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Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:


You are asked to read a peer-reviewed article from a scholarly journal in the field of learning and memory.  Articles of this type will typically report on original research or replications of previously conducted experiments, or they will be literature reviews in which the author(s) present the results of a literature search on a specific topic.  In the latter case, the article will usually be a dissertation on the most current thinking on a specific topic.

    Full text
    Scholarly (peer reviewed) journals
    Published in the past 10 years

Google Scholar is an option to search for journal articles, as long as you make sure they meet the requirements above (full text, scholarly, published in the last 5 years).



Wood, D.  (2003).  Effect of child and family poverty on child health in the United     States.  Pediatrics Sep2003 Supplement, Vol 112, 3, 707-712

I.    First, summarize the article.

The subject of this article is to review the literature on the effects of poverty on children in the United States, including economic, ecologic and family influences.  Poverty is defined as "a condition of misery, hopelessness and dependency." (Heclo, cited in Wood, 2003).  This article examines previous writings and attempts to develop an understanding of the role the state of poverty could play in the development of the child. 

II.    Next, explain and critique the methods used and/or the findings presented.

The author selected research articles and other writings from the field for review and analysis.  His methods were thorough.  His intent was to integrate the findings that had already been reported into a single article that could be the starting point for future research.  Wood found that…………

III.    Offer your opinion on the value of the study.  Will this study further our knowledge base or the goals of psychology, i.e., to describe, explain, predict and influence behavior? What does it add to our knowledge of learning and memory or general psychology?

IV.    How does this study relate to your career or field of interest? Did you learn more about your field of interest? Did you learn something unexpected about your field? Maybe it helped you refine your interest? 

385 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Movie assignment 
Look up the movie "My Brooklyn" and write a response paper that answers the following questions:
1) Do you think gentrification is a good thing or a bad thing? 
2) Who seem to be the winners, and who seems to be the losers from gentrification? 
3) What, in your view, should be different about gentrification as a social process?

70 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:


You are asked to read a peer-reviewed article from a scholarly journal in the field of learning and memory.  Articles of this type will typically report on original research or replications of previously conducted experiments, or they will be literature reviews in which the author(s) present the results of a literature search on a specific topic.  In the latter case, the article will usually be a dissertation on the most current thinking on a specific topic.

    Full text
    Scholarly (peer reviewed) journals
    Published in the past 10 years

Google Scholar is an option to search for journal articles, as long as you make sure they meet the requirements above (full text, scholarly, published in the last 5 years).




Wood, D.  (2003).  Effect of child and family poverty on child health in the United    States.  Pediatrics Sep2003 Supplement, Vol 112, 3, 707-712

I.    First, summarize the article.

The subject of this article is to review the literature on the effects of poverty on children in the United States, including economic, ecologic and family influences.  Poverty is defined as "a condition of misery, hopelessness and dependency." (Heclo, cited in Wood, 2003).  This article examines previous writings and attempts to develop an understanding of the role the state of poverty could play in the development of the child. 

II.    Next, explain and critique the methods used and/or the findings presented.

The author selected research articles and other writings from the field for review and analysis.  His methods were thorough.  His intent was to integrate the findings that had already been reported into a single article that could be the starting point for future research.  Wood found that…………

III.    Offer your opinion on the value of the study.  Will this study further our knowledge base or the goals of psychology, i.e., to describe, explain, predict and influence behavior? What does it add to our knowledge of learning and memory or general psychology?

IV.    How does this study relate to your career or field of interest? Did you learn more about your field of interest? Did you learn something unexpected about your field? Maybe it helped you refine your interest?

389 Words  1 Pages

Question We Can Help You To Answer

Paper Instructions:

David Korten: When Capitalism Rules the World

16 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Find a Peer reviewed article that is related to Personality in Psychology

Article must be free and accessible to anyone

Paper format:

Abstract (2-3 sentences)

Summary of article (1 page / 4 paragraphs):

Purpose or thesis of the article/source.
- In one sentence, what is it about?

