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Coping With Loss and Grief

 Senior people are affected by the death of loved ones and, they are overwhelmed by a painful experience such as loneliness and depression. One important thing that supports the grieving individuals in coping the loss of a loved one is accommodation (Thumala, 2014). This means that the caregivers and professionals should take adaptive actions to help the order people adjust to the new condition.  In other words, accommodation involves social adaptation and, caregiver acts as comfort keepers where senior people get a valuable companionship which helps them recover emotionally (Thumala, 2014). In addition to accommodation, the caregivers establish the adaptive processes such as using the available social resources to provide support.

 Mindfulness and collaboration with the grieving older people provides a holistic treatment and more importantly, helps the older people cope with the loss. Note that through collaboration, the caregiver and the individual solve the problem together through information seeking and uses noncontingent reinforcement to reduce the helplessness (Thumala, 2014). Zakrajsek et al. (2013) support the mindfulness and collaboration by asserting that in helping the elderly adjust to the new life, there must be coordination and effective communication. This involves the information exchange which fosters quality services. Communication during care transition will also help the caregiver make effective decisions based on the coping with loss.

            Contemplative practices support individual development in that the caregiver develops a sense of perspective, becomes aware of the condition and the present moment of the elderly and ensure a regular engagement with the grieving person. For example, a caregiver provides the elderly with mindfulness training where the elderly will gain self-control, acceptance and improve mental clarity (Thumala, 2014). Contemplative practice such as developing therapeutic practices helps the elderly improve the emotional and physical health and reduce stress and depression. In coping with loss, the role of contemplative practices is to pay attention to the grieving person, show empathy, be committed and use communication skills to help the person live a meaningful life. Fawcett (2012) adds that in order to create and main the well-being of elderly, caregivers should provide tangle and valuable resources. Through social engagement, the elderly will develop the sense of belonging, sense of inclusiveness, sense of well-being, among other associated benefits. These contemplative practices will help the older people adjust to the new condition and live the meaningful life.  











Thumala Dockendorff, D. C. (2014). Healthy Ways of Coping With Losses Related to the Aging

Process. Educational Gerontology, 40(5), 363-384.


Fawcett, B. (2012). Well-being and older people: The place of day clubs in reconceptualising

participation and challenging deficit. British Journal of Social Work, 44(4), 831-848.


Zakrajsek, A. G., Schuster, E., Guenther, D., & Lorenz, K. (2013). Exploring older adult care transitions

from hospital to home: A participatory action research project. Physical & Occupational Therapy

in Geriatrics, 31(4), 328-344.

471 Words  1 Pages

Drug Abuse among Youth


Drug abuse represents one of the major issues affecting youths in the United States and across the globe. The problem affects negatively the social, psychological, academic and economic wellness of the users. The issue of youths abusing drugs has become a major concern for the government, parents and all the responsible organizations. This report determines the nature and the extent of the abuse among youths and all the associated contributing factors, establishes the state and foundation of familiarity and awareness on drug usage and investigates on the socio-cultural, economic forces that leads to drug abuse and finalizes with an in-depth analysis of the general effects of the conduct, challenges faced while fighting abuse and proposes several solutions to reducing and ending the drug abuse issue. The study will follow an explanatory design that seeks to establish the contributing factors to the problem of drug abuse among youths.










Drug abuse in the contemporariness of the society today is the wickedest disaster of the 21st century that is beyond the issue of drought, cancer or obesity. The issue of drug abuse among youths and teenagers is one that has intensified debates and concerns globally. Drug abuse is an issue that impacts individuals at different levels since most of the abusers are introduced to the norm as teenagers. The developed and developing nations are struggling with extensive range of problems and drug abuse is one of the leading ones. Drug abuse is currently one of the acute issues affecting the young generation. Drug abuse unswervingly affects the socio-economic aspects of the world. Despite the fact that drug abuse affects individuals from all age brackets, it is very disturbing that in the recent it has been established that youths are highly becoming committed to drug use. There are a number of justification to the intense spread of drug abuse among youths which worries everyone. In the society today more and more youths representing individuals of 18 to 35 years are getting into the experimental use of drugs which ultimately leads to addiction. The trend has augmented with globalization, communicate, on technology changes, and lifestyle and modernization adjustments. The worst scenario is the fact that the problem is not only prevalent in the urban settings as the case was in the previous centuries, but has spread uniformly. In this context, drug abuse among young people is an issue that has intensified concerns across the globe.

Background to the Problem

Recently in the United States cases of drug abuse and related problems such as addiction have been on the rise. The occurrence is verified by the cases that have been discussed and noted by the media with most which have been forwarded to the police or within the correctional system not even highlighting the uncountable drug-related studies conducted in the country (Possi, 2018). The issue of abuse is categorized as a disaster because when the youths are affected in such undesirable manner then it means that the future of the country is one that cannot be validated. It is without a doubt that youths are the future, and their wellness is of essence for the growth of the country (Monti, 2012). With such a prevalence, this is a threat to America as the leading country in the globe in terms of socio-economic and political development. In nation’s future with reference to issues such as leadership, innovation and development is likely to face intense challenges if the issue of drug abuse among young people is not handled with urgency. Youths tend to abuse drugs in the highest rate because they are within the experimental stage. Drugs are perceived by most as a stress reliever as an escapism root which fuels the urge of most individuals particularly youths to use the substance to run from reality. Life is said to be more difficult during the youthful age as most individuals attempt to transition and take the responsibilities of adults.

Based on Possi (2018) some of the most abused substances across the globe vary from the ones that are embraced socially to the illegal ones such as alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, heroin and bhang. The long-run consumption of such drugs results in addition which in turn affects the individual’s responsiveness. Drug addiction, contrary to what is known by most individuals is an illness that alters the cognitive and structural functions of the brain in general.  According to reports by WHO the prevalence of drug abuse among youths can be attributed to the feelings provoked by these drugs such as being high and forgetting about life troubles, peer pressure, experimental curiosity, and clinical use and worrying lives (Possi, 2018). Peer pressure plays the major role since most individuals are introduced to drugs by those close as well as the need to fit in within the demands of their peers. Worldwide, America is one of the most affected nation in terms of drugs which is linked to the availability aspects. Even though most of the affected country in the region is Mexico the prevalence affects USA in equal measures. Studies illustrate that hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin are the most abused in the country since they originate from Mexico at ease and spread easily across the state due to the existence of well-developed networks such as technology, infrastructure and communication media. The general implication of these drugs includes deaths, chronic illnesses such as cancer, crime, school dropouts and increased unemployment. 

Purpose of Study

The purpose of this study is to investigate the forces that contribute to drug abuse among American youths.

The significance of the Problem

Abuse of drugs among youth holds undesirable implications for the users. The consequences might be social, legal, psychological, health or economic base. It is such intensity that calls for a more precise understanding of the factors that contributes the abuse. The study is a practical one that will seek to offer in-depth details regarding the issue that will be useful for individuals in bettering their lives and those of others. In that, by creating an understanding of the issues that contribute to the problem, the audience will be in a better position. In other words, the findings will seek to increase awareness and familiarity. Also, the results might be fundamental for guardians in dealing with the youth’s perceptions and emotions so that they can shape their behaviors and deter drug abuse. In addition, the findings will also offer a foundation of knowledge for future researchers by being a reference source.

Specific Study Objectives

  1. I would like to find out the state and extent of drug abuse and related problems among youth.
  2. I would like to find out the demographic aspects that contribute to drug abuse
  3. I would like to find out the sociocultural and economic forces influencing drug abuse
  4. I would like to find out the consequences of drug abuse
  5. I would like to find out the leading challenges that are faced by those fighting the issue of drug abuse.

Conceptual Framework

Demographic aspects such as age, sex, education, occupation, socio-economic status, and culture normally influence an individual’s choices to engage in drug abuse. Studies have illustrated that male is most likely to participate in the maladaptive acts such as poor budgeting and drug abuse when equated to women. Age also represents a major force that drives the road to drugs use. Most youths utilize drugs with the objective of fitting in among peers as well as the interest of being perceived positively by others. On the other hand, the educated persons are widely acknowledged for making informed choices that are less damaging to themselves when equated to the illiterate populace. This is because they are likely to get desperate and hopelessness thus getting lost in drug usage. Religion offers the guideline for settling for the right choices while the socio-cultural aspects are the primary determinant of a person’s conduct. For instances, there are cultures that embrace the consumption of drugs such as alcohol in events and the acceptance of such drugs generates addition. Also, the socio-economic environment is essential ranging from a stressful environment to peer pressure and economic classes which might establish a high or low drugs use.

Theoretical Perspectives

Based on a theoretical perspective the spread of drug usage among youths can fully be justified. First, I believe that cognitive affirmative theory mainly accounts for the thinking, emotions and perceptions of youth with regard to the experimental use of drugs and the resulting consequences. Most youths tend to believe that drugs provides a means of escaping from the reality particularly in the instance when life is particularly difficult. In addition, this is also the means through which respect and admiration from others can be acquired. The negative implications are thus ignored and that is the rationale behind the use of awareness campaigns as the intervention approach (Monti, 2012). On the other hand based on social learning theory, individuals acquires behaviors from those near them. Such acts are learned from family members, peers and their community. The prevalence is more common in the poor setting since individual in the location holds the belief that drugs offers relief to the existing challenges in life. On the other hand the intrapersonal and interaction theory holds that the personality and behavioral characteristics drive the usage of drugs. In that for instance those that experience stress at school, social interaction difficulties and self-esteem issues are likely to get involved in drugs.

Definitions of Concepts

Drug abuse – refers to the customary intake of illegal substances.

Prevalence – the condition of commonness or the widespread in this case of drug abuse among youth.

Consequences – refers to the implication mostly the undesirable effects

Familiarity – the close interaction with knowledge or insights regarding something

Awareness – the perception and knowledge of facts regarding a situation.

Literature Review

Drug abuse represents one of the most pressing issues in the country and it has been the source of unending worry for the last couple of years. The spread of health threats such as cancer and addiction that are associated with drug usage have gathered a growing recognition from all over the world (Possi, 2018). The increased rate of unemployment, pregnancies, and illnesses are some of the significant demonstrators of the need to address the issue. Although drug abuse is considered to be a primary health issue it is also a socio-economic problem that affects the operation of the society. According to Jalilian et al, (2015) the use of drugs by young people is driven by the experimental urge. In that most of them only what to try and gain the feeling on the ground that the use of not legally acceptable which makes them appealing. It is the legal prohibition that motivates the use while the socially allowed drugs are the most abused (Nargiso, Ballard & Skeer, 2015). Drugs abuse refers to the extreme and continuous self- administration of substances with no respect for the medical or cultural norms. Drug abuse is likely to result in planned crimes and damaging of the normal living style.

