Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: Paper Instructions:
Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s Declaration of Sentiments argues that both married and single women have been denied equal rights and protection under the laws of the United States. Why does she make a distinction between married and single women? How was the prohibition of women from entering professions available to men a means to keep women subservient in all ways? Which of Stanton’s grievances does she argue most compellingly?
Requirements for analysis: Due Sunday, Feb. 24 (Blackboard submission) 1) Current policy (approx. 2 pgs) a. State the policy b. History of the policy – why do we have this policy? c. Purpose of the policy – what was the objective(s) of the policy? 2) Literature review on the justice related issue (Approx. 5 pgs) a. Effectiveness of the stated policy (based on research) - is the practical application of the policy meeting the stated objectives of the policy? 3) Evaluation of current policy based on available research (1-2 pgs) a. Benefits and drawbacks of policy – summary of what has worked and what has not. 4) Recommendations and suggestions for future policy (1-2 pgs) a. Based on research, should the current policy be altered or replaced? b. What is your proposal for the new or altered policy? c. How will your recommendations fix the problems with the current policy? d. Will your recommendations meet the goals that the current policy was designed to do? Or, if the goals were inappropriate, what are the new goals and how will this policy meet them?
Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: Paper Instructions:
I have specific writing instructions on the paper, so please follow my guidelines on it. The prompt of the essay is : Using the excerpt from Sonia Sotomayor’s autobiography, My Beloved World (2013), develop a well-organized analytical essay that explains how the text reveals the unresolved contradictions of American history and the persistence of ideologies that threaten the founding promise of equal opportunity for all
This essay should: 1. Explain how the text reveals the unresolved contradictions of American history 2. Explain resistance in ideologies 3. Put Sotomayor's response to 1 and 2 in her memoir 4. Make interesting and convincing connections between the text and the dissent of Hodge vs. Kentucky
I have come up with a list of topics to talk about so I will be highlighting passages referred to my guidelines in the attached files.
Scene 1: -Opportunities to minorities are usually seen as unfitting or inappropriate This is referred to in Sotomayor piece by the nurse at school and saleswoman who treated her badly. She was seen as lucky and not deserving of her place in Princeton (being accepted only through affirmative action) -Relating to Hodge by seeing how he's not worth of a shot of another chance by seeing through mitigating evidence that might ease up his sentence. -Relate this to how America was seen as a land of opportunities regardless of race, gender, economic status, etc.
Scene 2: -When she got the chance to work on the campaign for the mayor of NYC. She realized how hard it was to represent voiceless people. -But in Hodge, she took the chance to finally be able to say what she wants to with no hesitation, she has grown through experiences to finally be able to communicate and deliver her thoughts without holding back -You can also relate this to the nurse incident, where she did not have the courage to say anything because she felt inferior, but now that she grew and learned, she felt deserving of speaking her mind. -Relate this to equality in America
Scene 3: -Talk about how the girl form Alabama referred to her roommates as 'unusual people' and she proceeded to talking to them in spanish. I assume that the girl from Alabama did not realize that she is of Spanish descent just like them because of her appearance and light skin tone. But why did she not confront the Alabama girl and tell her that she is just like her roommates and not white, instead of just speaking direct spanish to her roommates in front of the Alabama girl? -Relate this to how she knows that she has always had constant support of her mother and Abuelita (assuming she's her grandmother) who always got her back. She was seen as the girl who opens numbers of doors and opportunities to people just like her, therefore she should never disappoint (a source of hope). Contrast this to how Hodge was treated growing up, with no one to turn to, and constantly abused. Felling completely lonely and exiled in community, even when he was held in juvenile.
I will highlight the important parts of the text so you dont have to read through everything in 'My Beloved World", but the dissent of Hodge vs. Kentucky is a short one so please try to get the hang of what it's about so you can refer to it.
