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Questions We Can Help to Answer

Research - Find the five (5) largest trading partners for the US in the most current data available (2017).  What kinds of products do export/import from these countries. What is the total dollar value of trade between the US and the other countries?  Does the US have a trade deficit or trade surplus?  Is there a difference between the merchandise trade deficit and the current account deficit?  How many jobs in the US depend on these trade relations? Focus on the types of products that the US imports and exports.  Study tariffs and other trade restrictions.

I would like you know everything there is to know about trade with these 5 countries!! You are to be the trade specialist on these topics.  I expect that you will be able to teach me about international trade.

Tip- define words related to trade as you choose necessary

152 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help to Answer

The triggering events of the Financial Crisis of 2008 are deemed to be the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the meltdown of the market for securitized financial products, particularly subprime mortgage-backed securities. The underlying factors of the crisis are, however, varied and had taken several years to evolve into the most severe economic downturn since the Great Depression. Your report should focus on these core factors which led to the crisis. In addition, you will explain what you have learned from the documentaries we watched in class and what you have found thought-provoking about the events described in the documentaries. When writing your report, you will need to research different sources of information to support the arguments you make. 

The project is worth 160 points. It should be at least five pages long and double-spaced throughout, including captions and bibliography. Page margins should be 1" on all sides (top, bottom, left, right). The font and font size should be Times New Roman and 12, respectively.

Documentary Sources
Below are the PBS Frontline documentaries about the Financial Crisis of 2008:
1 - Money, Power and Wall Street (Episodes 1-4)
2 - Breaking the Bank
3 - The Warning
4 - The Untouchables
5 - Inside the Meltdown
6 - Cliffhanger
7 - To Catch a Trader

The following documentary is produced by the BBC:
The Love of Money ---
Episode 1: The Bank That Bust the World
Episode 2: The Age of Risk 
Episode 3: Back from the Brink 

Please watch the documentary and read the document that I upload!

275 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help to Answer

Find 4 research about autonomous cars. And summed up as two or three key points. Those key points require a subtitle for each. Do not need to explain what is autonomous cars. Focus on development and challenges of autonomous cars.

47 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help to Answer

Apply the following concepts demand and supply, price and income elasticities, different types of costs, market structures, how the general economic environments affect managerial decisions, zero marginal cost, porter 5 forces.      

38 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

I started the correction it is highlighted.  Correction on paper. How does inflation affect the borrow and the lender? How is inflation measure. What are the three different types of unemployment, define and breakdown. out of the three which one specifically is Federal Reserved most concern with. The expansionary policy, this is correct. On the contractionary policy you stated that there is "fall in interest rate" If expansionary policy is lower interest rates, would that be the same for contractionary policy.  You highlighted the main point, the main thing needed a strong conclusion here is the links to the articles

116 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Unemployment in the United States

14 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Veteran Unemployment

11 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

The midterm question is:

"What are the fundamental causes of the pace and pattern of economic growth broadly understood to include economic survival, economic change, economic power and economic output in the aggregate and per person."

In the long run, what are the causes (or determinants) of the pace and pattern of economic growth (or development/change).

[In this question consider the roles of geography, technology and institutions

You will be asked to write in paragraphs, with an introductory paragraph which summarizes your argument, subsequent paragraphs each of which has a topic sentence (usually the first sentence of the paragraph) that provides a supporting argument for your overall thesis, and a concluding paragraph which concludes by showing why you are correct in your thesis and what is the importance of your conclusion.

There is no time constraint but you will be limited to 1000 words.  

use the material from Rise and Fall of American Economic Growth (book, video and lecture material). Ppt is also the materials!

175 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Write a memo to evaluate/discuss the social security reform in the UNITED STATES

22 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Participatory Budgeting

17 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Discuss what cause the U.S.-Canada Power System Outage.

19 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Instructions: All illegible answers will be marked incorrect, so please write legibly.
Describe in your own words the following two problems from the paper, “The problem of Social 
Cost,” by the Nobel Prize winning author Ronald Coase. The paper was published in Journal of 
Law and Economics Vol. 3 (October 1960): 1 – 44 and is available from the CMS.
a. Farmer and his neighboring cattle-raiser.
b. A Confectioner and a doctor.

82 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Essay: Understanding Economic impact on business activities  

Objective: Examine the nature of economics and economic activities that impact small business.

Introduction: Explore the economic principles and concepts pertinent to small-business ownership to determine the characteristics of the economy in which your business will operate. Depending on what your business will provide goods or services (or both in some cases), identify the economic condition related to supply and demand, production capacity, resource scarcity and the potential impact that government decisions will have on your business. Summarize your finding with an analysis of how you should plan accordingly.

The essay for this lesson is required to be a minimum of 5-full pages (to exclude title and reference pages) Include 3 additional resources to support your analysis, and for which clearly demonstrate your understanding of the impact the economy may have on your business.  Essays should have a clear introduction, thesis statement, and conclusion, written in APA format.

Activity Details
Step 1: Read the following questions, and use what you have learned about how the economy might impact your business industry, and to summarize your responses in 5 full pages. Consider the concepts and questions below when assessing the economy and the impact it may pose on your business:

Describe your ideal capitalist economy. Will these conditions maximize your sustainability and profitability? 

What indicators would you use to measure goods and services? 

What happens when the quantity demand is impacted?

Describe your socialist economy. Will this type of economy bring maximum sustainability and profitability to your business? 

Explain whom goods and services will be produced for. Who do you expect to sell most to and what aspect of the economy may impact your business activities the most? 

What happens when price flooring is in effect, and how does it impact your labor market? Your sales, your manufacturing? 

Step 2: Review the materials and conduct additional topic research to demonstrate the application of the concepts in a real-world business environment.

Step 3: Write a paper. Please review the links provided below, containing the essay rubric and APA formatting guidelines, prior to proceeding:

362 Words  1 Pages
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