When the issue of drug abuse in America rises, it is usually related to the youth particularly those from the low socio-economic setting and minority groups. This is partially justified because even though there is an essential drug usage among individuals of different age brackets, it is during the stage that most individuals tend to use drugs. Based on national reports the rate of individuals who were affected by drug abuse by 2014 was about 21.5 million and close to seventy percent of the populace were mainly youth (Nargiso, Ballard & Skeer, 2015). Out of all those that engage in drug use it is estimated that 50 percent fall into addiction without even their own realization while 20 percent end up with health complication and 5 percent of these people die early. However, despite the statistics, the usage among young individuals has been on the rise in the recent. It is asserted that close to 40 percent of the current prison populace accounts for the individuals who were detained on drugs-related cases (Nargiso, Ballard & Skeer, 2015). Since the rehabilitation resources are not as adequate to match the rising populace the situation deteriorates for the users thus creating a worse setting. American youth holds a high possibility of using drugs during the teenage and youthful years when equated to individuals within the European region.

The effects of drug abuse among young individuals have been linked to the weakening of societal morals and values due to modernization. American is one of the leading countries that highly promotes the norm of individualism. In this context, it means that individuals have the ability to make personalized decisions without having to worry about their implication to the world. Majority of youths normally rely on the drugs such as tobacco, alcohol, and cocaine in carrying out of activities which are accounted to ignorance. Studies that have been conducted to establish the youth attitudes towards drugs have held that it is the view of drugs as the source of relief that has caused the high dependency and addiction. A study by Campollo et al., (2018) established that some of the leading influences for youths in using drugs lie in curiosity and peer pressure. It is not surprising that drugs are widely embraced among peers as the best solution to dealing with development and easing the complexities of life. The study by Lee, (2011) also demonstrated that peer pressure is accountable for the intense use of drugs for the goals of creating a psychological balance and increasing appetite.

Lee, (2011) argued that men particularly those that are from the low socio-economic families are connected with an increased threat of substance use. The claim is firmly supported by the establishments by Jalilian et al, (2015) which illustrates that bhang users are mainly American men particularly youth who were denied parental guidance and support while growing. In addition, those that come from the troubled families that survive on inadequate finances and resources are the highest drug users. This is driven by the fact that they are forced to be responsible early and the only escape from such traumatic surrounding is doing drugs. The situation is similar to those that have experiences of abuse. There are those that engage in experimental habits but ultimately stop without much strain but the highest populace falls into addiction, which forces them to advance to more hard drugs which lead to significant effects on themselves and the society in general. Despite the growing commitment from most of the concerned individuals to end the issue, most people still defend the issue as though it was not as severe which has been the source of luring the youths. Drug abuse for the young persons is a subject of concern for the government and various stakeholders. This study will, therefore, seek to establish the extent of drug abuse among American youth.


  1. Peer pressure is a significant cause of drug abuse among youth in America
  2. Socio-economic status determines an individual’s lifestyle which in turns determines the indulgence in drugs use.
  3. Socio-economic, cultural and peer pressure predicts the high prevalence of drug abuse among youths.

Null Hypothesis

There lacks a significant association between socio-economic aspects and drug abuse among youths.

Research Methods

Sample and data sources

Target population

The study will focus on establishing the prevalence, causes, and effects of drug abuse among American youths. Thus, the target populace will be young individuals particularly university students because they represent one of the most vulnerable group with regard to drug use and addiction because of peer pressure and experimental needs. Since the population is largely a random sampling method will be used. Sampling refers to reducing the large number into a small one to act as the representative of the whole population (Levy & Lemeshow, 2011).

Sampling Frame

The sampling frame is the data that is used in the identification of the most suitable population to be engaged in research (Monsen & Van, 2008). A list of 500 students will be used as the study’s sample frame which will be outsourced from the university’s database after seeking permission from the administration. Random sampling will be required to reduce the sample size to about 100 and 150 students to make the study viable.

Sampling Procedures

The approach of purposive sampling will rely on sampling. This is a non-probability sampling method in which the sample is chosen on the basis of their knowledge, experience, and relationships regarding the issue being discussed (Mitchell & Jolley, 2013). In this study, those that have no relation to individuals using drugs or those that lack the actual experience will be eliminated. The sample will, therefore, be chosen based on relevant knowledge and experience regarding drug abuse. In addition, those that have actively been involved in an initiative that seeks to solve the problem will be included. New and first-year students will not be involved based on their low experience and exposure.

Response rate

The responsive rate is expected to be about 80 percent for it to be categorized as valid for the study. This is because with a high response rate the ability to generate maximum data for analysis will be enhanced.

Data Collection

Since the study will follow a descriptive method data will be collected using survey. This will range from the use of observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Questionnaires will contain semi-structured questions which will seek to ensure that the researcher does not deviate from the actual objectives and aims. In addition, more information that is useful for defending the study will be provided. The questions will be used as a guide for the interviews but this will not restrain the interview’s focus.

Procedures for obtaining data

In order for adequate information to be sourced both interviews and questionnaires will be relied upon. This means that the researcher will distribute the questionnaires to the sample a week prior to the interviews for filling. The questionnaires will be distributed online through the use of email based on the method’s flexibility. After filling the respondents will return the filled questionnaires back to the sender’s address. It is after when the interviews will be carried out particularly during the respondent’s free time which will take about 10 minutes for every respondent. However, before the distribution, the participants will be issued with a consent form to fill and sign to show that they approve of being part of the research. The consent form will inform them of their rights such as freedom to withdraw and the uses of the research. The researcher will analyze the information alone to ensure that the confidentiality aspect is not broken. However, no personal details will be collected.



Drug Abuse- Drug abuse represents the dependent variable which is also the results of the interaction that illustrates how the adaptation of drugs is achieved.



Peer pressure, Socio-economic, Age, Culture, perception, and religion and the independent variables. The independent variables are the resources for the conceptual framework. This refers to the factors that drive drug abuse. The facilitating procedure leads to the evolvement of drug abuse.


Peer pressure is the control variable because it is evident that its presence is required for the adoption of drugs. In addition, it is a primary factor when it comes to making choices on whether to get engaged in drugs use.

Research Instruments

Please answer all questions honestly. The answers to the answers will be handled confidentially.


  1. In the last 6 months have you taken any drug?
  2. What is your perception of drug abuse among youths?
  3. How many of your friends are drug users?
  4. Do you ever use drugs as a form of relaxation, fitting in or feeling better?
  5. Have you gotten in any trouble while on drugs?
  6. What are the major drivers of drug use among youths?
  7. What are some effects of drug abuse?
  8. Who are the most affected by drug abuse between men and women? Why?
  9. What is the source of awareness and familiarity about drug abuse?
  10. Do you think that enough is being done with regard to dealing with drug abuse?
  11. How can the issue of drug use be solved? Justify.

Ethical considerations

Since the research will be tackling a sensitive issue, some ethical considerations will be made to assert on the wellness of the study and guarantee effective and accurate results.

Risks of harm

There will be no any form of possible harm to either physical or cognitive. However, in order to ensure that the participants do not leave with the feeling of guilt which might affect their wellness the study will not collect any private information and the answers will be treated as confidential.

Privacy and confidentiality

In ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of the participants, the researcher will not collect any personal details such as name, address and so on. In addition, the researcher will analyze the data solely to ensure that no details are licked.

Brief the respondents

The respondents will be informed of their rights and the purpose of the study before the investigation. This will allow them to familiarize with the topic and be at ease when answering the questions. This will be done via the consent letter.

Cost-benefit ratio

The physical and mental discomfort throughout the study will be worth the benefits with reference to scientific knowledge. In that new insights will be developed which can be useful in living meaningful lives for the uses and youths.

Analysis Findings

The study established that drug abuse among youths is more widespread when compared to the use among adults. Despite the fact that efforts are being made on constant nature to create awareness in general, it is apparent that the youths are very ignorant. Drug abuse represents one of the major issues affecting youths in the United States and across the globe. The problem affects negatively the social, psychological, academic and economic wellness of the users. The issue of youths abusing drugs has become a major concern for the government, parents and all the responsible organizations. Drug abuse among youths has severe consequences ranging from health to socio-economic ones. The current state of increased pregnancies, early deaths, suicides and chronic illnesses are mainly facilitated by the use of drugs in general. Thematic coding is the analysis approach that will be used which involves arranging the concepts based on themes.

Table That Will Test Hypotheses



Does peer pressure contributes to drug abuse?


Does socio-economic hold a significant effect on drug abuse?


Does socio-cultural factors affect drug abuse?


Does age affect drug abuse?


            Summary and Implications

In conclusion, it is evident that drug abuse is one of the leading issues in American and globally. The abuse of drugs has increased in the recent years among youths which is attribute to technology advancement, globalization, and modernism which mainly encourages of individuality. Several aspects ranging from socio-economic to peer pressure plays a critical role in the rise of the issue. This study will seek to provide information to the public with regard to the contributors and the effects of drug abuse. Through this individuals can make informed choices on the path to take. This will also help in lowering the prevalence and developing a more stable setting. The government and all the respective stakeholders should focus on awareness creation through social media to reach the youths.






Campollo, O., Sheikhattari, P., Alvarez, C., Toro-Guerrero, J., Avila, H. S., & Wagner, F. A. (2018). Factors associated with tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use among youth living in West Central Mexico. World journal of psychiatry, 8(1), 33.

Compton, W. M., Jones, C. M., & Baldwin, G. T. (2016). Relationship between nonmedical prescription-opioid use and heroin use. New England Journal of Medicine, 374(2), 154-163.Top of Form

Jalilian, F., Karami Matin, B., Ahmadpanah, M., Ataee, M., Ahmadi Jouybari, T., Eslami, A. A., & Mirzaei Alavijeh, M. (2015). Socio-demographic characteristics associated with cigarettes smoking, drug abuse and alcohol drinking among male medical university students in Iran. Journal of research in health sciences, 15(1), 42-46.

Lee, T. Y. (2011). Construction of an Integrated Positive Youth Development Conceptual Framework for the Prevention of the Use of Psychotropic Drugs among Adolescents. The Scientific World Journal, 11, 2403–2417.

Levy, P. S., & Lemeshow, S. (2011). Sampling of Populations: Methods and Applications. Hoboken: Wiley.

Mitchell, M. L., & Jolley, J. M. (2013). Research design explained. Australia: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Bottom of FormTop of Form

Monsen, E. R., Van, H. L., & American Dietetic Association. (2008). Research: Successful approaches. Chicago: American Dietetic Association. 

Monti, P. (2012). Adolescents, Alcohol, and Substance Abuse: Reaching Teens through Brief Interventions. New York: Guilford Publications.

Nargiso, J. E., Ballard, E. L., & Skeer, M. R. (2015). A systematic review of risk and protective factors associated with nonmedical use of prescription drugs among youth in the United States: a social ecological perspective. Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs, 76(1), 5-20.

Possi, M. K. (2018). Effects of drug abuse on cognitive and social behaviours: A potential problem among youth in Tanzania. Utafiti Journal, 3(1).




4181 Words  15 Pages

Question 1

Comparative analysis of Plato and Aristotle

How Plato and Aristotle view reality

Plato and Aristotle are without any doubt the most significant philosophers the world has ever witnessed. Both philosophers came up with unique and distinctive theories around the Greek concepts. Most people claim that Plato and Aristotle are the exact opposite of each other, it is not an absolute truth. Individuals who have taken their time to study the works of both philosophers and the reasons as to why they are compared to each other, and the importance of examining the two legends; such people cannot wholly claim that they are extreme opposites. Their ideologies are very well thought of and contain a load of information that assists people to study other concepts of life, therefore, comparing them gives people an advantage to identify the loopholes made while they were creating ideas or the reasons behind their thoughts. Comparing such great minds gives an opportunity to come up with new ways and perspectives of doing things. Therefore it is not just entirely about comparing the great minds but coming up with new ideas as well (Grube, 1981 p1, p 41 & 45).

