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Paper Instructions:
Would It Be Easier To Form A Cartel In A Market With Many Producers Or One With Few Producers?
Questions we Can Help you to Answer
Paper Instructions:
Would It Be Easier To Form A Cartel In A Market With Many Producers Or One With Few Producers?
Questions we Can Help you to Answer
Paper Instructions:
Evaluating the benefit an opportunity can provide is complex. When measuring an economic benefit, you must look at the real return, the nominal return, and the overall value. In many cases, a project might generate a negative return in the short term but may be of value in the long term. You may take on a project for its business, knowing that the project is a losing proposition but will compensate for this loss by bringing in a new project later that will generate a positive return, or future value. This assignment will illustrate this concept. Firms need to distinguish between value creation and the returns they obtain from their investments.
Locate an article from the Internet or online library resources that deals with firms distinguishing between value creation and the returns they obtain from their investments. You can consult sources such as the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Bloomberg Markets, the Economist, US News and World Report, and other publications for conducting this research.
On the basis of the selected article, address the following questions:
1.are some of the strategies that firms engage in to create value?
2.What is the difference between adding value in the value chain and creating returns for shareholders?
3.Why does adding value to the firm and creating returns for shareholders in the short run and long run matter?
Submission Details:
Questions we Can Help you to Answer
Paper Instructions:
Read First:
Price changes can have a significant impact on the overall economy of a nation. A product experiencing price change can lead to an exponential change in the prices of related products. The price of oil provides a good example of this concept. As oil prices increase, the price of gasoline also increases. As almost all products rely on gasoline, either in the production process or in the distribution process, the prices of these products also increase. As prices increase and incomes of consumers remain steady, spending decreases and products or services that have an elastic demand suffer. This assignment looks at some products you may be familiar with and allows you to analyze how price changes impact the overall economy.
Consider the last product or service you purchased for more than $50, excluding gasoline.
1. If the price of that product or service went up by 10% overnight, how would you adjust your behavior in the short term?
2.How would you adjust your behavior in the long term?
3.If you decide not to buy this product again, what will you buy instead?
Analyze who will be more sensitive to price changes in what kind of products.
Submission Details:
By Wednesday, November 5, 2014, save your report as M1_A3.
Grading Criteria
Explained the short- and long-term adjustment in behavior if the price of a product or service costing more than $50 went up by 10% overnight.
Recommended an alternative product if you decide not to buy this product again.
Analyzed who will be more sensitive to price changes in what kind of products.
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Questions we Can Help you to Answer
Paper Instructions:
Read First:
Industries can be classified under different market structures and this classification strongly dictates decisions made by managers within the market. For example, in an industry classified under perfect competition, or in a perfectly competitive market, many competitors offer the same product and entry into the industry is easy. In this market, the pressure to maintain the same prices as the competitors is high, which characterizes this market.
On the other extreme, some industries are classified as monopolies and some fall under monopolistic competition. In a monopoly, there is only one provider of a product or a service, which has an inelastic demand. In this case, there is little incentive for the monopoly to be efficient or price competitive. In a monopolistically competitive market, there are many firms selling a product or service that is only slightly differentiated from one another, and in the long term, these firms start showing characteristics of a perfectly competitive market.
Find an article about an industry in the United States, such as the pharmaceutical industry. You can consult sources such as the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Bloomberg Markets, the Economist, US News and World Report, and other publications for your reference.
After reading the article, respond to the following:
1.Identify the market structure that best characterizes the industry described in the article.
2.Explain the factors you considered when identifying the market structure for this industry.
3.Analyze whether this industry will work better if it changes its market strategy and starts showing characteristics of another market structure.
4.Critically analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the market structures that you studied in the readings.
Submission Details:
By Saturday, November 8, 2014, post your responses in a minimum of 500 words to this Discussion Area. Support your assumptions with reputable source material.
Questions we Can Help you to Answer
Paper Instructions:
Identify an article on any one of the following management decisions commonly made in an organization:
1.Cutting costs
2.Enhancing business operations
3.Increasing productive capacity using technology
You can consult sources such as the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Bloomberg Markets, the Economist, US News and World Report, and the online library resources.
After reading the article, respond to the following:
1.Identify the unifying theme in the article. Does the theme pertain to economics and the reasoning for cutting costs, enhancing business operations, or increasing productive capacity using technology? How?
2.Evaluate the situation that you think proposes the most significant consequences for society. What are the consequences that you foresee?