Sorry for the long instruction but I hope it helps.
scan28-50 are from my beloved world, and 51-55 are from hodge vs. kentucky
Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: Paper Instructions:
from Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae In Book 6, read Chapters 5-19 (pp. 94-111 of the pdf).
Read all of Book 8 (pp. 124-48 of the pdf). Uther, Arthur’s father, dies at the end of Book 8. Maybe make the essay about Uther Pendragon as a hero and encorporate some of my ramblings from the doc.
3-5 pages, double spaced, thoughtfully titled, and carefully proofread. Please submit in the assignment folder.
Please write about one or two of the course texts we read during weeks 3, 4, and 5. In your introduction and/or conclusion, you can mention other pertinent texts if you wish (for example, related modern texts), but your thesis for paper 2 should focus on one or two medieval texts.
If you would like to work on a topic I have not suggested, please send me a private message.
You can integrate into your paper any of your own pertinent commentary from the Discussions.
Be sure to present an analysis, not a summary, of the text(s). Your introduction should lead into your thesis (usually located at or near the end of the introduction). Your body paragraphs should begin with a topic sentence. Compose well-developed, coherent paragraphs in which plot details are subordinated to your analysis. Try to draw out the significance of the evidence you present from the text(s). In other words, don’t just describe the text(s); explain why your examples from the text(s) matter—i.e., explain how the evidence from the text relates to your thesis.
Limit the length of your quotations or paraphrases. For instance, you probably don't want to quote or paraphrase a lengthy description of a battle. Excerpt only the details that support your contention, and subordinate the details to your contention.
For further information on how to compose an analytical essay about a work of literature, see my Suggestions for constructing a literary analysis (in the Course Resources section), and see the UNC Writing Center's handout on writing about literature. Many UNC Writing Center handouts are very informative; you can browse here.
Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: Paper Instructions:
FCS 535 Research critics and discussion in forum
For assignment 2, read all 3 attached articles and post your writing on ONE article. You are still responsible to discuss with your class mates on other three articles. Rules and regulations are available on assignment submission site below.
You can start post your forum from October 19 and I will close the forum for grading on October 24, Friday midnight. Later submission will not be considered for grading.
I. Please read the attached article carefully and answer the following questions then submit it on forum for sharing in the online class. Your response should be critical of the issues raised in the paper and do the following:
Identify the critical issues discussed in the paper. In other words, what is the research goal and objectives? As you see, most of those manuscript identify the research purpose, methods, finds, etc. in the beginning of the paper as abstract format. Just copying and paste those information will not counts as your work. You have to read the whole paper and rephrase the answer by your words. Respond to these issues critically by stating your position. Support your position by providing three reasons (evidence or beliefs).You must provide references of your arguments. Analyze the research methods by identifying independent variables, dependent variables and measurements. Your response should be around 1000 words in length. The response assignment should be typed in the forum discussion.
II. After submit the research critics by due date,
Participate the class forum discussion for other members’ posting. Here are the rules and regulations.
Online Discussion Forum Guidelines and Rubric
You will be asked to post to the discussion board so you can share your insights, reflections and have a deeper understanding and connection with your classmates. You will also be required to respond to posts made by your classmates. Please read the directions carefully and follow the prompts.
Community Standards and “Netiquette”
Your posts are not formal essays, but neither are they private conversations. You will not be held accountable for the formal standards of academic writing, but you will be expected to write as clearly as you can. Remember, you are a journalist and you have training in writing and communication. Crafting your posts in a word processing program and then cutting and pasting your messages into the discussion board is a good idea. This forces you to slow down and also gives you the chance to edit for typos and other minor writing errors. AND it ensures that you have a copy of your discussion posting on your computer.
You are also required to adhere to the norms of online courtesy and collegiality, summed up generally as “netiquette” Consistent inappropriate posting by any student will be treated similarly to consistent inappropriate classroom behavior, and may result in that student’s being barred from further online discussion in the class, with a resulting loss of the participation grade for the course. Please let me know if you have any questions about this.
