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Research Proposal: The Relationship between Technology Adoption and Strategy in E-commerce: A Focus on UAE Companies



This study presents a proposal that seeks to understand the relationship between technology adoption and strategy in e-commerce with a focus on UAE companies where there has been a registered rise in online businesses. The population of interest proposed by the study is the large companies within UAE particularly in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The study proposes to use descriptive quantitative methods to analyze data while data collection will be via questionnaires structured according to the Likert scale based on five levels of agreement. Further analysis of statistical data will be through SSPS where standard v=deviation and mean will be determined. Measurements of suggested hypotheses will be done through application of the T-test where the hypothesis, which will be in line with the set scales of agreement will be accepted. The conclusions from the study will be used to come up with recommendations relevant for application within UAE.




The Relationship between Technology Adoption and Strategy in E-commerce: A Focus on UAE Companies

Research Overview

Today, across the world, purchasing things has been made so easy that it is available just by clicking on the internet. The increase in the number of people who have digitalized gadgets such as phones and computers and connection to the internet has led to an upward growth in what is now known as E-Commerce. Businesses and industries that have taken their business from the traditional approach to the use of this new strategy have continuously registered increase in their revenues due to the rise of customer numbers on the platform. Studies on the trend of E-commerce in the United States have been reported to have been on the rise over the years along the correlated rise in mobile phone dependence.

Reports from E-commerce research companies on the growth of the industry across the globe have reported that globally, the potential of business growth lies in this sector. Elbeltagi, Al Sharji, Hardaker, and Elsetouhi (2013) are part of the researchers who analyzed the e-commerce market through; population numbers, adoption of internet and broadband levels, customer feedback, and data from historical records of online sales in the US. The results from the analysis were used to reflect global trends on e-commerce where they found that sales based on online businesses were on the rise across the globe. Additionally, the research forecasted that the Asia-Pacific and Middle-East region, where there is rapid growth of e-commerce, would overshadow the US as the largest industry for online businesses (Elbeltagi et al., 2013). With the evident relationship between the rise of technology adoption and e-commerce and the expected global growth companies and organizations are expected to take up the opportunity and create strategies that will ensure maximum revenues from the e-commerce industry.

The United Arabs Emirates (UAE) particularly Abu Dhabi and Dubai, are known globally for their large malls and shopping centers, which have gained customers from across the globe. However, despite the wide umber of shopping activities that take place across the region, response to the use of internet over the years has been slow, with most customers preferring to shop physically in the malls (Lowe, 2012). In a report, Ghandour (2015) notes that the trend of online shopping in the UAE was noted to be on the rise indicating a future where e-commerce may replace shopping at the malls. Globally, internet penetration in the UAE and the greater Middle East region is very high, which means that the number of users is high, which creates a good foundation for e-commerce. Studies done by payment companies looking to increase their profits through online transactions such as MasterCard have done their studies on the region where they have noted the continuous rise in online users opting to shop online (Lowe, 2012) The rise of e-commerce is attributed to the increase in use of Information Technology in commerce, which depends on market reliance on the various technological tools that serve as advantageous business strategies both externally and internally (Lowe, 2012).

However, firms in the UAE seeking to create a profitable niche in e-commerce, should not rush to convert their business since they need to have a clear understanding of what e-commerce involves; particularly on the use of technology and approaches to make it favorable for consumers. It should be noted that e-commerce is not just a mode of carrying out business activities but rather an aspect of business that impacts hugely on the competitive advantage of a company (Elbeltagi et al., 2013). The impact of e-commerce on the internal and external environment of a business leads to the need for a change of business strategy to a strategy that favors the competitive position for the company. Since the adoption of e-commerce in most countries has only started recently, there is limited literature on the relationship between technological adoption and e-commerce strategies. With regard to this limitation, the proposed study seeks to answer the question; what is the relationship between technology adoption and strategy in e-commerce in various UAE companies?

The objectives of the proposed study will, therefore, be understanding the level of e-commerce adoption in the UAE, and understanding the relationship between technology adoption and e-commerce strategy. Fulfillment of the objectives will lead to further conclusions that will contribute to the literary wealth on the topic and additionally come up with recommendations that UAE companies can implement depending on the findings of the proposed strategy.

Theoretical Framework

According to Al-Fawaeer (2014), the adoption of e-commerce strategies like other business strategies can be measured through analysis of; internal factors, market, and competitive factors, which are all constituted into the business structure. Internal factors are mainly related to cost factors while market factors are aspects of the business related to location, suppliers and buyers and finally competitive factors are those that make companied gain more favor from their customers against their competition. The study notes that the adoption of technology in e-commerce particularly through ICT helps businesses expand on the international platform of commerce where more strategic advantages are available for companies.

