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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Unit IV Literature Review
Weight: 13% of course grade
Grading Rubric
Due: Tuesday, 04/21/2020 11:59 PM (CST)
Draft of Introduction and Literature Review

Follow the directions below for the completion of the introduction and literature review draft assignment for Unit IV. If you have questions, please email your professor for assistance.

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to begin drafting your academic argumentative research paper.

Description: In this assignment, you will first write your literature review; then, you will write your introduction. Please see "Lesson 4: The Introduction" for details on why it is suggested that you begin the drafting process with the literature review instead of the introduction. The following details are requirements of the assignment:

Introduction (9-12 well-developed sentences/approximately 350 words): For more details about what is expected for each of the following sentences, please see "Lesson 4: The Introduction." You may also want to review the "Example Introduction and Literature Review (with comments)." The following components must be included in the introduction (in the following order).
Sentence 1: Introduce the general topic
Sentence 2: Pro side (general)
Sentence 3: Con side (general)
Sentence 4: Narrow the scope (1)
Sentence 5: Examples of the narrowed topic
Sentence 6: Narrow the scope (2)
Sentence 7: Specific controversy
Sentence 8: Pro side (specific)
Sentence 9: Con side (specific)
Sentence 10: The thesis
Literature Review (800-900 words): For details about the structure of the literature review, you will want to review "Lesson 3: The Literature Review: The Process." You may also want to review the "Example Introduction and Literature Review (with comments)." The link is below.
Literature review preface: This paragraph acts as a guide to what the reader can expect in the literature review.
Literature review body: This section includes three to four body paragraphs that discuss the history, terminology, and both sides of the controversy (pro and con).
Literature review conclusion: The conclusion signals that the literature review is ending, but it also acts as a kind of preface for the body of the paper by restating the thesis statement and establishing your argument once again.
Demonstrate how to summarize and paraphrase source materials.
Demonstrate the avoidance of plagiarism through proper use of APA citations and references for all paraphrased and quoted material.
Example: Click here to access the example introduction and literature review. Note: The conclusion is not presented in this example; however, the literature review conclusion is a requirement of the assignment.

You may also seek out the guidance of the Success Center; the specialists are always there to assist you with your writing and comprehension.

446 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Close reading/analysis of one passage from the story "The Road" and the corresponding scene/sequence from the film.

Choose one particular passage from the story that has a corresponding scene in the film; reread the passage and view the corresponding scene/sequence. How does the filmmaker attempt to capture the tone/mood of the passage from the story? Comment on and analyze how the passage from McCarthy is translated via cinematography (*camera shots + angles), sound, dialogue, performance, music (or lack of) and mise-en-scene (set, set design, lighting, costumes, make-up, props).

Try to limit yourself to a passage that is 1-2 pages and 30 sec-2 minutes in the film. Your journal should reference the time stamp from the film and where you found this passage. (example: the corresponding scene in the film runs from 4:15-4:49)

I have attached the link to where you can find the reading and the film  below.

at the end pleas answer the four attached short answer questions based on the movie



183 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

What sort of speech should be allowed on college campuses? How should colleges handle invitations to speakers who hold offensive beliefs? write an essay arguing your position on free speech on college campuses

44 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

These are extraordinary times.  The corona-virus (COVID-19) has already impacted the country, the state of Texas in the US, and our lives in so many ways.  As of writing this (and the number will certainly grow much higher) there have been almost 42000 confirmed cases nationwide.  The economic impacts can already be seen and some of the projections are really scary in terms of unemployment and the impact on certain industries. 

I would like for you to write a paper on the corona virus.  How you approach it is completely up to you.  You can discuss how the virus (or the country’s response) has impacted your life, the state, the country as a whole.  You can focus on the virus itself, or the economic impact of the virus.  I want to give you as much flexibility as possible on how to write this paper. 

Paper Requirements:

Length: 3-5 full pages or 900 minimum words, not including a title page or citation page. 

Font: 12-point New Times Roman, Cambria, Verdana

Spacing and Margins: Double spacing only and 1 to 1.25-inch margins.

