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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

In Tom Bissell’s essay, “Video Games: An Addiction,” he makes an argument that although he has wasted years of his life and developed a serious cocaine habit due in at least in part to gaming, the “actual experiences, many of which are as important to me as any real memories,” he believes in what video games want to give him, and they have “enriched” his life. 
- use in-text citation only 
- no outside source 
- 3 body paragraphs and 3 reasoning thesis statement 
- need rough draft by sunday

106 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

no references necessary for this assignment
should be in proper email format
Write a Professional Email Message  from the perspective of a character in the scenario.  The email should discuss the communication issue provided in the scenario and should be addressed to another character from the scenario.

The message should take the form of an email.

The scenario:
James shows up to work approximately five minutes late this morning, walks silently (but quickly) down the hallway and begins to punch in at the time clock located by the front desk.  

Sarah, the front desk manager, says, "Good morning, James," but James ignores her, punches in, and heads into the shop to his workplace.  Sarah rolls her eyes, picks up the phone, and dials the on-duty manager to alert her that James just arrived and should be reaching his desk any moment. 

The professional email message must adhere to the following requirements:

1. Content:

Address the communication issue from the scenario.
Request a face-to-face meeting to discuss the issue (at a specific time).
Concentrate on the facts of the situation and avoid using overly emotional language.
Assume your recipient is learning about the situation for the first time through your communication.
2. Format:

Use a descriptive subject line or heading.
Include an appropriate and professional greeting / salutation.
Use email form including: To:, From:, Subject:, and Signature.
3. Clarity / Mechanics:

Focus on clarity, writing mechanics, and professional language/style requirements.
Run spell/grammar check before submitting.

256 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Write a three paragraph paper discussing the pros and cons of using email and writing letters.  This paper should focus on the pros and cons of using emails vs writing letters in terms of sustainability.  This paper should be based on how you feel instead of using outside sources.  

- Write the pros of emails and writing letters.
-Use of correct grammer.
-Write the cons of writing emails and letters.
-Compare and Contrast using emails and letters.
-State your overall feeling on which one is best.

please focus on the thesis. give good example that support the thesis. don't sophisticated words, and nice. not plagiarized and don't quote because it make plagiarized.

123 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

You have spent significant time reading and studying numerous approaches to communication. What is communication? Of the authors read who makes the most convincing argument about what communication is? What is the significance of communication studies? How is communication part of your overall course of study or life goals? Please ground your answers in two key arguments/concepts/discussions made in our class or in our assigned readings rather than a discussion of communication in general.

Ground your answer in at least two of the following:
1.    Miller - Constructive
2.    Shepard - Transcendence
3.    Finnegan – Vision
4.    Marvin – Embodiment
5.    Martin & Nakayma – Raced
6.    Anzaldúa – Wild
7.    Hooks – Talking Back
8.    Madison – Performance
9.    Harwood - Identity
10.    Baldwin – Black English

Please write your response in 800-1,000 words. Submit your essay on Moodle by March 5 at 4 PM. It should be edited, grammatically and structurally sound with a working knowledge of the texts cited. You should have in-text citations of the works you select.

You will be graded on your ability to (1) substantively engage with at least two of the above readings, (2) move beyond simple description of the readings and make an original argument, (3) answer fully each question, (4) write with no stylistics, substantive, or grammatical errors, and (4) meeting the word requirement.

236 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

President Trump has set a new precedent with his affinity for Twitter as a means of communicating with the public. What are the pros/cons, benefits/deficits with political figures using social media to promote their positions and influence opinions?

49 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

What are the pros and cons of individualism for the culture of the United States?

26 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Some background I have been in retail management for 15 years. I do it because I like people and helping people. I live in Mississippi. And I want to be a school counselor after I get through with school.

Read the full instructions for this assignment and the scoring guide before you begin. Then address the following areas or topics in writing:

What forged your interests in the counseling field? What are some influences on your movement in the field? Why are you interested in this field?
When you think of the field, do you conceptualize a specialization—an area, populations, or environments you might work in?
What are some of the key transferable skills that you see from your other work, life experiences, or life roles that can help support your work in the field?
What kind of work do you hope or expect to be doing after completing your program?
Other Requirements
Your paper must meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Written communication is clear, concise, and free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Number of resources: Cite and reference any resources from the professional literature that you used as the basis of the information and ideas you provide.
APA formatting: Format citations and references according to current APA style.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Length of paper: Doing a thorough job on this assignment is likely to require 4–5 typed, double-spaced pages.
SafeAssign: Submit a draft of your assignment to SafeAssign for review of proper citations and references. Then make necessary revisions before submitting your assignment for grading. Refer to the SafeAssign resources on Campus for guidance in accessing your feedback from SafeAssign, interpreting your report, and improving your writing and citations for your assignment.