McElheran (2015) investigated the relationship that exists between the adoption of technology and strategy in business with a focus on e-commerce where they seek to explain why business strategies must be aligned interdependently with e-commerce strategies. Illustration of the interrelationships between e-commerce and strategy are explained through a study of e-business strategy adoption channels, such as distribution, segmentation of the market, and business networks under distribution. In that case, technology adoption aims to help foster better customer relations, which creates a competitive edge where long term relationships with mediators. Market segmentation, as a business strategy adopted in e-commerce, where McElheran (2015) notes that use of commerce has resulted in segmentation, which they recommend it be based on geographic location, demographics status and rate of consumption. They note that subjecting diverse customer populations to similar strategies simply because they access services using similar online platforms may thwart business growth (McElheran, 2015). The study also notes that while dealing with business systems, e-commerce based companies have better leverage if they adopt ecommerce based on an interdependent approach with the corresponding market factors.

Sin et al. (2016) centered their research on factors influencing adoption of e-commerce in Malaysian-based SMEs using the technological organizational external framework (TOE). The results of their study led them to conclude that technological factors such as the internet, cost, security of information technology systems, organization’s readiness and IT strategy were insignificant when it came to influencing the e-commerce adoption in SMEs. However, technological readiness and strategies of specific SMEs were found to have had relevant influence on adoption of e-commerce, particularly in low levels in SMEs (Sin et al., 2016). The study however had limitations related to technological aspects, which could have influenced the negative conclusion on how technology interacts with ecommerce adoption. The study suggests that other variables of technology such as complexity and compatibility with business strategies be examined to better understand the adoption levels of ecommerce in SMEs.       


Based on the above review the proposal formulates the following two hypotheses;

  • There is no relevant relationship between technology adoption and e-commerce business strategies in the UAE companies
  • There is a significance relationship between technological adoption and e-commerce business strategies in the UAE companies.

Dependent variable will be the e-commerce strategy will serve as the dependent variable since it is hugely influenced by technological aspects, which will be measured based on; internal, market and competitive factors. The independent variable on the other hand will be adoption of technology will serve as the independent variables and will be investigated using the various roles played by web based functions such as web- contacts, customer care and online product and service delivery abilities.


The proposed study will use descriptive quantitative research to help achieve the set study goals; the data will consequently be converted into statistical form to make it more relevant to this study. The study suggests using a population derived from large companies as opposed to SMEs since the results may be more relevant to a wider field of people.  The selected participating companies will be randomly selected though their participation will depend on their willingness to participate in the study.

Data will be collected using questionnaires, which will make it easier to transfer data collected into numerical form. Statistical reliability of data will be through the Chronbach’s alpha of <0.1. The Likert coded scale will be used based on five ratings based on respondent’s level of agreement with a situation as presented in the questionnaire. The results will be analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SSPS), where mean and standard deviation will be calculated. The T-test will be used to test the given hypothesis and find out which will be accepted as true.


Adoption of technology according to previous studies appears to be relevant to the creation of e-commerce business strategy. Additionally, it has been observed that increased dependence on information technology (IT) has led to an increase in e-commerce users, which has consequently led to more businesses shifting their business to online platforms. The results of this study seek to understand the relevance of the relationship between adoption of technology and e-commerce strategy focusing on UAE based companies. With a clear understanding of this relationship, the proposed study will come up with recommendations that can be applied by UAE e-commerce businesses.




Al-Fawaeer, M. (2014). Exploring the relationship between e-commerce adoption and business strategy: an applied study on the Jordanian telecommunication companies. Journal of Management Research6(1), 141. Retrieved from

Elbeltagi, I., Al Sharji, Y., Hardaker, G., & Elsetouhi, A. (2013). The role of the owner-manager in SMEs’ adoption of information and communication techfwhichnology in the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM)21(2), 23-50. Retrieved from'_Adoption_of_Information_and_Communication_Technology_in_the_United_Arab_Emirates/links/02e7e51f6806f07cf8000000.pdf

Ghandour, A. (2015). An analysis of factors affecting growth and barriers of e-commerce in UAE. In the proceedings of the International conference on Intelligent Systems, Control and Manufacturing Technology (ICICMT’2015), Abu Dhabi, UAE (pp. 16-17). Retrieved from

Lowe, A. (2012). UAE holds largest shares of e-commerce sales in the region. Gulf News. Retrieved from