Writing Style: Both Chicago and MLA writing styles are fine.  In addition, you are required to have a reference or citation page.  

Required sources: At least 3 different required sources not including the text book with proper citations.  Acceptable sources include: academic journals, academic books, print or on-line newspaper article(s), print or on-line news magazine article(s), written on-line news reports from any major news network, published government reports, published reports from institutes or think tanks, and/or legislation (proposed or passed).  Just to obviate any questions, internet or any type of encyclopedia (this includes but is not limited to Wikipedia), magazine or newspaper editorials, partisan journals or publications, and blogs are not accepted!

304 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Locate a current job opportunity in the homeland security/crisis planning/risk management profession. 

Identify the knowledge, skills, and abilities described in the posting as being prerequisites for the position.
Conduct a self-assessment in terms of which job requirements you currently possess and how to achieve the requirements which you do not currently have. 
Complete a two (2) page written assignment in APA format describing the posting and your self-assessment. 

Resources for Assessment:

Open source websites on crisis management, Wilmington University library sources in Social & Behavioral Science. Or the internet

100 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Provide a historical timeline of homeland security incidents/events (natural and man-made) along with the call for improved preparedness, response and recovery needs that lead to the creation of NIMs and the NRF documents. Be sure to include each documents sphere of influence in emergency management and overarching reason for its creation

62 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

How are graffiti, murals, and other forms of public art related? What connects these forms of public art? What differentiates them from one another?

Its a argumentative research paper. Use scholarly sources 
English 1102 Paper Submission Guidelines

All papers must be double-spaced. Type/Font should also be standard (not script). Use size 12 font. Make sure that spacing is accurate.
Place a four-line (single-spaced) information block at the top left corner of the first page of the paper. The block should contain the following: 1) your name, 2) the instructor’s name (Professor Lamb), 3) your class (English 1102), and 4) the date submitted.
Number pages with your last name and the page number in the upper right corner, beginning with page 2.
The last page will be the Works Cited page. Center the words Works Cited at the top of the page and then cite the works (in alphabetical order and proper format).
Each paper should have a title. The title of a paper should begin two spaces under the information block. The text of a paper should begin two spaces under the title.
Indent the first line of each paragraph five spaces.
Make sure you proofread carefully.
Make sure you have followed the assignment and met the required length and guidelines.
The thesis statement, outline, works cited page (rough and final), all rough and final drafts should be typed in Microsoft Word, printed out before the start of class, and submitted to the correct Assignment folder in our class D2L page.


A paper with no in-text citations and/or no Works Cited page will receive an F.
A paper that does not include citations for at least the three required sources will receive no higher than a F.
A paper that uses two or more readings from the class textbook without at least two credible sources found outside of the text will receive no higher than an F.
A paper that uses sources other than credible and permitted sources will receive an F.
A paper that tries to claim two or more sources which are the same source found through different methods will receive an F.
A plagiarized paper will receive an F.
If electronic copies of papers are not submitted in the D2L dropbox, papers cannot be evaluated. Papers not submitted electronically in time to grade them for prompt return to students will receive an F

35 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Summary of Aldo Leopold's "The Land Ethic"

Purpose:  With this first seminar paper, we'll be practicing the skills of critical reading/thinking, learning MLA documentation, and walking through the steps to writing an effective seminar paper.  You will be asked to actively read, outline, and summarize the argument Leopold presents in this classic essay written in 1949 and widely considered to be one of the first serious calls for a new way of thinking about our obligation to the earth.    In this essay, he presents his argument for "the land ethic," supporting his thesis with examples from biology, history, philosophy, and literature. By reading and studying Leopold's essay, we gain a historical perspective on the conservation movement and are provided with an excellent model for an argument.  While you will be limited to summarizing Leopold's argument in your paper, you will be able to discuss your own response to it in a journal entry. In future essays, you will be encouraged to develop an analytical response to the readings.    