Plato was gained his knowledge from Socrates at a school in Athens .At the institution he had accessed knowledge from ancient geek scholars. This insight helped him gain ideas on philosophical concepts. Plato analyses mystery of nature and reality through the eyes of Socrates. When Socrates was a young man he thought that natural science was responsible for everything that occurred on earth. He then realizes that he has no ability to investigate beyond the physical tangible nature of the earth. ‘As I investigated how these things perish and what happens to  things  in the sky and earth, finally I became convinced that I had no natural aptitude at all for that kind of investigation’(Grube, 1981 p 1).

Plato conceived one can only do well if he has the knowledge of good. If one has the knowledge of good and understand how it works, they can have the ability to become more ethical in the society. Plato says that a relationship exists between the good and the bad in the present world occupied by man .The association brought about the organization and a coordinated way of life. This is exemplified by the passage, ‘I am far, by Zeus form believing that I know the cause of those things’ (Grube, 1981).

Plato makes comparisons between a short man and a tall one, a horse and a smaller horse. When a large man stands beside a short man, he is a head taller than the short man .A tall horse can be taller than another horse. Ten is a larger number than eight. Although the comparisons are obvious, the underlying causes behind the differences is a wonder to Plato. He also cannot differentiate which entity increases when it is added to another entity. He is not convinced that he has the knowledge to explain most of the obvious phenomena. He also claims that the mind is behind everything and gives purpose to each and everything on earth. (Grube, 1981 p 24).


Some of the similarities that can be seen between Aristotle and Plato, is their belief in the concept of human ability. Self-sufficiency and independent men and women. They believed that the role of a humanity was improving morality among other people and enhance ethical development. In simple terms, the humanity had a duty of bringing up its generations to become more responsible individuals within the society. They also had a common ground on reality and claimed that for the world to be more sufficient and sustainable, it should be small enough to cater to the needs of the people who live or abide in their reality. Belief in humanity are some of the general similarities spotted among the two philosophers who shaped the world, and many scholars around the globe still study their opinion (Grube, 1981).

Aristotle differed with Plato's opinion on reality and the idea of good. He argued that it was reality was the things seen by humans and there is no any other dimension on earth that could be termed as reality, ‘For everything that changes is something and is changed by something” (p52). If the real also known as the ideal forms are eternal, pure and never changing, then relating them to the material objects or structure on the physical earth with all its imperfection is not possible (p 52). Participating or imitating the connection between the real and not real or imaginary, which according to Plato existed is the incorrect way of thinking as there is no evidence to establish the link. Even if the connection is real, it fails to explain every form in the physical or material world. Plato does not describe the manner in which the higher forms were managed or controlled and if it was possible for forms to control things. This is demonstrated by the story of the cave where prisoners observe shadows for the first time and mistake it for reality (Grube, 1981 p 40).

Aristotle made a lot of assumptions on the concept of forms. He intimately combined the theory with his views and faith. Humans are capable of creating biological or scientific knowledge and wisdom out of primary substances such as plants and animals but only when they acquire the understanding of the ‘causes.' Atia, a Greek word translates directly to causes or can be known as the reason behind a certain phenomenon ‘There are three kinds of substance one that is sensible the alter is recognized by men and includes plants and animals’(p 51) This means that knowledge is meaningful and useful only when there is certainty   why ‘something' exists   and its purpose, fundamental science procedures .Thus, if humans have two legs because they are biped, then having legs can explain the form of humanness in man .Therefore knowledge of a form or essence gives the reason why things appear as they usually do. In this manner Aristotle theory on expertise was connected with metaphysics or scientific method. He claims that the real world can be viewed as  viewed in  terms of perishable (Grube, 1981 p 51).

Plato suggested once humans acknowledge the world that exist beyond their own, they will gain more power and understanding about forms that exist in that world. He was not specific enough to let people know if this was supposed to occur during the lifespan of a human or after his death. Aristotle on the other side believed that everything was on earth and scientific procedures would be used to find the purpose behind everything on earth. In short, Plato implies merely that what moves on earth in its physical form is an Imitation of an actual phenomena only difference is the imperfections it exhibits (Grube, 1981 p36).


On the other side Aristotle, claimed that the natural earth is real and physical .Aristotle taught biology and geography as a teacher. This occupation gave him understanding he needed to study universe and living organisms keenly. Aristotle found that the earth is made up of a lot of physical forms though some were neither perfect nor pure. He further elaborated that human senses could recognize every material forms on earth. Aristotle and other philosophers did not explain how the invisible world affects life forms and other things on earth. No matter how Plato evaluated life, it does not solve the human world exhaustively, the evolution it underwent and the organization of phenomena (Grube, 1981 p 48).

 Aristotle was more practical than his predecessor, Plato .The name assigned to an object should predict its overall character. For example, animal can be used to describe humans and other organisms in general (Grube, 1981 p 45).He claimed that a name and the description of the object should also depict the meaning. On the other hand, things within an object cannot dictate the overall meaning of the object. A definition cannot be predicated but this does not imply that their names cannot be used. For example, white within a certain object can be predicated based on the object it presents but in terms of the definition, cannot rely on the object it represents. Therefore everything is predicated or classified according to the object they present. However this does not apply to primary substances. For example animal is predicates man and consequently predicates an individual man.Primary substances are known as primary because they make up everything else. (Grube, 1981 p34).

A sensible substance can be altered according to Aristotle. If change is as a result of conflicting or intermediate and not entirely as an outcome of opposite, there must be an underlying factor which is responsible for the antagonistic change (Grube, 1981 p41).






Grube, G.M.A. (1981).Free Dialogues. Hackett Publishing Company Inc.PDF.



1476 Words  5 Pages

Personal Care Plan Directive

Part 1

The basic elements of culture that I consider important for my wellbeing include the identity, integration and social cohesion, which improve the sense of belonging in a given community.  These aspects plays a huge part in providing solutions for issues related to communication, protection, care and nurturing which in turn forms an important part of rich and healthy social capital. They will allow for an active social life in old age that is necessary for coping with old age. A society that is integrated and where nurture and care are emphasized goes a long way in ensuring that I can face the life challenges in old age.  These aspects mean that I will have family and friends around that will prevent the issue of loneliness from creeping in.  Wellbeing is normally culture sensitive and is perceived and any aspects that are expected to bring happiness and quality of life, and these can only be obtained in a social life that emphasizes cohesion (Wu, 2013).  The aspects will also improve my cultural participation and the resulting relationships networks with the nearby people will provide a good experience in old age.  They will allow for corporation and engagement in issues relating to the society as a whole.

 As an elderly person, I will need to be psychologically resilient so that I cannot succumb to any arising adversity but instead, demonstrate the ability for adaptation shown by management of stressful events or overcoming adverse occurrences.  There are individual and community factors that form a person level of resilience. The individual factors include optimism and positivity which will help me in controlling the perceptions of the situations encountered in old age.  Having a positive self-concept relates to self-esteem and these two factors helps in bouncing back from various losses that a person likely to come across with time (Wu, 2013).  In addition, determination goes hand in with flexibility, whereby as a resilient person I will be capable of learning the available options for reacting to a situation and then choosing the one that can bring forth the desired results. Continued education is an important aspect that will equip me with the more knowledge about the solutions for various problems in life especially knowledge on new technology. Technology will continue having a pronounced role in health care services for the elderly people since the solutions it provided can have a better response to emerging demographic challenges and even at the workplaces (Pekkarinen et al. 2013).

The most important factors that will ensure my emotional and personal experience include strong social support and social networks, whether provided through religious or community activities.  Strong social support and social networks have been found to have substantial contributions to person resilience after multiple adversities (Hughes, 2014). The support can also come from family especially the spousal support that provides a good source for emotional stability. Practicing acceptance is an important aspect that will ensure that I am resilient especially amidst painful illnesses, the time taken for healing and other stressful situations that comes with old age.  This will involve understanding that pain and stress are inevitable in life and it is better that one come into terms with this reality (Bennett, 2015). This is better than denying, ignoring or repressing pain and learning how to embrace relisting emotions and trusting that I will bounce back after all.

I wish that my old age be the best time of my life, my golden years filled with happiness, satisfaction and accomplishment.  This does not mean that I am wishing for an ideal life with not loss and pain, but being accustomed to gains made in youth and basking in maturity. Being resilient will enable me to withstand any physical, intellectual and emotional decline. However, I look forward to the possibility of not experiencing ill health and doing my best in helping others, maintain my mental vigor with little deterioration but most of all, the ability to take care of myself. However, if ailment becomes common I would like to receive the best healthcare from people whom I can relate to and trust. My health care providers should be nurses, therapist and doctors who are keen and focused on personal relationship and which will provide a good environment. They should be specialized, experienced and certified professionals so that I can trust them. I would want to maintain good relationship with my family and friends and even the health care providers. These relationships are necessary for me since they provided a basis for better social capital.

Part two

As my life changes due to environmental, health and relationships shifts, I would like a successful transition that is based on high skills and knowledge, better knowledge and use of available resources to meet expectations.  The health care provided will be based on voluntary relationships and in case of unpredictable -involuntary emergence of illnesses , those with who the relationships are formed will form the best foundation for care.  My support for any long-term health condition will be provided through emotional self-management and empowerment.  The empowerment will involve education and training on how to provide self-care for various illnesses and how to prevent their occurrence in old age.  This will also involve delivering various interventions with a main focus on my self-confidence and even self-efficacy in relation to any problems that are related to work.  

The health care plan will also involve provision of various interventions that enhance performance and even compensate for any change in performance. As a person’s productivity in work is expected to decline as age increases , there should be reduction of any demands related to the tasks that he will be undertaking (Bennett, 2015). These services should be provided with help of experienced nurses, doctors and therapist.  My only fears are that members of my family will be too busy to assist me in receiving the right health care. My family is the bedrock of my personal development and social networking.  Currently, I have been realizing that social networking with right people and continuous improvement through learning are necessary in influencing my decision making.


The level to which the health care for any person is efficient, timely and even appropriate is determined by the features of a health care system (McGinnis, 2011).  MY health care plan is bound to experience challenges as changes in health care costs and quality changes in the various health care facilities.  Moreover, any unforeseen changes in my network of relationships with family members and friends may mean that the plan will have to be changed.


Bennett, K. M. (2015). Emotional and personal resilience through life. Future of an ageing population: evidence review. London, Government Office for Science.


Hughes, R. (2014). Social aspects of ageing are as important as the clinical. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 8(10), 514-515.

Wu, G., Feder, A., Cohen, H., Kim, J. J., Calderon, S., Charney, D. S., & Mathé, A. A. (2013). Understanding resilience. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 7, 10.