McElheran, K. (2015). Do market leaders lead in business process innovation? The case (s) of e-business adoption. Management Science61(6), 1197-1216. Retrieved from

Sin, K. Y., Osman, A., Salahuddin, S. N., Abdullah, S., Lim, Y. J., & Sim, C. L. (2016). Relative advantage and competitive pressure towards implementation of e-commerce: Overview of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Procedia Economics and Finance35, 434-443. Retrieved from




            The research topic is about investigating the correlation between technological adaptation and strategic moves within the E-commerce setting. The study focuses on companies that are located in the UAE in general which have registered and efficient online operations. Technology has become part of the contemporary society as businesses are being encouraged to adopt the incorporated measures there is a need to ensure that the technology and ICT environment is examined adequately. It is without a doubt that today, the prosperity of large and small corporations relies on their ability to utilize technological aspects of conducting business. However, despite the associated benefits in such setting the challenges that arise in such operations due to the complexity of advancement and constant changes cannot be ignored. The study, therefore, seeks to enquire on the underlying relationship amid technological implementation and all the adopted strategies within the E-commerce sector. The topic was selected because in the recent years the use of technology in the industrial setting mainly by E-commerce businesses has been on the rise. It means that technology is a significant determinant of business success and therefore the research will seek to create awareness to the more substantial populace regarding the resulting benefits and challenges from technological adaptation and the measures that can be applied to overcome the hurdles. Technology adaptation in the economic world is a reality that cannot be ignored in the contemporary society. The subject, therefore, connects to my general view of the world as one that depends on technological growth and practical application.

Research Questions

  1. What is the correlation between technology embracement and E-commerce strategy?
  2. What are the effects of technology implementation in E-commerce?
  3. What are the drivers and the level of technology adaptation in UAE?

Research Objectives

  1. Determine the level of e-commerce adoption in the UAE
  2. Establish the relationship between technology adoption and e-commerce strategy.
  3. Determine the effect of technology adaptation on E-commerce companies in UAE.

            One of the dominant worldviews that I have acquired is that research is the driving source of dealing with social injustices and marginalization. Through research, the causes of the existing issues can be established which in turn leads to the development of solutions to deal with the problems. Most practitioners agree that research is essential in creating awareness and familiarity of trends and issues. In the industrial setting, businesses might not prosper if they lack the knowledge on how they can best operate their businesses. Empirical literature can be used to prove this worldview while following descriptive research. I have critically and thoroughly assessed this worldview through the conducted investigation. In that by determining the association amid strategies and technology acquisition in the contemporary society, it is evident that the notion of that research is necessary for building knowledge will be developed. Some worldviews usually benefit a specific way of reporting about the study and human encounters. In that, as humans, we tend to justify what we believe in. It, therefore, means that the researcher will manage to report favoring a particular side of the research.

            The above worldview is directly linked to the data collection approaches that will be applied in the research. In that, to create a keen awareness of technological adaptation among UAE E-commerce businesses a critical paradigm with a mixed methodology will be relied on. The approach will seek to generate adequate information that is needed for the study. However, the analytical limitation that my worldview will be subjected to is time since the approach will make much data that must be analyzed based on coding. Time and resources might affect the outcome of the procedure. The research paradigm that will be applied in the case is a case study. The investigation will mainly be based on the E-commerce companies that operate within UAE. My worldview appreciates the generation of knowledge in general regarding the research process as a whole. It asserts that experience is essential in providing evidence and justification to the raised claims in research.


            It is without a doubt that this assessment has generated a new awakening through research paradigm. In other words, research paradigms are the systematic plan and approach to carrying out an investigation reliably and accurately. It means that for any given research to be successful, then the methodology and procedures must be suitable. The context of the inquiry usually determines the model that is to be applied in conducting research. However, some questions have emerged during the learning such as the effectiveness of the models and their influence on research in general. The study will contribute to the creation of new knowledge by informing the audience about the association amid technology embracement and strategies that the E-commerce businesses adopt in general. I do believe that the research is beneficial socio-economically and it will seek to inform on how the complexity of technology can be avoided.

Literature that informs this theoretical essay:

            The academic references that best interact with the study’s questions and concepts include books and journal articles. The recommendations will mainly be collected from the educational sites mostly from the internet which offers variety. The legitimacy of the sources is ensured by checking for the domain name and publication. The validity will be determined by the years of writing since recent references are needed more. The referencing approach that the research will use is the APA format as it best suits the needs of the study.