305 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

This semester, we have been introduced to many different understandings of persuasion. These understandings have driven the assigned texts to different ends. For example, Burke is concerned with societal forces and how those create opportune conditions for persuasion whereas Carnegie is much more interested in the utility in methods of persuasion. Using only the assigned readings we’ve covered so far (Burke, Benoit and Benoit, Carnegie, and McLuhan), I would like you advance your own definition of persuasion. This definition should be supported with evidence from your readings—outside sources are also acceptable. This definition should not be all encompassing. You should be deliberate with how you advance your definition. This essay will inevitably cite your texts both in favor of and against the ideas that you have read so far this semester.

142 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Effective communication involves an exchange of ideas and emotions that results in a mutual understanding of meaning. Communications can be nonverbal, written, oral or electronic.  Different formats for communication can have an effect on the quality of a shared understanding.  Managers must communicate well with staff to accomplish the goals of the organization.  Leaders are frequently in positions of addressing other organizations or the community at large.  The pitfalls of poor communication are many and can have significant impacts.  Fortunately, as with leadership, communication skills can be learned, practiced and developed.  In our increasingly diverse and globalized world, cultural competence is an essential part of good communication in the health system.

The readings in this module explore the different types of and settings for communications and offer practical advice on acquiring effective communication skills.  The assignment focuses on more formal communications outside the organization and emphasizes the importance of communicating with people from different backgrounds.

Your hypothetical organization has decided to lead a community initiative to solve a specific health problem affecting your community.  Be sure to address the following:

Definition of the issue or problem the coalition is addressing
Community partners you will approach to join the coalition


Coalition Building I: Starting a Coalition

233 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Your Name, major, and why you think this class is required for your major.
Define in your own words what you think “communication” is, and why it might be important to study.
Post the results of your learning style. Do you think the results of your learning style are accurate? Are you surprised at the result?
Based on your learning style, name at least one way that you can change the way you approach learning in an online class (versus a face-to-face class) to help you be more successful.

100 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

How do we decide whether a message can be appropriately conveyed in an email message versus when a message should be delivered in person or over the phone?

39 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Emoticons have become increasingly common in email communications. In what circumstances might emoticons be appropriate and when should they be avoided in professional communication?

35 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

This is your introduction to basic news writing. We say basic news writing because this provides you with a good foundation for media writing. Since you are a beginner in this process, it is imperative that you understand the need to report the facts of what is happening. Talk to the people around you to get their reaction. In fact, rely on the people around you to provide the basis for your story. Listen, ask questions, take notes. Then sit down and organize your story starting with the most important fact and ending with the least important facts (inverted pyramid). Again, don’t interpret, but relay the facts. Remember to be clear, concise, and brief. Assignment: You must attend an off-campus community meeting or event of some sort (school board, city council, PTSA, girl or boy scouts or other organization, condo association, community club (not on campus), an opening ceremony, award ceremony, etc. and report on the meeting or event. You should report on the meeting or event as actual news. Interview people at the event, do some research on the organization or event. You will be required to complete a News Story Planning Sheet (Exercise #2) in preparation for the assignment. You will receive feedback on your story choice prior to the actual event, so plan carefully. Find the attachment for guidance. Checklist: The article has a main focus. The article is organized in the inverted pyramid format. The article begins with a summary lead paragraph (5Ws and an H). The article is written in active voice. The article uses active verbs. The article uses AP Style, direct quotes, indirect quotes and all other news-reporting elements found in the textbook and resource materials. The article contains quotes from at least 2 (two) sources. NOT your friends or family members. Word Count 350.(could be more than 350 as long as it covers all the requirements) Assignment is written in Times New Roman 12pt double-spaced. Do not write an essay or summary of the event. Refer to the AP Stylebook for the correct way to use quotes and attributions throughout your article!

362 Words  1 Pages
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