Pekkarinen, S., Melkas, H., Kuosmanen, P., Karisto, A., & Valve, R. (2013). Towards a more social orientation in gerontechnology: Case Study of the “Reminiscence Stick”. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 31(4), 337-354.


McGinnis, J. M., Olsen, L., Goolsby, W. A., & Grossmann, C. (Eds.). (2011). Engineering a learning healthcare system: a look at the future: workshop summary. National Academies Press.


1227 Words  4 Pages

Short answers about Human Services

  1. According to National Organization of Human Services, (2015), the ethical standard 3, Michael is expected to protect his client’s right to privacy and confidentiality. He has an obligation to take reasonable precautions to protect the identity and information of his client. Michael should ignore carol and her husband. This is because meeting with them might lead to identification of Carol as his patient therefore violating Carol’s privacy and confidentiality.
  2. According to standard 21, Sue should respond appropriately to Laura’s problematic behavior. This will involve talking to her. However, basing on Laura’s situation, Sue should buy her dinner and get her a hotel room for the night. This will allow Laura to cool down and it will offer Sue an opportunity to talk to her on the following day.
  3. According to standard 5, Mary should curtail and avoid having a professional relationship with this client as this may impair her judgment as a professional.
  4. According to standard 33, Ryan should be cautious about disclosing his personal information to Ally. This is because he represents the human service profession.
  5. Heather and Brianna should report their cases to their educators. As guided by standard 41, the educator will carry out a reasonable investigation. They will thus ensure that a good response is given to safeguard the students. As a result a good recommendation will be provided to them.
  6. According to standard 21, Alana should try and talk to Jay. However, if the unethical conduct continues, he should report Jay’s behavior to the administration.
  7. According to standard 9, it is unethical and illegal for Scott to have restricted storage and transmission of information. This does not meet the requirements regarding information release.
References             National Organization of Human Services. 2015. Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals. Portland,Oregon.





298 Words  1 Pages

An Evaluation of the Protection afforded to women n and vulnerable adults against domestic abuse



Domestic violence can be found in most cultures throughout the world. During the late 20th century, cultures that allowed male domination had most cases of domestic abuse and violence. Women were expected to suffer without complaining. Hostility and criticism was directed at feminists and women movements for challenging this abuse and governments at various points in history permitted the vice. The nature of the domestic violence for long has been associated with coercive behavior, threatening traits sexual or financial abuse. But all these has changed. In today's world, women and other vulnerable groups have a voice. There are various ways   today's society utilize to ensure their protection. The government has come up with institutions whose sole responsibilities are to report, investigate, rehabilitate and confirm domestic violence is contained or reduced significantly. Modern ways of raising awareness such as free counseling and advice have helped to protect women and other vulnerable groups. Laws have been passed to penalize all people who commit the crime. Women are more likely to be domestically abused if they do not speak up or raise the alarm for fear of being intimidated or threatened with death. Safer legal recording procedures have emerged to protect the anonymity of victims. Men can also be vulnerable to domestic violence. Domestic violence can also happen in same-sex marriages (Europe, and Hilary p123).



Aims and objectives

This research should fulfill the following purposes:

To examine the measures taken to protect women and vulnerable adults against domestic abuse.

.To Examine How Authorities respond to victims of domestic violence in the UK.

Laws put in place to protect women and vulnerable groups from domestic violence.

To study the measures taken while monitoring and evaluating

To recommend ways that can assist I the protest of women and vulnerable adults against

To safeguard the rights of women and vulnerable adults

To define the responsibilities of the different government institutions



Literature review

Domestic abuse   is socially constructed, has developed over the years and usually reflect prevailing insights, interest and authority distribution. Feminists' understanding influenced  by personal experiences or witnessing other abused women, have supported evidence-based researchers which have assisted  in expanding concepts around domestic violence as  physically  damaging  through  highlighting  the interrelating ranges of domestic violence, coercion, controlling traits causing psychological, sexual and physical harm to the victims .However, researchers have not given enough attention to sexual, mental and other effects of domestic violence. Some issues about terminologies remain hotly contested, such as whether domestic abuse is a gender-specific or neutral reference or includes all other forms and instances of violence in each and every category of intimate relationships (Europe, and Hilary p120).

In the context of criminal justice, there are no legal or shared definitions of house hold abuse utilized by the UK criminal justice agencies and other relevant institutions. This implies comparing research and surveillance data and coordinating policy creation and activities. The government was forced to come up with a standard definition which is in line with other definitions used by the justice system institutions (Europe, and Hilary p102).



The present UK criminal justice functioning definitions try addressing common knowledge and responsibilities, operation discussions among other crisis. All definitions cover a broader spectrum including abusive traits recorded in the Home office descriptions: ‘any abuse between current and former partners in an intimate relationship’, wherever and whenever the assault takes place. ‘Some of the institutions including particular police services, incorporate violence in other close relationships into their definition terms. Law enforcement department definitions limit their scope to violence toward a grown-up family member which is in line with value performance indicator description. On the other probation and CPS definitions have included abuse of a child. PS limits its meaning to criminal offenses only. The standard definition of domestic violence refers to violence perpetrated toward a family member or and an intimate in an adult relationship.

A standard definition helps officials to focus on the actual crime and the key concerns. Domestic abuse under the standard definition has the following characteristics can be derived from it: controlling, threatening and coercive behaviors p116).

After finding the conventional definition of domestic abuse, other words associated with it can also be defined to give the definition a proper context. Incident can be defined as anywhere, and it is not just limited to a home of the victim or member of a family. Family members may include a mother, a father, son or daughter or any other directly or indirectly related person. An intimate partner implies that there must have been a stable relationship for s period. The relationship should also be considered to have had a logical or sexual angle to it, for instance, between a wife and husband or any other types of couples, (same-sex couples are included).A serial perpetrator is an individual with a criminal record of domestic abuse against two or more people. Coercive behavior refers to an act of assaulting, threatening, humiliating or other forms of punishment meant to harm or scare n individual (Europe, and Hilary p67).

Honor-based type of violence refers to a group of practices meant to establish control over the behavior of individual people. A family or other social groups can control the behavior. These types of violence can occur when the perpetrator perceives that another manner of the extended family has shamed the family and needs to be punished so that the honor of the family can be restored. Honor killings can be distinguished from other kinds of violence due to the amount of approval it receives from other members of the family or the society. It is not easy prosecuting these type of domestic violence. They do not easily come out of the public domain. Family members can easily hide evidence and make it appear as though their own was murdered. Some government and laws support honor   violence within their societies making it to stop it worldwide. This can be compared female genital mutilation which is suppose in some African communities (Harne and Jill p77).

There is a fine line that can be drawn between a forced, marriage and arranged marriages. In an arranged marriage, the families on both sides, take a participating role in arranging the marriage but the ultimate choice remains with the couple (Harne and Jill p132).

In Forced marriage, either one or both of the individuals do not agree with the arrangement of the union. In some cases, some adults are incapable of making their own decisions due to an inability hence their relatives or close guardians make the choices on their behalf. Also, some factors of duress may play a role in a forced marriage such as physical financial or emotional pressure. Forced marriages are a domestic abuse that violates the human rights of other people. Anyone who is under the age of 18 is considered a child under the law hence forced marriage can be a type of child abuse (Buzawa and Carl p 115). A child forced into marriage can suffer from immense harm which can be either physical, sexual or emotional. Forced marriages have a profoundly damaging impact on a child. It affects both health and development of a child. And can lead to sexual; violence such as rape. When a child is forced into marriage, he or she may be taken to a faraway land for an extended period which amounts to child abduction. In addition to this, such a child's education would be affected due to absenteeism from school. Thus, a child in a forced marriage would miss out on education opportunities. Even if the child is not taken to a faraway country, they are more likely to miss out on school. A child who attends a school they are more likely to tell their predicament to their peers (Harne and Jill p143).

Female Genital Mutilation is a common terminology for procedures that cut off part of or the entire external female genitals due to culture purposes or other reasons they deem as reasonable. The exercise is not essential at all, it is painful, and the health consequences are disastrous. Both long and short-term effects start immediately after the procedure is carried out. It is performed on females aged between 4 and 13 years of age. In rare cases, it is carried out on infants or young ladies before they are married off to their soon to be husbands. Female Genital Mutilation is the crime under the laws of United Kingdom. Under the Female Genital Mutilation Act of 2003, replaced the Act passed in 1985.This Act makes it illegal for any resident of UK  carry out the practice or to facilitate it in any way (Harne and Jill p127).

The care Act of 2014 and Support Statutory Guidance of the year 2014 stipulates that a lot of individuals perceive domestic violence as a crime committed by an intimate partner, but the abuse may not have been perpetrated by a partner or former partner but members of the person's family (Harne and Jill p113).


Responsibilities of various groups

Division heads and managers must do their best to ensure the safety of all their staff members. This can be done by educating them on their roles and responsibilities about policies that protect them from domestic violence. Also, they need to be made aware of necessary steps they need to take incase domestic abuse occurs within the work environment (Harne and Jill p103).



Every employee must support any victim of domestic abuse. The primary responsibility the principal responsibility for such this support system will rely on the individual with the primary responsibility for taking care of domestic violence victims (Cook, p 34). The staff members are responsible for seeking advice, guidance whenever they are not sure about the application procedures or aspects of the policies that protect them from domestic violence (Harne and Jill p72).




General support to every victim of violence and abuse

Most of the institutions support the efforts made by the government to protect its citizen n from any form of domestic violence and abusive relationships. The government portrays domestic violence as the act that betrays trust and goes to the right of every citizen to feel safe both their houses and in their intimate relationships. This law is stipulated in the Department of Health passed in the year 2005.Hence trust can be used to ensure that any form of domestic violence or abuse is easily identified and service utilizers and staff members are provided with necessary data and a support system to reduce the risk. The government plays various roles to ensure domestic violence and abuse is decreased significantly among citizens living within the United Kingdom. The have various institutions that raise awareness on any issue on domestic abuse and violence. Ensuring that their institutions and staff abide by the rule of law; enable them to provide assistance and supportive measures to all the victims and patients. If an adult is at risk of domestic violence then, their children are also at risk of the abuse. The government recognizes that domestic violence is not only wrong but a punishable criminal offense. Government implements measures necessary to stop domestic violence and abuse. These measures provide platforms for victims or either people who have witnessed the crimes to report the case (Kelly and Julia p 431).



Safeguarding procedures for victims of domestic abuse and violence

The attending officer has the sole responsibility of ensuring victims of domestic abuse are protected and secured from their perpetrators until investigations into the matter are passed to the concerned authorities (Radford and Lynne p 129). The fooling lists elaborate on the tactics used by various institutions to ensure they protect and security of women and other vulnerable people: Flag any address for a quicker response to calls for help from the address. Crime prevention officers forward the addresses for the victims to schools or their places of work and other public places frequented by the individual. The information the public of dangerous areas or places they can avoid. These officers advice or give extra attention to victims by answering their calls and taking necessary steps to ensure the victim is attended to immediately they make the distress call. They email other authorities (Kelly and Julia p 230).

Research methodology

This research will focus on a socio-legal method (Kelly and Julia p 201).