Participation in the discussion boards is required. I may not respond to all threaded discussions but I do read the posts, and moderate the discussions if necessary. Discussions will have deadlines, and late posts will not be accepted. All your posts will be read and evaluated with special attention to several areas:
Frequency of posting Appropriate length Temporal placement (i.e., do your posts all come in the last 20 minutes before the deadline of the discussion, or is there evidence of sustained engagement over time?) Relevance to topic Evidence of thought/reflection Evidence of critical thinking and original ideas Collegiality — adherence to the norms of courtesy appropriate in academic (but informal) discussion I will be using the following rubric to assess your performance in our online discussions.
Online Discussion Rubric
The student contributed consistently. Temporal placement suggests sustained engagement with the discussion.
The student’s level of participation was acceptable/average value. Some initial posts do not occur in time for others to read and respond.
The student hardly contributed or the student’s posts all came in the final few minutes before the deadline for ending a particular discussion. Student rarely responded to other learners (when appropriate).
The student did not contribute at all.
The student showed initiative, interpreted, synthesized, integrated various threads, backed up opinions with concrete examples and references to course materials,
The student contributed more than just facts, and responded to the implications of other students' ideas.
The student’s contribution was unacceptable and did not meet expectations. Posts were cursory rather than substantive. Posts show significant gaps in understanding of question or prompt. Content may be inappropriate.
The student displayed a lack of preparation/insight.
Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: Paper Instructions:
If you didn't read the book "a world of ideas", or the articles listed blow, don't take this job. -Ideal Democracy (Becker) -Democracy and oligarchy (Aristotle) -Of the Pernicious Effects Which arise from the Unatural Distintions Established in Socitey -From Undoing Gender
Having a good idea is one of the traits that leading to Great success.
Structure and struture in this paper : Thesis__ Idea contribute to great success how ? 1. the success on improving the socitey/social system is from a good idea. for example how the idea of demacracy can/will improve the society. (this paragraph have to mention some ideas from "Ideal Democracy" (Becker) and "Democracy and oligarchy (Aristotle)". 2. Beside comming up a good idea, giving enough respect to a good idea also lead to success. example, how the idea of feminist is considered "dangerous and rediculous" in the past, and now people respect this idea. all these things leads to great success on improving the sociaty.
Teacher's prompt: (for reference)
identify how any of the 8 Traits That Lead to Great Success, as explained below, are discussed in any of the writing we have read this semester -- in World of Ideas or the novel Super Sad True Love Story.
You can discuss how one Trait for Success appears in several class readings, or how one class reading discusses several Traits for Success, or any combination that works for you.
****Note: this essay is extremely inportant to me. If you do a good job, I will add bonus beside what the price you offer to me.
Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: Paper Instructions:
"The American Middle Class is No Longer the World's Richest" and "To Reduce Inequality, Start with Families" must be used. Need 1-2 Page draft that includes a new thesis simialir to what follows. What do we learn about the challenges that the middle class in the U.S.A. faces from these two articles?
You have two options on what to write this 6-7 page paper on.
Option 1: Book Review
For this option, you will need to select a book about some aspect of gender and communication (see below for instructions on choosing your book). You should obtain the book (purchase, check out from the library, etc.) thoroughly read the book and then write a scholarly, 6-7 page, typed (12-point Times New Roman or Helvetica font, double-spaced with margins of no more than 1 inch) critique of it.
A scholarly book review is much more than a “book report.” While you should certainly summarize the bookʼs content, you need to go further and analyze that content as well. Start by describing the authorʼs goal for writing the book and the bookʼs major arguments. Then discuss how the author supports those arguments: what kind of evidence is used? How detailed is the authorʼs support? After you have analyzed the arguments and evidence, you should then discuss your own opinions about the book. Did the author do a good job of supporting the arguments? Do you agree with what the author has set out to do with this book? Does the author achieve her/his goal? Was the book well-written and easy to understand?