- Report on 1-2 pieces of informative research data and document this information.

Of Interest
- Imagine you are telling a friend about what you learned and/or found interesting.
- Discuss at least 2 things you learned or found interesting.

- Wrap up your essay with a conclusion, summary and/or some thoughtful criticisms of the article. 

114 Words  1 Pages

Question We Can Help You To Answer

Paper Instructions:

Compare and contrast the purpose of punishment according to classical theory
and Durkheimian theory

23 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Part 1: Data Collection

Go to in order to calculate your carbon footprint. Do your best to answer each item as fully and honestly as possible. After entering your data in all 7 tabs, view your results---pay special attention to your secondary carbon footprint results.

*Submit your data collection notes at the end of your essay.


-United state : Arizona 
- 2 people ( you can guess for the other stuff in house ) 
(( you can guess for the other stuff )) let me know once you have Qs :)

Part 2: Essay

Introduction: Offer a concise summary of your results in comparison to the average person in the U.S. and in the world. Then, propose a plan that incorporates food activism and sustainability in order to reduce secondary carbon footprints. In your thesis, identify a specific change strategy you would employ (e.g. facilitative, persuasive, reeducative, and power) to do this, along with a rationale for doing so?

Supporting paragraph(s): Explain how you would implement the change strategy to address secondary carbon footprint reduction. Integrate at least 2 relevant course materials.

Conclusion: Include your final thoughts. No new ideas should be presented.

(((2 pp. double-spaced) in MLA format.))


221 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Purpose: To analyze case studies using personality theories

- cover sheet
- abstract--brief at this point
- content: at least 5 pages of content
- references: use hard copy sources

First choose case studies (2 or more) from

- Ashcraft, D. Personality theories workbook.
- a book
- a television show
- a movie

Choose 2 theorists you would like to use to analyze these cases:

- Freud
- Jung
- Adler
- etc

Use the following headings to outline your paper (see Sample Paper attached).

Name of Case 1: Description
Name of Case 1: Theorist 1 Explanations
Name of Case 1: Summary
Name of Case 2: Description
Name of Case 2: Theorist 2 Explanations

Sample Headings:

Steve: Description
Steve: Freud’s Explanations
Summary of Steve
Bob: Description
Bob: Jung’s Explanations
Use key concepts from each theorist to analyze your cases.

Use the workbook, textbooks, journal database.
References must be accessible and real. 

164 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

In class we did a priorities assignment in which you thought about your top 10 priorities when it comes to deciding on a graduate program. I would like you to look at that list and then research schools (pick one to write about) in which you are interested that fit with your priority list. Odds are that no one program or school will fit all of your priorities, but the critical factor is finding a school/program which fits your top 5 priorities. Also consider your qualities, what do you bring to the program – while you won’t write on this topic this week, we will incorporate it next week.

Assignment: Write a short paper (2-3 paragraphs) about which program/school you are interested in and how that school fits you and your priorities.

141 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

The purpose of this report is to provide a critique of a movie, song or other creative art form that deals with mental illness or addiction. Your critique should involve an application of the material you have learned in the course as well as a discussion of how this art form describes, sanctions and/or demonizes mental illness or addiction.

This report should be maximum 2000 words, double spaced, not including your title and reference pages. This file should be submitted in either PDF, DOC or DOCX format.  Your report should include the following information:

Introduction and Background – This is the objective, fact-based section of your report. Please include 2 different explanations for the causes of the disorder as you summarize the condition. One explanation should be biological (“nature”) while the other explanation should be environmental (“nurture”). It will be necessary that 2 scientific journal articles are included as part of your research and discussion to support these causes. With your research, you are expected to describe the causes, prevalence, symptoms and possible effective treatment for your chosen disorder.

Method and Reflection – Explain how you went about your research, the resources you used, and difficulties you encountered along the way. How did you overcome these difficulties?