Justification of the chosen methodology

This type of methods helps or relate the relationship between the law and the society. Connecting the community with thaw legal factors will answer the research questions above. The primary research focus is the protection of women and vulnerable adult adults. Therefore socio-legal research enables me to find out best ways to implement laws that will help the society change their attitude toward domestic violence (Kelly and Julia p 258).


Feasibility analysis

This research topic is feasible due to its constant relevance in different parts of the world hence data will be readily available for assessment. Socio-legal methodology recognizes the need to incorporate various ways of studying law and other legal phenomena that will assist to create protection policies for women and other vulnerable groups. Combining the advantages of this methodology and my experience in legal research studies will bring out my competence. I will source for research material from various online library platforms. However, I can have access to scholarly articles by other means such as the SFX system located at the UWS library or through the SCONUL systems (Cefrey, p 97). I can also use the alternative but extensive databases available via UWS and EBSCO database. A part of this databases, I can inquire information through the interlibrary loan systems (Kelly and Julia p 101).

This research is not expensive to conduct; it entirely relies on data from the library information which has been gathered from previously related investigations. Movement is not required since a collection of information is done in place, and that is from the library (McCue, p 171). The only cost incurred will be regarding accessing online libraries and other types of data (Kelly and Julia p 57).

Regarding time allocation, I am supposed to have completed the work I have chosen to conduct this research for the legal research module in the second trimester of my third year of study at UWS.Hence the regulations of the course have to be satisfactorily meant. I have only twelve weeks, which is equal to one academic term. I am confident that the work can be finished within the required time and still maintain its quality (Kelly and Julia p 89).

I also acknowledged the fact  that work done on this project  is slightly limited  because of certain perspectives that I may choose to observe such as type of information I chose to include in the research  and relevance of  various  sources to my research. All aspects of the research cannot be exhausted elaborately due to the limited time I have. Therefore future researchers will have more in-depth evaluation of policies used to protect women and adult vulnerable groups, analysis of the origin of domestic abuse and an examination from a more ethical angle than the legal angle (Kelly and Julia p 32).




Ethical considerations

These considerations are very crucial when carrying out researches. Ethics refer to the norms or standards that helps to distinguish between right or wrong. They determine the contrast between what is acceptable and what not acceptable (Finley, p123) is. Therefore they are very vital in any research. First of all, the prevention against any falsification of information and hence promote the pursuit of academic knowledge and truth which is the primary objective of any research. Ethical standards also initiate collaborative work as it motivates and creates an atmosphere of trust, accountability, and transparency while conducting an investigation. This occurs due to issues such as I formation sharing, citations, and confidentiality among many other things. These set standards of coed and policies provide a guideline that helps an individual make right decisions while conducting their researches to avoid cases of misconduct (Kelly and Julia p 323).

One of the primary ethical considerations has to do with the utilization of human subjects. To address such concerns, most firms and companies have come to an institutional review board. The board plays a role in ensuring that human subjects are protected and not violated by any researcher (Kelly and Julia p 98).

They review every research format methodology to the content development of, research proposals to make sure every ethical standard is adhered to. The institution also safeguards the interests of the researcher and the institution against potential legal effects form any behavior that may be deemed as unethical or against the common good of the society. Examples of issues that some of the things that a may be considered unethical are: voluntary presentation or participating and informed consent. These standards are followed to ensure that all individual subjects have not be coerced into joining into the research but they have done it out of their free will and they are all aware of the underlying procedures that entail the analysis (Sanderson, p98). Ethical standards protect the anonymity and confidentiality of the individuals that might take part in the research (Kelly and Julia p 267).








Works cited

Buzawa, Eva S, and Carl G. Buzawa. Domestic Violence: The Criminal Justice Response. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications, 2003

Cefrey, Holly. Domestic Violence. New York, NY: Rosen Pub. Group, 2009.

Cook, Philip W. Abused Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence. Westport, Conn: Praeger, 2009

Europe, Council, and Hilary Brown. Violence against Vulnerable Groups. Strasbourg Cedex: Council of Europe, 2004

Finley, Laura L. Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault in Popular Culture. , 2016

Harne, Lynne, and Jill Radford. Tackling Domestic Violence: Theories, Policies and Practice. Maidenhead: Open University Press, 2007

Kelly, Sanja, and Julia Breslin. Women's Rights in the Middle East and North Africa: Progress Amid Resistance. New York: Freedom House, 2010

McCue, Margi L. Domestic Violence: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO, 2008.

Radford, Jill, and Lynne Harne. Tackling Domestic Violence: Theories, Policies and Practice. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education, 2008

Sanderson, Chrissie. Counselling Survivors of Domestic Abuse. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2008.

3038 Words  11 Pages

 Administration and Protection of Elder People


            All over the world, a larger number of older adults are facing challenges such as poverty, discrimination, and abuse that diminish their human rights and their overall impact on the community. Older people are entitled to be treated like other people in the community. Elder abuse has posed a significant problem to the world. Elder abuse is widespread, and it is affecting everyone in the community. Elder people are abused in public services, during civil participation and also in economic resources. Statistics shows that each year majority of older adults are abused, and their case goes unreported due to lack of social supports which makes the reporting easier. Taking care of the elder person who once cared for you is viewed as the greatest honour. Members of the family together with relatives and friends should come together to help and assist the older person. The older adults are assisted and helped with various tasks such as giving medication, bathing, feeding them, and dressing (Moody & Sasser, 2015).

            The family members can also act as care gives to the older member by providing them with essential care. Family members also offer care and support such as advocacy which is necessary especially for older people who have mental health sickness, disabilities and those staying in nursing homes. Older people prefer spending time with their families compared to other people. Social support from family and friends lowers stress and boost their well-being thus improving their lives. The government should be on the front line in helping and assisting the older people. The government should ensure that’s the rights of older people are not abused, neglected or exploited through enforcing laws (Schulz, Eden, & National Academies of Sciences, 2016).


            Hospitals and community services organizations face a great problem when encountered and addressing the care of incapable older people who have no family members or friends who can be involved in the decision making of the patient .These older people are the most helpless because no one cares about their well-being or whether they will survive or not.  In America there are bodies such as the America association commission that outlines and directs the need for doctors to make major decisions on behalf of the older people. The wishes of patient can only be considered if he or she has understood the whole process of the treatment such as potential risks and purpose. Therefore doctors can only disclose information to elderly people who can make a knowledgeable decision about the treatment. Under state law, if the patient cannot make such decisions, the doctors in charge are supposed to take over and make those decisions on behalf of their patients (Tànfani &Testi, 2012).

            Elder abuse involves different types of behaviours which can be classified in different ways.  This act of abuse can either be intentional or unintentional where different types of behaviours can be involved.  Whether an act is abusive depends on whether the case is abusive or omission.  Physical abuse involves an elder person being inflicted with physical pain, injury, and discomfort. Such behaviours include rape, hitting, beating and hitting. Elderly people face financial or property abuse, where there is the misuse of their money. For example, stealing money, forging of signatures on bank cheques and documents, tricking and forcing an older person to sell his or her land or giving out their properties out and misuse of attorney power. Older people are neglected where the caregivers fail to provides needs to the older person of whom the older person is unable to meet the needs. Such behaviours include failing to provide the older person with clothes, food and water, medication, nursing services and therapy (Hindle & Coates, 2011). Older people also suffer from psychological and emotional abuse which weakens their identity and self-worth of a person. Such behaviours include yelling, threatening to insult, swearing and showing ignorance.  Elder people face abandonment this occurs when the person who has the responsibilities of taking care of them fails to do so. Self- neglect occurs when the person fails to take care of him or herself thus threatening his or her well-being.

            Elder law services are legal practices that specialize in matters that are affecting the aging group.  Elder law services ensure that older people are not neglected in the nursing home and that they are taken good care of. The role of advocacy is to give guidelines and offer assistance to elderly people by representing their wishes. They act in the interest of older people by promoting and ensuring that they are enjoying their rights and opportunities in the society. The advocacy assists the older adults by helping them to act for themselves, giving support to families or caregivers who act on behalf of the older person. There are several services which are available in assisting the older people (Ash, 2014).  These advocacy services are available to the person from age 65 and above and to any person who is disabled and unable to meet his or her needs between the age of 18to 64.The departments concerned with elderly matters are supposed to implement services that protect individuals over 60 years by ensuring they will be able to access health services.

             The administration of facility protects older human rights by safeguarding their rights and providing services needed. They also ensure that there not abused by creating programs which offer protective services and educating the public on the availability of the services and creating awareness of the older abuse. These administrators are required by the law to mandatory report any abuse case and the staffs are required by the law to report abuse case immediately to the local agencies which deals with aging issues. If the abuse involves sexual assault, injuries or death the matter should be reported to the aging department and local law enforcement (Doron & Soden, 2012)

            In conclusion, the risk of elder people can be reduced by putting systems in place that prevents the abuse. Also, the government should allocate funds which will be used to offer training on the matters of detecting and preventing the abuse. Effects of harmful ageism in elder people can be reduced by identifying ways of empowering them such as senior centres.  Awareness of elder abuse should be created so that the members of the community can recognize it and its warning. This will help the people to report elder abuse cases to the authority and stop it before it takes place. Due to changes in lifestyle caring of an elderly person cannot be left in the hands of the immediate family; it has to be responsibilities of friends, government, non-government organizations and private institutions.














Ash, A. (2014). Safeguarding older people from abuse: Critical contexts to policy and practice.

Doron, I., & Soden, A. (2012). Beyond elder law: New directions in law and aging. New York: Springer.

Hindle, A., & Coates, A. (2011). Nursing care of older people. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

In Schulz, R., In Eden, J., & National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). (2016). Families caring for an aging America.

Moody, H. R., & Sasser, J. R. (2015). Aging: Concepts and controversies.

Tànfani, E., & Testi, A. (2012). Advanced decision making methods applied to health care. Milan: Springer.



1215 Words  4 Pages

Racism in healthcare

What action steps can we take right now and in the future when it comes to improving infant health outcomes?

 To improve the infant health outcomes, the first action step should be changing the racial inequality that exists in the U.S society and in the healthcare system. The root cause of higher rate of infant mortality is racial inequalities. To reduce the racial inequalities, there should be a partnership and community agency whose role is to create collaborative efforts and use innovative approaches to eliminating disparities. The second step is to establishing community awareness events where the agency will address the impact of racism on infant health, perinatal health disparities, promote collaboration, create action plans, create policies, provide family support and build community participation (Unanaturalcausesdoc, 2008). It is important to understand the health issue is a national crisis and to improve the infant health, there should be a multi-level support from state and federal government in making policies, establish national protocols in eliminating racism, provide funding for expansion and sustainability of the partnership and provide technical assistance.

How does racism take a physical toll on the human body over a lifetime?

The number of infant mortality is high in the U.S where African Americans have worse birth outcomes than white Americans. The cause of risk during pregnancy is due to negative impact of racism over their lifetime. For instance, African American women face racial disparities in the health care system due to their ‘blackness' despite whether they have a higher level education, higher income or note (California Newsreel, 2014). They experience unequal treatment and they lack resources in meeting their social needs. The health disparities through the life course and chronic racism affect the health of African American women and increase the health risks. The health disparities create chronic stress which not only affects the body and mind but also triggers premature labor and infant mortality (California Newsreel, 2014).