This essay will be graded on the following criteria:
Does the review go beyond simply summarizing the bookʼs content? Does it carefully and thoughtfully analyze the authorʼs arguments and evidence? Does the essay analyze the efficacy of the authorʼs arguments and evidence? Does the essay express an opinion about how the author met his/her goal? Does the essay reflect that you carefully read the entire book? Is the essay well-written, with minimal grammatical errors?
Sample academic book reviews will be posted here. However, remember that in many cases these reviews are much shorter than what is expected of you and should only give you an idea of how to begin approaching this assignment.
Selecting Your Book
You have a couple of choices for selecting your book. You may select a book from the list in this document. If you do not see anything on that list that looks interesting to you, you may select a book on your own provided it meets the following criteria:
The book must be about a gender and communication related topic.
The book must be scholarly in nature (written by someone with a Ph.D. or who is considered an expert on the subject being discussed or published by a University Press).
***I must approve the book***
Suggested Books
Levy, Ariel. Female Chauvinist Pigs: Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture. Free Press: 2003.
Richards, Amy. Opting In: Having a Child Without Losing Yourself. Farrar, Straus, and Grioux: 2008.
Douglas, Susan and Meredith Michaels. The Mommy Myth: The Idealization of Motherhood and How it has Undermined All Women. Free Press: 2005.
Douglas, Susan J. Where the Girls Are: Growing Up Female with the Mass Media. Three Rivers Press: 1995.
Durham, M. Gigi. The Lolita Effect: The Media Sexualization of Young Girls and What We Can Do About It. Overlook: 2008.
Valenti, Jessica. Full Frontal Feminism: A Young Womanʼs Guide to Why Feminism Matters. Seal Press: 2007.
Baumgardner, Jennifer and Amy Richards. Manifesta: Young Women, Feminism, and the Future. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux: 2000.
hooks, bell. Feminism is for Everybody: Passionate Politics. South End Press: 2000.
Orenstein, Peggy. Cinderella Ate My Daughter: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the New Girlie-Girl Culture. Harper: 2011.
Palmer, Gabrielle. The Politics of Breastfeeding: When Breasts are Bad for Business. 3 ed. Pinter & Martin, Ltd.: 2009.
Bordo, Susan. Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body. U of California Press: 2004.
Kimmel, Michael. Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men. Harper: 2008.
Staal, Stephanie. Reading Women: How the Great Works of Feminism Changed My Life. PublicAffairs: 2011.
Valenti, Jessica. The Purity Myth: How America’s Obsession with Virginity is Hurting Young Women. Seal Press: 2009.
hooks, bell. Ain’t I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism. South End Press: 1999.
Ehrenreich, Barbara. Nickeled and Dimed. Metropolitan Books: 2001.
Another source of books that would almost certainly be approved is this 2011 list from Ms. Magazine (Links to an external site.)
****Option 2: Research Paper (Preparation: 20 points, Essay: 130 points)****
For this option, you will produce a 6-7 page original research paper on a gender and communication topic of your choice. You should begin by thinking of a question about gender and communication to which youʼd like an answer or an issue concerning gender and communication that youʼd like to know more about (examples: how does gender impact how people use communication to negotiate friends with benefits relationships? Or maybe youʼre interested in how women are represented in film). From there, determine a specific topic that you can sufficiently discuss in 6-7 pages (youʼd probably be able to handle the friends with benefits topic, but the film one would have to be narrowed down, perhaps to a specific genre of film or particular era of film history).
Once youʼve determined your topic, you will need to conduct some research. You will need at least 6 scholarly sources (journal articles, books, dissertations, etc) to support your argument and research. Your 6 sources should not include non-scholarly online sources, though you may include such sources if you need them for background information, etc. You may use your textbook, but you must have 6 scholarly sources in addition to it. Wikipedia MAY NOT be used as a source at all.