3.If you were the regulator of the industry analyzed in the article, how would you
decide the validity of the company policy in the article and why?
Below is what they are looking for during grading, use it as a guide.
Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Evaluated the unifying theme in the selected article as it pertains to economics and the reasoning for cutting costs, enhancing business operations, or increasing productive capacity using technology.
Evaluate the consequences of the situation that proposes the most significant consequences for society.
Explained the way to decide the validity of the company policy in the article and provided a rationale.
Articulated key points in a clear, logical, and professional manner with supporting evidence, wherever required.
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Questions we Can Help you to Answer
Paper Instructions:
Write about the economic transformation of Poland, Russia, or China (choose just one country), as described in the book The End of Poverty. What went well? What were problems with the transformation?
chapter 6: Poland
chapter 7: Russia
chapter 8: China
Questions we Can Help you to Answer
Paper Instructions:
Differences between Value and Returns
Questions we Can Help you to Answer
Paper Instructions:
Are virtual currencies like Bitcoin a threat to the stability of the UK financial system? Discuss this question by exclusively presenting arguments that this is indeed the case.
Questions we Can Help you to Answer
Paper Instructions:
Why is consumer confidence important? What predictive power might it have for the rate of growth of GDP and for the unemployment rate
Questions we Can Help you to Answer
Paper Instructions:
How does consumer spending affect the GDP of the United States? What affect does the consumer spending in the time period discussed in the article have on the rate of growth of GDP?
Questions we Can Help you to Answer
Paper Instructions:
How would GDP growth likely affect the unemployment rate?
Questions we Can Help you to Answer
Paper Instructions:
Part 1:
You are the chief financial officer of a firm. The firm has an expected liability (cash outflow) of $2 million in ten years at a discount rate of 5%.
Calculate the amount the firm would need on the present date as savings to cover the expected liability.
Calculate the amount the firm would need to set aside at the end of each year for the next ten years to cover the expected liability.
Part 2:
Using the online library resources, identify an article that demonstrates the application of time value of money principles to a business decision.
1. Explain the specific business decision that management made after computing this value.
2. Analyze how management used the concept of the time value of money principles to make this decision.
3.Analyze factors other than the time value of money that management considered or should have considered in reaching the business decision.
Grading Criteria: Use this as a guide to include in the discussion.
Assignment Components
Max Points
Initial response was:
Insightful, original, accurate, and timely.
Substantive and demonstrated advanced understanding of concepts.
Compiled/synthesized theories and concepts drawn from a variety of sources to support statements and conclusions.
Wrote in a clear, concise, formal, and organized manner.
Responses were error free.
Information from sources, where applicable, was paraphrased appropriately and accurately cited.
Questions we Can Help you to Answer
Paper Instructions:
As a manager, you have to continually evaluate the organization and its strategy and consistently adapt the business model to ensure that the overall business plan is one step ahead of the competition.
In this assignment, you will get an opportunity to learn, from actual experiences, how an informed manager would assess the current overall health of an organization and make decisions regarding future opportunities and performance.
Select an industry relevant to your career. If you lack work experience, you can base your selection on real-life market situations or business areas that you may have knowledge about. You can also consult sources such as the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Bloomberg Markets, the Economist, US News and World Report, and the online library resources.
Research the growth opportunities in the industry, competitive strategies that were employed, typical customers, and other relevant information related to the industry. Specific opportunities will differ depending on the industry selected, but be sure to consider current economic events and news relating to the industry that may influence the future direction of your industry.
Within this industry, select a mid-range-performing company that provides goods or services.
Then, address the following:
1. Analyze why this company maintains the level of success it does from an economic and financial perspective. Develop at least two visual aids (e.g., charts, graphs, or tables) to support your argument.
2. Evaluate whether the company's pricing and positioning decisions contribute to or hinder that success.
3.Evaluate whether the strategy currently used by your industry, as discussed in previous sections, appears to be sustainable over time.
Additional Instruction:
Create a 4- to 6-page research paper. At the end your paper, include a reference page and cite scholarly sources in APA style with URL Addresses, if possible.
Grading Criteria: Use this as a guide to include in the paper.
The assignment showed in-depth research into the growth opportunities in the industry, competitive strategies that were employed, typical customers, and other relevant information related to the industry.
Selected a mid-range-performing company that provides goods or services within the industry.
Analyzed why this company maintains the level of success it does from an economic and financial perspective, and developed two visual aids to support your argument.
Evaluated whether the company's pricing and positioning decisions contribute to or hinder that success.
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
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