How do we go about addressing these issues in your future careers?

In my future career, these issues will be addressed by eliminating socioeconomic inequalities, creating policies and interventions to improve the life of minority who are socioeconomically disadvantaged. In addition, this issue will be addressed by using individual-based strategies such as prenatal home visiting and parenting training in lower income populations. In my future career, we shall also establish group parenting programs and social support interventions where the team will improve the physical and mental problems of the minority (Unanaturalcausesdoc, 2008).  













Unanaturalcausesdoc. (2008). Unraveling the Mystery of Black-White Differences in Infant Mortality. Retrieved from:


California Newsreel. (2014). How Racism Impacts Pregnancy Outcomes. Retrieved from:












446 Words  1 Pages

Cover Letter



RE: Human Rights Matters Intervention


I am pleased to present this grant proposal for your assessment. I am eager to create a sustainable partnership with you in the guarding of individuals human rights in Africa particularly in Tanzania at a practical level. The Human Rights matters program seek to not only establish but protect individual’s rights from being infringed in any manner particularly for the vulnerable groups. The goal of this program is to offer voluntary services that seek to collaborate with the local communities, teaching and also assisting them in the recognition their pers, on rights and the basic rights of every human being. In addition, the rights of the marginalized groups such as gay, women, and children will not be abandoned. In other words, the intervention is not only seeking to create awareness and familiarity regarding the issue of human rights but also to increase individuals understanding which will, in turn, enhance wellness.

In the last six months, I was personally piloting the intervention program with a small group of people with the right,s infringement vulnerability such as sexuality, gender, and age. These groups were represented by women, gays, and children in respective. Through the process, drastic potential has been observed in terms of increasing the individuals understands of basic rights. The Human Rights Matters program offers the Tanzanian community with access to human rights information in addition to consistent training on related matters.

Measurable success has been achieved and I am now seeking for an expansion of the program to act on the ground in addressing human rights problems in Tanzania. This proposal requests an $8000 American dollars funding. The funds will be used in catering for the training expenses, research and buying the needed materials.

I appreciate the government concerns and interest in assisting the vulnerable groups to develop an adequate understanding of human rights through Human Rights Matters program. It is without a doubt that basic human rights remain to be a severe and most devastating issue among the underdeveloped African countries such as Tanzania. If further details about the proposal are needed, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you,
















Grant Proposal

  1. Background and Justification of the Project

Human rights violation has been a controversial topic of public debate for the longest period, particularly in Africa. At the hands of the powerful individuals, millions of people have been subjected to oppression and rights infringement. It is without a doubt that Africa has remained at the top of the controversy since most individuals are not fully informed of their rights or they lack the opportunity to acquire related insights. Human rights infringement is a major issue in Tanzania similar to other nations within Africa (Borgen Project, 2017). In the recent years, those that protect human rights in the country have barred the predisposition that neglects the defilement of human rights in the nation on the ground of maintaining peace and calmness. It is widely known that albinos, women, children, and guy are the most affected. With respect to the issue of human rights destruction in Tanzania, thousands of children have been killed in series due to the belief that they are a product of witchcraft (Mhegera, 2010). However, this matter has for the longest period been handled with calmness even though the affected persons are offered zero to minimal protection. Sexual orientation, gender, and age are also some of the leading factors that determine the level of violation. The defilement of individual’s rights is more intense than ever imagined because they are not reported in the media. The ignorance that violations occur in the country is mainly driven by the fact that the media does not report of their occurrences. This proposal is seeking a funding grant to provide assistance to vulnerable individuals by creating awareness and enhancing their understanding regarding human rights. The vulnerable groups are presently are living in an oppressive setting due to their weaknesses when equated to their peers. The aim of the intervention is to assist these groups to not only understand their rights but also the appropriate measures to adopt in case a violation occurs to a point that harmony is achieved.

This proposal is directly related to different national development policies and approaches that not only seek to promote peace but to also protect every individual. The country through its statutory provision acknowledges that the marginalized groups particularly women, disabled people, and children deserve to be protected more when compared to the rest of the population. In this, several policies that seek to guard people against gender or age-based discernment have been provided even though not much success has been achieved. Those that are found guilty from the legal perspective of conducting crimes that work against humanity are sentenced and punished as provided by the constitution. There are a number of activist programs that seek to guard individual’s rights and protecting those that have been affected or are at the risks of the violation (Mhegera, 2010). Such programs will be completing the objectives of the proposal by not only creating awareness regarding their rights. In that even though much raining will be offered to the community, the understanding will be essential in promoting the need for the formulation of more strategic approaches.

The need of this proposal was identified based on the ground that despite the fact that much of violations have been taking place in the country, the reporting has been low which tends to encourage the conduct (Borgen Project, 2017). Also having been born in the country I understand the situation better. The intended beneficiaries being the marginalized groups were involved in the pilot test which helps in the identification of the persisting issues and planning on how the intervention program can be helpful. The concerned governmental offices will offer funding assistance for the intervention to be successful. The funds will be utilized in the hiring of qualified staffs who will be providing training to the communities on daily basis but in a different setting. Financial and human resources along the provision for training resources such as computers for storing information and researching will be needed. Without such materials from the government then the program will not be successful. Based on studies, the single most essential and powerful resource in reference to individual’s learning success is dependent on accessibility to materials (Merry, 2006). Since the program seeks to create awareness and a positive difference hiring knowledgeable staffs with adequate materials is a necessity.

  1. Objectives of the Project

Developmental Objectives

People regardless of their differences should be provided with adequate and equal opportunities to participate in the development of a country. Based on the anti-discrimination policies and activist programs that seek to guard the vulnerable groups the program will be essential in enhancing their ability to achieve the objective. The focus is therefore to stir a nationwide dialogue with regard to the existing issues against humanity. The program, therefore, aims to ensure that equal opportunities are provided to every member of the society by informing them of their rights and encouraging them to rise and fights for equality. It has been established that the lack of insights as well as the high illiteracy level is the major contributors of the issues. Most of those that have been defiled of their rights find it rather challenging to rise up and demand changes. Thus those in power tend to take advantage of the issues since the common citizens are vulnerable to such abuse (Merry, 2006).

Immediate Objectives

The most immediate objectives are to create awareness among the beneficiaries which refers to the Tanzanian community. By informing those of the ongoing violations and allowing those to familiarize with the issue then the objective of empowerment will be achieved. The objective here, is to increase their knowledge regarding human rights and particular for the individuals that are disadvantaged with regard to gender, age, sexuality, disability or age. It is expected that through the program thousands of persons can be reached on daily basis. The outcome will trigger the rising of more grounded debates regarding the situation which in addition to creating awareness will result in the creation of more protection for the groups. The aim is to create a comfortable and encouraging setting that does not discriminate or violate any individual’s rights despite the existing differences in general.

III.    Expected results of the project

Expected Project Results

This objective anticipates creating awareness and understanding of the ongoing human rights defilement in Tanzania. The intervention contributes directly to the main concepts that seek to improve the life of the vulnerable groups by providing them with the opportunity to gain knowledge and practical experience. The community is likely to acquire the most benefits since the country comprises a significant populace of the marginalized groups. Through the program will not only be providing knowledge through training but also exposing the participants to the occurrence of violation based on real experiences. In other words, the intervention seeks to solve the knowledge burden in a more practical setting. People tend to lose interest in something in cases that they have minimal information or understanding. Thus, by increasing their understanding, the willingness to fight and join forces towards change will be increased. By the end of the program, it is anticipated that also the government will be ready to amend the existing communal based strategies and policies to promote wellness.

Project Activities and work plan

The overall intervention will incorporate activities such as training, educative campaigns and community interactions. The program will kick off with a 10 days interaction mission that will seek to create lasting relations and acceptance from the communities. After educative campaigns that will mainly be taking place in rounds across the country will be carried out during the weekends while training will be on daily basis for the next two and a half months. Through an 8,000 dollars budgets, the activities will be well supported for the period. The mission is to create change by promoting wellness while increasing familiarity with the issue.

Project Beneficiaries

Those that will benefit from this program are the marginalized and underrated groups such as disabled, women, gay and children particularly those that are born with albinism. It is without a doubt that these people have suffered for the longest period without gaining and reliable assistance. Through the program, they will not only get to understand their rights but also how to be part of guarding these rights consistently. The beneficiaries will be playing part in the provision of necessary information about the issues and acting as the participants.

Implementing Agent Management of the Project

As the founder, I will be in charge of planning and coordination of the activities to ensure that everything runs as needed. However, all the hired staffs will be satisfying the needs of various roles such as training and operations management. Also, budgeting has to be done by the respective managers who will be selected on the basis of qualification and reliability. Different roles such as marketing will be conducted a month prior to the initiation of the project to ensure that the community is fully aware of the objectives of the project and its focus.  The arrangement that will seek to ensure that effective management and coordination is there, is through partnering with governmental organizations and departments to offer human resource assistance. Once the current phase of assistance which will be in Zanzibar is completed the project will expand to other parts within the set budget.

  1. Project Implementation and Management

In order to ensure that the program will be successful a pilot test that lasted for six months was carried out although on an online platform. The fact that the test went on well indicates that with all the needed resources and adequate coordination this project will also be successful. Operations will be monitored on daily basis by the respective supervisions to determine their success, strengths, and faults. In addition, the program will mainly begin within a limited phase that will be in Zanzibar which makes it easy to assess the progress. Personally, I will be responsible for the creation of periodic project progress, while in every training ground the supervisors will be drafting reports that will be used as the ground for budgeting and accounting for the program’s progress.













Borgen Project. (2017). Violations of Human Rights in Tanzania. The Borgen Project. Retrieved from:

Merry, S. E. (2006). Transnational human rights and local activism: Mapping the middle. American anthropologist, 108(1), 38-51.

Mhegera, E. (2010). Human Rights Violation Exists In Tanzania. Retrieved from:


2102 Words  7 Pages

Asian and Pacific Islander populations 

From this week's learning module, I have learned key concepts on Asian and Pacific Islander populations (API). First, API is a multicultural population, and the diversity has created multicultural health. Despite the fact that they are all Asians, they rely on the beliefs that they originated from different areas. I understand the diversity of health care rooted from the assumption that the cultures, health, and illness vary. I also understand that some Asian ethnic subgroup suffers while others live a happy life solely because of racial and ethnic disparities (NHI, N.D).The disparity does not only affect the health care system, but it also undermines the communities. Unless the subgroups work together, they will experience an extremely difficult life.

One thing that I did not know about the API populations is that because the different Asian nation group with diverse cultural background and different historical experiences, it is difficult to generalize. In other words, the Asian group has contrasts and contraction, and it is not possible to make the cultural generalization in trying to understand the cultural difference (NHI, N.D).  For example, in the case immigration, they were driven by different factors such as economic opportunity, better education freedom from violence and starvation for many reasons.