In order to ensure that youʼre keeping up with the work for the research paper, you must tell me how you are preparing. Give me a paragraph describing your topic and how you plan to go about doing your research, due before you start the paper. Next you must provide a working bibliography (a properly formatted bibliographical list of your 6 selected sources with annotations to describe why each source is important to your project) also due before you write the paper.
The research paper needs to be 6-7 pages, typed, double spaced, in a 12-point Times New Roman or Helvetica font with margins no larger than one inch. As this is a research paper, you will need to have your paper in correct APA or MLA format. All outside sources must be cited in the paper and included in your bibliography.
Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: Paper Instructions:
This is the instruction for the paper: You must read, summarize and synthesize four journal articles that are: • Specifically related to a curriculum issue or topic or • Pertinent to a particular interest of your school district or yourself. A literature review consists of the reviewers’ synthesis and interpretation of the existing knowledge related to a topic. A literature review includes: • Selection of a topic of personal interest • Establishing a broad overview of the topic (locating and reading literature) • Synthesizing the literature • Evaluating the Quality of literature The mini literature review should run between 1,000-1,500 words (between 2-4 pages). Include a summary for each article where you communicate purpose, methods, scope, results, conclusions, and recommendations. Highlight essential points and provide an overall interpretation and understanding of the topic. Also, you should include your reactions to the author’s presentation with some indication of why you drew the conclusions you did. This paper must follow the APA Style Manual. This is my proposal: Each classroom has a board that can help teachers to explain their lessons to their students in easy ways. In fact, there are several stages of the developmental boards in classrooms. My purpose in this mini literature review is to show the advantages of using the smart boards in classrooms of elementary schools because using smart boards is very important for students as well as teachers. The advantages of using smart boards are raising student's motivation, making teaching easy, and giving online access. I will talk about the history of boards from the 1800s when students used the individual school slate. Then, in 1801, James Pillans, who was a teacher in high school, invented the modern blackboard on the classroom wall. The color of the board changed from black to green because of healthy issue. In the 1980s, the whiteboard became the popular board in schools. In 1991, the smart boards were discovered that made a big jump in the development of education. Then I will talk about some advantages of using smart boards in classrooms. Even though there are a lot of studies that shows how much the smart boards which have a lot of benefits for students, teachers, and education in general. There are some schools that avoid to using them because they think that any kinds of technology will distract students. I had read two articles that showed the benefits of using smart boards in the classroom for elementary schools. First, the goal of the researchers in the study “assessment of the impact of smart board technology system use on student learning, satisfaction, and performance” which made by Warnock, Boykin, and Tung, was to investigate the relationship between using a smart board in the classroom and student outcome. The results showed that the educational technology were very important to increase and improve the student outcomes like learning, satisfaction, and performance. Second, the purpose of the study “Effectiveness of Smart Board Use in the Teaching and Learning of Statistics”, which was made by May, was to measure the effect of using smart boards on teaching mathematics of elementary and secondary schools. The result showed that the attentiveness and engagement of students increased during the class. The extra materials such as video posting, project, and PowerPoint assisted students to understand the complicated information. I will use 4 sources that support the advantages of using a smart board in classrooms. I will use the CSULB library to get my sources. References: Warnock, S. Boykin, N. Tung, W. (2011). Assessment of the impact of smart board technology system use on student learning, satisfaction, and performance. Journal of Research in Education. Volume 21, Number 1 May, P. (2014). Effectiveness of SMART Board Use in the Teaching and Learning of Statistics. Electronic Journal Of Mathematics & Technology, 8 (1), 43-52. This is what my instructor respond for my proposal: For this mini lit review you may consider narrowing your topic. For example: How effective is the use of smart boards in elementary schools. The evolution of boards in the classroom: From chalkboards to smart boards. Also, you will need to use appropriate APA formatting. this my information for the
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