Process:  Go through the steps we outlined in class:

Read the text ACTIVELY, underlining key points and significant passages.
Outline Leopold’s argument, using the standard outline form, listing the key points of his argument as the main headings and his support as the subheadings.  Your outline should be detailed enough for you to closely follow Leopold’s argument (this will take 2-3 pages), but not so detailed that every sentence is represented.  Use the outlining process to work your way through Leopold’s argument in a step-by-step fashion.  
Summarize IN YOUR OWN WORDS Leopold’s
Summarize IN YOUR OWN WORDS Leopold’s main points.  
Choose the most relevant passages to illustrate the main points as quotes, noting the page numbers where they appear.
Write a rough draft of your summary following the guidelines given below.

Content: Your summary should be 3-4 pages (12 point type) and consist of the following components:

Opening should introduce the full name of the author and “title” within the first few sentences.  (For a summary, we won’t worry about a creative opening, but we will in future seminar papers).
Brief overview of Leopold’s essay.
Thesis statement (Leopold’s thesis) in your own words by the end of the first paragraph.
Body paragraphs in which you walk the reader through Leopold’s argument, listing the main points and using passages for his essay to illustrate these points, using MLA intext citations for both paraphrased ideas and quoted passages. ex: (Leopold 446)  
Transitions to indicate the development of the author’s argument: (“He demonstrates, he goes on to say, he develops this point further by, he illustrates using an example from literature” etc. ) Note:  It is the convention in writing English papers on literature to write in present tense.    
Conclusion: summarizes Leopold's argument and re-states his thesis in different words, followed by a statement that effectively provides closure.

To encourage you to establish good working habits, you will receive participation points for meeting deadlines (see below). Your final seminar paper will receive a decimal point grade. More information on the assessment criteria will be handed out.

Outline:  5 pts

Rough draft of summary: 5 pts

Peer critiques: 5 points

Reflection: 5 points

Form: Outline should follow standard outline form (see Hacker pgs. 10-12)

Final summary paper should be typed, double-spaced with 1” margins in manuscript form using MLA in-text citations and Work Cited.

571 Words  2 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Community college Should be free to everyone who cannot afford to pay for a four year university

28 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

In a 100-200-word short essay, address the following questions: When considering the whole essay in revision, how do you understand FACT? What is your definition of each of the letters of this revision strategy? What are some questions that you would ask of the text when considering each letter? How does this approach help to ensure that the essay has a holistic revision approach? 

Your essay will also be graded on its development and completeness. Be sure that you revise and proofread your response. If you use outside sources, including your textbooks, you need to use quotation marks for lifted language, as well as in-text and reference list citations. If your essay is less than 100 words, you will not receive full credit.

134 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Jon Krakauer’s Into the Wild describes the harrowing journey of Chris McCandless as he searches for the ideal Thoreauean lifestyle. McCandless’ story captures our imagination by appealing to the desire to be free from materialistic and emotional possessions. According to Krakauer, McCandless "invented a new life for himself, taking up residence at the ragged margin of our society, wandering across North America in search of raw, transcendent experience."

For your 1000 word analysis, please explore McCandless’ reasoning for seeking a solitary and renunciant existence, as you address ALL the following questions. In addition, please add one quote from the book for items 1-3 listed below.

Remember to post your analysis via our Turnitin

(1) What were the events that led Chris McCandless to this idealistic path? Describe the path. (Include one quote with page number(s) from book.)

(2) Why did McCandless (and some of the other explorers mentioned in the book) need to experience the extremes of life and the extremes of the wild? (Include one quote with page number(s) from book.)

(3) What prevented McCandless from being able to experience emotional intimacy with others (and perhaps with himself)? (Include one quote with page number(s) from book.)

(4) On a personal note, how were you affected by reading McCandless’ story? What insights did you gain into your “self”?

233 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Welcome to the Monkey House and Brave New World with Huxley's Ideas

23 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Explain how Fitzgerald's decisions about how to structure a part (or section) of a story add to the reader’s overall understanding of the story.
Create a thesis in which you state the impact of the author’s choice on the reader. Support that choice with specific evidence from the novel. Include reasoning for why or how each piece of evidence relates to the thesis. Be sure to include adequate transitions and links among ideas and evidence points. 

Choice of multiple settings: East Egg, West Egg, Valley of ‘Ashes, New York City

103 Words  1 Pages

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