 In addressing social issues and health, the health care providers should understand the historical stereotype, myths and traditional values in providing health care. By understanding the stereotypes, they should abolish them since people should not bring their cultural health beliefs in the health care system (Salant & Lauderdale, 2003).  Health care providers should ensure that cultural values and multicultural influences should not act as a barrier to quality health care and social opportunities.  Health care providers should recognize the cultural diversity, and through recognition, it will be easier for subgroups to understand and value different cultures.





Office of Minority Health, NHI. (N.D). API health issues         


Salant T.,& Lauderdale DS. (2003). Measuring Culture: A critical Review of Acculturation and Health in

Asian Immigration Population. Us National Library Of Medicine National Insitute Of Health, 



349 Words  1 Pages

 Sociology Theories of Marx, Weber and Durkheim


Sociological Theories

Karl Marx sociology theory mainly focused on understanding the relationship between the small group who owned the means of production and the poor class who were exploited by the capitalists. He suggested that there was instability of the capital and he anticipated on its downfall and how it will shift to socialism. According to Marx the economy was not stable and was it likely to be affected by significant crises. Those who were in charge of the mode of production, have authority to control other people in the society. He felt that there is hostility created by these two groups.  He believed that in the long- term the capitalist class would be the only one who will benefit from the production and the poor class would be deprived by the process. However, when the poor class would become aware of the exploitation, they will unite and rise and take hold of the mode of production, thus getting lead of capitalist method of production and socialist society would be established ( Furseth & Repstad,2017).

 After the development of socialist society the poor class would ensure there is equality, exploitative capitalism is abolished, and they will establish a system of production which favors every person.  The inequalities that existed between these two classes are the transfer of ownership of the production. Marxism theory holds that human societies developed through a class struggle. The Marx was trying to understand the means of production, the relationship between society and economics and historical materialism. Marxist sociology addressed how the capital class controls the workers. He believed that history is made of stages which push the class conflict. The capitalist’s class ensured there is competition to accumulate profits and they also mistreated the working people in the workplace (Allan, 2012).


            Max Weber sociology theory attempted to understand how the larger organizations and the larger structures affect people’s live and how rapid changes affects them. Marx felt that the economic structures are caused by the establishment of the modes of production and the capital class or the owners. The economic structures were of great importance in forming the accurate position of given communities. For example, structures such as status, religion, ideas and bureaucracy influences people actions (Dillon, 2010).  He viewed that structures of society are influenced by sociology and historical factors. Weber believed that religion has a great force in causing social changes. According to Collins (p.92), “Max Weber viewed that a charismatic leader will take over the power and solves the problems of social class.”

    Durkheim sociology theory mainly focused on analysing how the modern societies can sustain social integration. He believed that society has power force that affects an individual in a given society.  People from different ethnicity have their beliefs, values, and norms that help them understand the universe differently. Culture is an output made by how people do their things and through their norms and beliefs, human beings become aware other human beings.  Durkheim believed that social integration bond people together to their social group. He believed that individual behaviour or actions are influenced by social factors. He did a study of suicides rate among different individuals where he noticed that social factors contributed to suicide and crimes (Symonds, 2016).

             The similarity between these three theories is the connection and disconnection of people with the society and the state.  Marx suggested the separation of capitalist’s class and working class and workers and co-workers.  Durkheim advocated for the connection of the society and shared principles. Weber viewed that people no longer focused on values, feelings, and passions. They also had differences on how the alienation can be solved. Marx suggested that separation can be addressed through overproduction which will cause class-consciousness which will contribute to the revolution in the working class.  Durkheim saw that the society system would slowly adapt to changes and get used to them through diversity which will unite people together. Weber felt that a good leader will solve the problems of social changes. Durkheim viewed that division in class is important because it caused interdependence. Durkheim felt that problem was created by the lack of the usual social or principles of a given society which affects the communities that are disorganized(Allan,2013) For, instance, in the past families and religions used to have a structured system where every member had a role to play in the society. But due to changes in cultural, and technology new changes have arisen and people are caught off-guard, causing many to feel unwanted (Garner & Hancock, 2014.Weber suggested that political caused the alienation. He thought that people no longer have the principles and emotions to question the authority this happens when people find it okay to obey without checking the legitimacy of the systems According to Durkheim, capitalism unites and brings people together. Max believed that capitalism is not a good thing and it creates division in the society.













Allan, K. D. D. (2012). Explorations in Classical Sociological Theory: Seeing the Social World

Allan, K., & Allan, K. (2013). Contemporary social & sociological theory: Visualizing social worlds.

 Dillon, M. (2010). Introduction to sociological theory: Theorists, concepts, and their applicability to the twenty-first century. Chichester, U.K: Wiley-Blackwell.

Farris, S. R. (2013). Max Weber's theory of personality: Individuation, politics and orientalism in the sociology of religion.

Furseth, I., & Repstad, P. (2017). An introduction to the sociology of religion: Classical and contemporary perspectives.

Garner, R., & Hancock, B. H. (2014). Social theory: Continuity and confrontation: a reader.

Symonds, M. (2016). Max weber's theory of modernity: The endless pursuit of meaning. Routledge.

940 Words  3 Pages

Research Methodology Paper


For educational research, it is evident that the encounter is exhausting and discouraging. The challenge of conducting research that seeks to solve an existing issue either socially or economically is not derived by the uncertainty of the study but the ability to select the most efficient models and well-suited research models and methodologies that are mostly provided as the competing exemplars against one another. The success of any given research is dependent on the adopted strategies by the study and thus, selecting the most suitable models is the primary driver of success. In often basis research is about gathering information regarding issues and uncovering the underlying concepts to answer the research queries. It means that the well-designed approaches should be applied for a solution to be acquired. This report attempts to discuss and compare the most commonly used research paradigms and methodologies that are relevant to the proposed research. The suitability of the methods to the study will be examined alongside their strengths and faults through a concrete analysis. The findings will be useful in assisting researchers to select the most appropriate research approaches and methods that are harmonious with critical, interpretive and positivist research models.

According to Slevitch (2011), investigative research is the systematic operation that is aimed at offering knowledge or enhancing the already existing familiarity that is relevant for improving the efficiency in the society as a whole. Research paradigm refers to a set of shared principles and treaties held by researchers about the manner in which research should be addressed. The constitution of research paradigms includes ontology which seeks to understand what is real as the start point of the study. On the other hand, an epistemology which is the means to be used to understand the issue, this is the knowledge which differentiates between what is already known and what has not. The association amid epistemology and ontology is essential because they are the primary requirement that leads to the development of research. In that, if the existence of an issue is known, then the features seeks to understand the source and practical solutions. It is the norms that are developed to the point that assists the researcher to settle for the most paying methodology and approaches. The methodology which is the approaches followed in establishing the actual truth of something (Zhang, 2002). Methods refer to the variety of strategies that are used in investigative studies to collect information which is then to be utilized as the ground for suggestion and interpretation. In other words, the methodology is the strategic plan that supports the utilization and selection of some approaches. Thus, the inquiry approaches are reflections of the expectations about the knowledge and reality. In most cases, the conventions are not obvious a notion that forces the investigators to uncover the responsibility of the study.

Every research must follow a given methodology and approach to fulfill its role. In that, the paradigms mainly differ on the ground of the underlying issue that must be handled by the set expectation. In this case, the suitability of such methods is essential as it determines the success of the study and the fulfillment of the set goals. It is then incorporated into a research design, which refers to a structurally developed plan that is to be applied with the objective of thoroughly answering the research queries. The description makes that methodology to be a plan that seeks to ensure that the aim has been achieved. Three of the most commonly applied research paradigms will be analyzed below.

Positivist Paradigm

Positivist’s researchers highly trust that, there is one single reality that is to be satisfied which can be assessed and understood. Therefore, in most instances, they seek to utilize quantitative approaches to examine the truth. In this context, the researchers do not doubt that the application of natural science approaches in solving social issues is suitable. They positivist social researchers attempt to replicate processes that seek to monitor and understand the natural setting (Maroun, 2011). They are fully committed to value impartiality that can be observed and tested to establish the existing association amid the causes and implication. Positivism is committed to developing the association amid the association amid sources and effects. It means that the paradigms are mainly sought to determine the uniformities and social policies to evaluate the social setting. As neutralism in such an approach is highly encouraged positivists holds that the responsibility of the researcher is to offer an objective justification of the issues of the existing problems and make assumptions (Maroun, 2011). Based on the above provisions the ontology and epistemological composition of the positivist theory can be established.

Positivists have a pragmatist ontology. In that, the approach assumes that a capture-able reality exists immutable natural policies and mechanisms influence that. For the kind of research, cultural authenticity is peripheral to individuals. It means that objects exist autonomously and are not dependent on the existing knowledge. Realism, as asserted by the paradigm, is the perspective that there is the truth (Maroun, 2011). Such world exists self-reliant and thus an investigation must be conducted by the researcher to establish the fact. Epistemological positivists assert on a dualist and objective perspective. Having an accurate view is an essential feature of any given knowledgeable investigation. The knower, as well as the subject that has to be established, are distinct, and there is no influence amid the two given that they are independent. In other words, it is clear that positivists are mainly objected to the given facts and thus asserts that every researcher should be free from any charge. Preventive processes mainly drive rationality intimidations. Causal associations are mostly developed which enables the occurrence of simplification.

On the other hand, the positivist methodology seeks to justify relationships. The source and the implication relationship is investigated thoroughly. Through the paradigm, the experimental research designed appears to be offering a cover that describes the relationship in general. In that, the set questions are mainly examined and verified through the use of experimental studies. The researcher must investigate on the cause-effect association amid all the independent and dependent variables respectively to recommend the most viable remedy. However, because the association must be manipulated for the reality to be established the validity of the findings is threatened (Maroun, 2011). Further, a deductive strategy is usually respected. Consequently, several concepts such as solutions and treatment typically become the necessary foundation of scientific research. Based on the realism approach, is the source of transformation of different behaviors that are experienced socially. Such changes are sourced from the independent variables, and thus the needed protections are utilized to eliminate validity risks.

The positivist paradigm mainly relies on quantitative methods in research since generalization of findings is common this implies that, in other words, random sampling is highly built upon to develop such results (Slevitch, 2011). The quality of the research that is conducted via the approach can be determined by examining the validity and dependability of the findings. Validity is the general capability of the research tools to assess the issue as expected. Validity can best be considered from the study’s assumption and interpretations. If any of the variables appear to be altering the results of the survey, then it means that the validity is one that cannot be relied upon on the generation of accurate results. On the other hand, reliability is the consistency of research where all the given procedures are respected. In the study, these tools become reliable if they are constant, stable, foreseeable and precise.

Interpretive Paradigm

According to Zhang (2002), interpretive approach holds that reality is one that is dominated by complexity with numerous layers. Therefore unlike the positivist view, the method maintains that there is no single reality. The approach is guided by the notion that individuals are innovators and they consistently develop their social settings. Also, the theory also notes that the social environment should be assessed within the natural context through the direct observation of the members and therefore the interference of the researcher is not needed.

