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Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Watch the video titled, “From school yard bullying to genocide: Barbara Coloroso at TEDxCalgary” (19 min 5 s) located below. You may also view the video at

Watch Video
From school yard bullying to genocide: Barbara Coloroso at TEDxCalgary
Duration: (19:06)
User: tedxtalks - Added: 2/20/14
Write a one to two (1-2) page essay in which you:

Identify the most important step in the student’s guide to research that you would need in order to analyze bullying.
Define the identified critical step of research in your words.
Explain how bullying relates to one (1) of the following topics:
the agents of socialization (i.e., family, teachers and school, peers),
formal organizations (i.e., conformity to groups),
different types of deviance (i.e., everyday deviance, sexual deviance, or criminal deviance).

Provide a rationale for your response.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
To keep this essay short and manageable, your only sources for the essay should be the TED video and the sections noted in your text. For this reason, APA citations or references are not required for this assignment.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Define the basic concepts used in the discipline of sociology.
Define the various methodologies for sociological research.
Identify the sociological perspective to the inequalities of class, race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomics, and political aspects.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in sociology.
Write clearly and concisely about sociology using proper writing mechanics.


316 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Read the social barometer pages from different countries as recommended in this course. Choose a continent/country to compare it with the United States. In this 500 words essay, you need to identify two cultural aspects that are similar to the United States and two aspects that are different. How do the aspects you’ve identified impact education of children in these two nations/continents? In this essay you must use at least two references. APA format.

83 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Watch the video titled, “From school yard bullying to genocide: Barbara Coloroso at TEDxCalgary” (19 min 5 s) located below. You may also view the video at

Watch Video
From school yard bullying to genocide: Barbara Coloroso at TEDxCalgary
Duration: (19:06)
User: tedxtalks - Added: 2/20/14
Write a one to two (1-2) page essay in which you:

Identify the most important step in the student’s guide to research that you would need in order to analyze bullying.
Define the identified critical step of research in your words.
Explain how bullying relates to one (1) of the following topics:
the agents of socialization (i.e., family, teachers and school, peers),
formal organizations (i.e., conformity to groups),
different types of deviance (i.e., everyday deviance, sexual deviance, or criminal deviance).

Provide a rationale for your response.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
To keep this essay short and manageable, your only sources for the essay should be the TED video and the sections noted in your text. For this reason, APA citations or references are not required for this assignment.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Define the basic concepts used in the discipline of sociology.
Define the various methodologies for sociological research.
Identify the sociological perspective to the inequalities of class, race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomics, and political aspects.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in sociology.
Write clearly and concisely about sociology using proper writing mechanics.

Students Name Amelia Love
Professors name  Margarit


323 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Written Assignment
Write a one to one and a half page review of a journal article that illustrates concepts and subjects we have discussed in class. 
School of Education students should choose an article from the Journal of Geography. This journal deals with methods and ideas for bringing geographic concepts into the K-12 classroom. Choose an article pertaining to the level you plan to teach (6-8, etc.).
Non teachers should us an article from Audubon or MacLean’s. Choose an article that relates to your major or a personal interest. Subjects might include human interaction with nature, population geography, or the global economy.
All journals can be found in the UMKC Library and most are on the web. Do not use articles from National Geographic, or newspapers.  Papers should be typed and double spaced.  
Give the Name and Date of the Journal and the title and author(s) of the article. Answer the following questions:
1.    What are the problems or issues being discussed?
2.    What are the major points of the article?
3.    What are the author(s) conclusions and recommendations?
4.    What is the correlation to class and the textbook? Does the author support, disagree, illustrate, or bring new insights into our classroom discussions?
5.    What is your reaction to the article? Was it informative, clear, ambiguous, useful, and poor?

229 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

The three page papers will focus on any social problem of the student’s choice; and how seniors/elders may be creatively tasked to help solve the problem. Elders are, in this situation, a human resource. It is expected that students will study the capabilities of seniors and utilize them to help solve the social problem, large or small. 
3 sources for the paper should be used. One can be the text, one can be the Internet and one should be a scientific journal.

91 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

This is an unusual time in American politics, and this is an unusual paper assignment. Your task is to use the readings for the course–especially those by Max Weber and by Karl Marx–to analyze the bases of support for Donald Trump’s election.
To get your “data,” you should assemble five or more articles from the sources specified below that provide evidence about the bases of support for (and perhaps opposition to) Trump. Since some of you know a lot about American politics and others know relatively little, you should rely on the specific evidence in the articles you collect, and not on your opinions or what you think you know. The goal is dispassionate sociological analysis, not advocacy or opinion.
The only sources you may use are:
The New York Times:  (their series “The Upshot” sometimes has valuable data analysis)
The Washington Post : Pew Research Center: You should search all of these web sites to select 5-10 articles or reports that give you a picture of
Trump’s base of support, his appeal, or the issues that were important to his election. If sources suggest conflicting arguments, that’s OK, as long as you make clear that there is debate about the evidence. Look at many articles to find good ones that really give you information about why Trump had enough support to win 46% of the vote and a majority of the Electoral College. You are looking for “objective” data and analysis, not just someone’s opinion.