Discussion – This is where you will be more subjective, integrating research to support your opinions. Within the arts, it is apparent that mental illness and addictions are not always accurately portrayed. You will begin your report with a background and introduction that supports the comparison of the realistic behaviours of the disorder versus how it is portrayed in your art form. Please include 2 different examples (e.g., movie scenes or parts in song) to support your answer.  How does this art form describe, sanction and/or demonize mental illness or addiction?

Conclusion – Provide a conclusion to your work. Restate why you choose your art form and summarize your key findings. What did you learn?

Reference Page – Create an APA reference page. Your art form, journal articles, and other course materials should be listed alphabetically by author.

355 Words  1 Pages

Paper instructions:

Final Exam.
Due December 19, 2017 at 6 pm.
Absolutely no outside sources. Make sure to use plenty of examples to support your claim.
Do not need a works cited page.

1. (2-3 pages) 
A) Barker and Feiner (Liberating Economics), Martin (“Becoming a Gendered Body”), and Pascoe (“Dude, You’re a Fag”) all analyze the social construction of gender. Choose two of the above readings and explain how the author(s) show gender is socially constructed. How does the social construction of gender work in the two readings you choose? B) Compare and contrast how your chosen authors analyze the social construction of gender. In what ways are they similar? In what ways are they different?  
C) For each author you choose, how does the social construction of gender produce inequality? D) Do you find the analyses persuasive, why or why not? 

2. (3-4 pages)
A) According to Michelle Alexander, a racial caste system is built into the fundamental structures of American society. What does she mean by this? Why is it important to recognize this racial caste system according to Alexander? B) According to Michelle Alexander, what is the new Jim Crow? In what ways does it resemble and parallel the old Jim Crow? In what ways is the new Jim Crow different than the old? C) How does the new Jim Crow work to socially construct race? What are the consequences for social inequality? D) Provide at least two criticisms of Alexander’s analysis. Do you find her analysis persuasive, why or why not? 

The New Jim Crow revised edition by Michelle Alexander

270 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Refer to Chapter. 1 to review the three major sociological perspectives.

Use all three perspectives (functionalism, conflict, and interactionism) to analyze any current issue: 

Write a 700- to 1,000-word essay in which you complete the following:

Give a brief introduction that identifies the issue you have chosen and why.
Describe in three separate paragraphs how each perspective would view or explain the issue.
Include elements of culture and how humans learn, develop, and become integrated into society.
Provide a conclusion that discusses which perspective you think is most applicable to the issue or how the three perspectives complement one another in understanding the issue.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.


121 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:


PAGE 1 TOPIC:  Discuss the differences between "his" divorce and "her" divorce.  Why do men and women have different experiences?  What societal level factors contribute to these differences?  Remember to cite your references.

PAGE 2: Participation Board posts are to be related to the topics covered in that week’s reading (READ POWERPOINTS).  Choose something to write about that interests you, or that is not fully covered in the textbook.  Students’ posts should be relevant and timely.  Current events are great! Include the citation for any websites, articles, journals, or books you may reference.  Posts should be scholarly and supported by cited references.

Your response must be supported by properly cited references (use the textbook). 
PLEASE SITE THIS TEXTBOOK: "Diversity in Families."  Authors - Maxine Baca Zinn, D. Stanley Eitzen, and Barbara Wells.  10th edition.  ISBN  978-0-13-402803-3.


Do this --> Marriage in the United States is a legal contract between two adults (p. 13). American cultural norms make love an important component of marriage. Couples are supposed to be in love before getting married (p.14), but in some cultures love comes after marriage (p.45).

Not this --> I think marriage is a contract between two people that love each other. I think love is part of marriage. In some other cultures, love is not important.

All submissions must include citations from scholarly sources.  Approved sources include (but are not limited to) the following:
CNN, MSNBC, BBC, Washington Post, Huffington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, relevant books, academic journals.  You must properly

272 Words  1 Pages
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