No article reviews. Must use around 20 scholarly articles.
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Paper instructions:
As your final project, you will write an essay in which you present your own Personal Philosophy of Success. The purpose of this essay is to define the success stategies that you will use for years to come.
This essay is your opportunity to write the script that will keep you on course to a rich, personally meaningful life.
An "A" paper will...
Demonstrate the writer's careful consideration of three or more important success strategies.
Contain extensive support (examples, experiences, evidence, and/or explanation) for each strategy, and
Show a commitment to excellence in preparation, including professional appearance and a command of standard English.
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