You must analyze how Marx’s arguments might explain Trump’s support: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, “Manifesto of the Communist Party”; Marx, “The
Coming Upheaval”; and selections from The German Ideology
and how Weber’s arguments might explain Trump’s support:
Max Weber, “The Distribution of Power Within the Political Community: Class, Status, Party.”

317 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Sociologically speaking, individuals and groups live within the constrains of social structures and practices that may open and close opportunities and distribute rations of power unevenly.  People, however, are not impotent. People have "agency" - that is, power to negotiate, challenge and change those very same social structures and practices that may be oppressive. Historically, one of the most significant means by which people have exercised their agency is by organizing collectively and forming social movements.  Write a page-long journal entry reflecting on the fundamental role that social movements have played in the identification of family violence as a social problem and in shaping policies and programs to prevent and address it.  

* To write this journal entry, you must have watched the video, read the lecture notes and completed the readings. I suggest that while you are reading, you take notes, and then select three or four main ideas or concepts that can lead your reflection.  For example, when you are reading Schechter's excerpt, there may be a phrase that catches your attention. You can quote that and write your thoughts as they relate to the guidelines of this journal entry.


201 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

The second part of your assignment will be to answer the following questions. Each question should have 2-3 paragraph answers, but you do not have to write this in paper form. The third part of the assignment should include a reference page. You do not need additional resources outside of your textbook and the autobiography that you read, but this should still be included in APA-format.
1.    What were some new things about the illness you learned based on this person’s experience?
2.    Do you think the book gives an overall accurate depiction of the illness? Why or why not?
3.    What causes of the illness were discussed in the book, and how does that fit with your textbook’s coverage of the causes of that illness? 
4.    What did you learn about treatment of this specific illness in terms of his/her experience with treatment? Were there barriers/obstacles to seeking treatment, and was there anything that helped the person seek treatment? What was most helpful in managing his/her illness?
5.    Do you think reading about a personal account of this illness helped you develop more positive or negative views of people with this specific illness? Why or why not? 

208 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Choose one of the special programs that interests you.  Please write a 5-6 page paper that analyzes the programs: history (any policies, issues or laws that pre-empted the program), current state (what is its purpose in schools today), utilization (who is intended for and why?  Is it being used that way or abused) and the future of the program (Where does it go from here?  How can it be improved? What are some weaknesses?) You will need to take a deep dive with the textbook as your foundation, but an additional 2-3 sources that further explain the program in education settings.  Additional resources should be from journals not and only 1 website at most.

123 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:


(((((You are required to develop an evaluation approach for assessing your intended outcomes. Please refer to the LOGIC MODEL i provided to re-edit and the NEEDS ASSESSMENT document to get information from.)))



86 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Judge Selection and Removal Criteria"  Please respond to the following:
•From the e-Activity, compare and contrast the methods that states use within their selection process for judges, and specify the selection criteria that each state that you reviewed have in common. Provide specific examples to support your rationale.
•Discuss the selection process for a federal judge nominee, including the background checks, senatorial courtesy, the confirmation process, and the assumption of office. Specify which influences you believe are the most persuasive in the final selection of a judge. Provide rationale for your response.

101 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

"President’s Effect in Appointing Federal Judges and Analysis of the 2013 Decision Regarding DOMA"  Please respond to the following:
•Referring to the study regarding the effect of presidential philosophy on the selection of judges in chapter 7, determine two (2) ways in which presidential philosophy can impact judicial decision making. Draw three (3) conclusions from the study. Provide specific examples to support your rationale.
•From the e-Activity, summarize three (3) key issues that the DOMA decision of 2013 addressed that fall under the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Indicate which of the three (3) issues you believe will have the greatest overall impact on society in the future. Justify your response

122 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Watch: The Color Purple OR Real Women Have Curves OR Joy Luck Club OR Mississippi Masala OR Daughters of the Dust OR Foxy Brown


Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore OR
Silkwood OR Erin Brockovich
 OR North Country
 OR Norma Rae OR 9 to 5 OR Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio OR Working Girl OR Mad Money

Read: AOF Ch 8: Classical Hollywood Cinema and Class


75 Words  1 Pages
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