The ontology of the interpretive approach is one that does not believe in a single reality. The doctrine in this regard is that fact is usually different from an individual to the other. Interpretive investigators are guided by the existence of many truths which are built within the social setting. The epistemological assertion is governed by the subjective perspective in that the meanings and interpretations hold great significance (Thanh & Thanh, 2015). In this case, the existing object might not be substantially explained with exclusion from the matter. In other words, both the subject and the object in this perspective are related. It means that they do not act as independent things as they can easily influence each other. The relationship that is to be examined is mainly to be acquired from an interactive association.

Based on interpretivism approach, the world is made via individuals social interactions. The investigators are a part of the social realism and cannot, therefore, be separated from the subject under investigation. The reality within this paradigm is typically created within the developed groups, and thus, the truth should be understood in analyzing the actual existence of operations and things. The interpretive study applies some methodological approaches like case studies, ethnography, and phenomenology (Maroun, 2011). The most suitable research method for the paradigm is qualitative research that seeks to enhance the understanding of the social worlds. The primary objective of the interpretive methodology is to examine and comprehend the occurrence inductively. In this, the investigators believe that understanding the experiences can best be acquired from the observation point of those who are incorporated in the investigations. Based on this notion, interpretive investigators usually begin with studying the identified populace to gain a more reliable interpretation of the world. The approach holds that research is an interactive procedure that is designed by individuals personal experiences, gender, race and so on. Unlike in the positivist theory, the concept is acquired from the collected data. This means that it should follow the information rather than preceding it. Also, the researchers are not separated from the study setting as they perceive themselves as part of the respondents in the subject being examined. Based on interpretivism, the interaction amid the researcher and the question is what enables the investigation to develop an adequate description of the whole situation.

Dissimilar to positivist’s theory which is dependent on randomization, this approach mainly applies determined sampling and selects typically the people and the setting that holds more information that can support the hypothesis of the study. The researchers are dependent on different approaches for gathering qualitative data (Thanh & Thanh, 2015). The qualitative data that is used for the procedure is classified in different ranges such as questionnaires, observation, and interviews. These methods are highly preferred because they are convenient, able to gather maximized information as for cost friendly. The collected data allows the researcher to support the hypothesis in general without fail which leads to efficiency. Regarding the most preferred and importance, interviews represent one of the most dominant data collection tool that seeks to provide primary data. One of the leading rationales for this benefit is that discussions are very flexible. In that, the researcher has the freedom to select on whether to use structured, semi or zero structured interview tools. A combination of all the designs can also be applied which leads to efficiency and also works to ensure that the researcher does not deviate from the primary objective of the study. The methodologies of data gathering that are utilized by interpretive investigators usually assist in the creation of a more stable association in general. The researchers will obtain reliable information given that their interactions with the participants build not only trusts but also lasting connections (Maroun, 2011). For instance, the participating researcher who chooses for the long run association within a given setting is bound to create authoritative associations. Introspective approaches might be applied which offers them with a higher understanding of the issue that is being investigated. As they have invested their emotions in the question, the acquired experiences lead to a thorough investigation and careful interpretation of a personalized approach.

Due to the intensive information range that is acquired from the process, qualitative researchers utilize typically distinct data collection approaches. It means that the received information must be reduced in size while developing specific details about the subject (Maroun, 2011). Data reduction refers to the procedural selection of data based on the most essential and universal themes. The objective is usually achieved through a descriptive organization of data. Verification helps in establishing the actual truth regarding the acquired concepts. The approach is beneficial because it develops positive findings in general since the researcher has the opportunity to observe and learn the experience similar to that of the study’s subject. However, the approach tends to rely more on individual social injustices issues since they are the most common that have a wide range of data (Thanh & Thanh, 2015). On the other hand, the approach consumes more time because the researchers have to observe within an extended period. It, therefore, means that it becomes expensive as the researcher has to be involved practically. Also creating strong relationships is not usually easy because people are bound to react differently, and some people might prove to be hostile which necessitates more connection time. The approach is also prone to bias because the researchers tend to be overwhelmed by their feelings regarding the issue rather than trying to establish the actual truth of a matter. The credibility of results cannot be authenticated which develops unreliable conclusions that are not justified by facts and evidence.

Critical Paradigm

Based on Maroun (2011) the critical perspective, realities are built socially due to the constant influence that originates internally. Both the truth of the subject and knowledge are created within the social setting and are usually driven by the power of relationships within the social context. In this approach, the reality is mainly described from the cultural, economic and political backgrounds. The transformative ontology claims that there are perspectives views concerning most of the existing social facts but for the situations to be understood fully, then the lights have to be placed within the distinct contexts. With this view, epistemologically, within the critical approach, the researchers assert on the essence of interactive association amid the researcher and the subjects and the influence of the forces in general (Zhang, 2002). The social interaction is essential given that for the researcher to develop reliable findings the highest level of trust must be created. It makes it easy to present more general views of the concepts being acquired.

In this theory, the objective of the critical methodology is to increase awareness among the respondents while investigating on the existing injustices and discernment (Zhang, 2002). The approach is more focused on the operations rather than the findings of the real oppression. Critical researchers have an objective to achieve which refers to transforming the existing situation of those that have been affected. Both the subjects and the investigators are fully involved in the investigation process, and thus the issues might play a part in the development of data collection tools alongside providing the necessary information (Maroun, 2011). It is worth noting that individual’s knowledge is comprised of practical and technical awareness and the freedom that is offered to the participants enhances their role. Reflection is also needed since the acquired data must be analyzed to fit within the design of the study. Ideological critique is mainly relied upon in such investigations which helps in freeing individuals from their illusions by asserting on the need to be realistic for the issues to be addressed adequately.

Critical researchers have the autonomy to utilize some approaches ranging from qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods. However, all the existing norms in the context of investigation should be examined thoroughly not to affect the results of the study. Since much data is needed in a critical study, the use of the mixed methodology is useful in generating extensive information (Zhang, 2002). The methods that are used help in critically evaluating the existing scenario from a broad perspective. These methods serve best the objective of the investigations. The technique is one that is usually detailed which provides valid and rigid conclusions from the studies. The approach is useful in revealing the existing injustices which help in asserting for changes to occur in the current situation which informs the audience of the needed change. The application of the mixed methodology ensures that all the aspects of research are considered.

Research Methodologies Critical Review

Concerning the current research on ‘’The Correlation amid Technology Embracing and Approach in E-commerce,’’ I believe that the critical approach is the most suitable paradigm alongside the mixed methodology method. Based on the context of the research it is evident that more experimental study is required. It means that even though gathering qualitative data from interviews and questionnaires will play a part, quantitative data from the existing literature to justify the acquired claims is also essential (Slevitch, 2011). Quantitative data is necessary for gathering information that can be utilized to make business decisions (Duffy & Chenail, 2008). On the other hand valuable details regarding the behaviors and applicability in the market can be identified through qualitative research.

Qualitative method is important because it offers data that can be articulated statistically. The descriptive information is essential in proving the validity of the research (Slevitch, 2011). It means that quantitative data enables the measurement and interpretation of data more accurately and the study is more objective which assists in examining the study’s hypothesis. However, the method ignores the experimental details of the investigation. Besides, it requires the study of an extensive population. On the other hand, the qualitative way is useful in uncovering the uncertainty of research and creating a more objective focus (Slevitch, 2011). Through the qualitative approach, the researcher can gather maximum data in the context of comprehensive descriptions. However, the method is time-consuming and mainly utilizes the personal approach.

In summing up, the study will apply the critical approach since it seeks to create awareness and a platform for addressing the issue. Some careful considerations will be used to ensure that the cons of the mixed methodology are avoided. It means that in general, valuable information that best services the objective of the research will be acquired from the paradigms and methods.















Duffy, M., & Chenail, R. J. (2008). Values in Qualitative and Quantitative Research. Counseling & Values, 53(1), 22-38. Retrieved from

Maroun, W. (2011). Interpretive and Critical Research: Methodological Blasphemy. African Journal of Business Management Vol. 6(1), pp. 1-6, 11 January, 2012 DOI: 10.5897/AJBM11.1031. Retrieved from

Nguyen C. Thanh & Tran T.L Thanh. (2015). the Interconnection between Interpretivist Paradigm and Qualitative Methods in Education. American Journal of Educational Science Vol. 1, No. 2, 2015, pp. 24-27. Retrieved from

Slevitch, L. (2011). Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies Compared: Ontological and Epistemological Perspectives. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 12(1), 73-81. doi:10.1080/1528008X.2011.541810 Retrieved from:

Zhang, X. (2002). 3. Interpretivist Research, Positivist Research, and Field Research. Chinese Education & Society, 35(2), 39. Retrieved from

3231 Words  11 Pages

Discussion: Critical and Transformative Perspectives

The adoption of critical or transformative perspective in research has proved to be a significant driver in addressing some of the most pressing social related issues and marginalization. Researchers are mainly concerned about the general problems in the society ranging from poverty, illnesses, conflict and severe power inequality. Such values are part of the investigations, and the primary objective that is related to examination is mainly directed towards solving human issues and social injustices. To be specific, the transformative perspective incorporates the necessity to assess problems of power inequality and marginalization of the undervalued populace in the community (Sweetman, Badiee & Creswell, 2010). Conducting useful social research necessitates handling such issues provided that the changes that are occurring in the society today are severe which has created more opportunities for the injustices to prevail. The fundamental role that such researchers take plays a considerable role in addressing such matters. Based on experience the critical and transformative approaches are useful in creating awareness and familiarity of the existing issues in general which in turn proposes feasible solutions that are implemented thus changing the society. 

The transformative and critical research approaches are usually sensitive towards the communities that are subjected to social injustices and marginalization. Through the logical path, the values and ideologies of the populace are upheld thus creating a more enabling environment. The ideals acquired from research in most cases play a part in shaping an equitable society across the globe. It is without a doubt that marginalization and social injustices in the community represent some of the most pressing issues of the modern times which most people find it hard to discuss or assess. It is through research that such matters are addressed, which helps the respective communities to establish the dangers that such conducts possess on them.

Unarguably, the adoption of critical and transformative research has had a positive impact on handling social justice and marginalization issues in the society. In that, some necessary and useful measures and policies have been developed to address such problems. For instance, through this kind of research, it has been discussed of the challenges that racial minorities face in the united states due to marginalization such as being denied education and working opportunities (Sweetman, Badiee & Creswell, 2010). Through research, policies have been developed which work to ensure that this populace is given the opportunities they deserve similar to the majority groups. The outcome can be categorized as a desirable transformation which seeks to enhance equality and encourage collaborative development of every individual in the country and beyond.

Despite the fact that the research that is conducted in that paradigm is one that is associated with positive results, some criticism with its regard is prevalent. The research in most cases tends to be biased as it only considers the issues of the groups that have been marginalized thus ignoring the needs of the rest of the populace. In other words, even though social injustices such as marginalization encourages typically severe imbalance, therefore, is a need to create strategies that incorporate the requirements of every member. Transformative change is achieved at some levels while negativity is promoted because the findings are biased.







Sweetman, D. Badiee, M. & John W. Creswell. (2010). Use of the Transformative Framework in Mixed Methods Studies. Sage Publication. Qualitative Inquiry 16(6) 441–454 Retrieved from:

565 Words  2 Pages
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