2842 Words  10 Pages

Comparison and contrast between Microsoft Windows and Apple's Mac OS

Microsoft Windows and MacOS are the most popular computer operating systems currently and it's important to consider which system to use before buying one for a new computer.  The choice for the right system is a matter of individual's preference since both are well-rounded and fully featured.  The systems have more similarities than differences even though they every feature represent strength or weakness. 

 With improved development and focus user preferences and needs, the operating systems are becoming more similar especially with the introduction of Windows 10.   The two operating systems have a desktop home screen that is consistent and to which one can save folders and shortcuts. Microsoft Windows has a taskbar, and MacOS has a menu bar that is found at the bottom of a computer screen and they contain more short-cuts (Simon & Loyola, 2017).   The two systems have an almost identical functionality in File Explorer for Windows and Finder for MacOS that makes it easy to browse and search files on a computer. Also, each of the two systems has a place where deleted files can be recovered, that includes Recycling Bin for Windows and Trash for MacOS.  There are pre-installed web browsers; Windows Edge and Apple's Safari and even though they are not the best browsers in the market, they are competent since they get any job done and allows for installation of an alternative (Wienberger, 2017).  The two systems have been adding new features over the years especially in the advent of MacOS High Sierra and Windows 10. Most of the updates in the new systems seem to occur under the surface and only a few of such features that users will notice (Simon & Loyola, 2017). 

 The major differences between the two operating systems relate to the price, design and user interface and the integration of the systems in mobile devices.  There is a huge difference between the price for Microsft Windows and MacOS, with the latter being pricier since Apple is regarded as a brand. Apple also tends using higher-end products like keyboard and internal components to maintain the status of the brand.   Microsoft Windows run computers are quite cheaper since many different computers are running the system and their prices have to be competitive to have the edge over the others. Windows is also a more widely available system with the largest number of users using it, but MacOS is not as present especially due to higher prices (Wienberger, 2017).  There are more applications that are suited to Microsoft Windows than MacOS since the developers of Windows want the adoption of this application by many people while creating applications such as video games.  However, due to frequent use, the Windows is more susceptible to malware and viruses infection than MacOS since such bugs can easily be created and designed to target the use of Windows than MacOS.

Apple's MacOS design has been changing with time even though they have significant similarities with the initial system.  Concerning the appearance and texture, MacOS design uses Retina displays with most recent Macs having high resolutions. The interface utilizes this opportunity with few touches that aren't as good as a lower-resolution display but with transparency effects.  Some components of the interface are same-opaque, which enables a blurred-out view of whatever elements are behind the window to be seen through (Tober, 2005).  A Dark Mode allows the use to make darker the menu bar seen at the screen top and the drop down icon seen from that. On the other hand, Microsoft windows design does not have the improved appearance of MacOS so that it has fewer blurring elements, transparency, and animations. However, the newer elements for the Windows comes with 3D elements, more depth, motion and depth and the UI components will enable the system to remain relevant for various devices (Lambert, 2015). There are other changes that are likely to put the Windows design on par with MacOS including close, maximize or minimize button possible with the aim of reducing space occupied by interface elements like MacOS. However, MacOS is far much better in design than Microsoft Windows.

The difference between the systems user interfaces is more pronounced in Windows 10 and MacOS High Sierra, particularly how the way one can interface with the OS rather than its design. A user can interface with MacOS through Dock which may contain shortcuts to his or her favorite apps and folders that are frequently accessed.  N the other hand, Windows User interface is mostly defined by File Explore in place of MacOS's Finder which allows a person to browse and even open all computer files that have been stored. 


The choice for a computer program is based on a person's preference and knowledge of the features that Microsoft Windows or MacOS' provides. The elements for each of the systems define their similarities and differences even though their functionalities are mostly the same. 


Wienberger, M., (2017).This is why I use an iPhone instead of Android, but a Windows PC instead of a Mac. Retrieved from:

Tober, D. (2005). Access Copy: Macs for PC Users, Introduction to [website].

Simon M., Loyola R.,( 2017). macOS High Sierra: Everything you need to know about Apple's latest Mac operating system. Retrieved from:

Lambert, J., (2015).Windows 10 Step by Step. Retrieved from:


905 Words  3 Pages

Disruptive Technologies


For firms to maintain their lead in the market, they should be ready to disrupt technologically and not just focus only on the present cash-cow business operations. The failure of big firms to embrace technological revolution will leave them to play catch-up with start-up firms that use innovation to build customer base and market competitiveness.

Innovator’s dilemma

Innovator’s dilemma refers to the need for organizations to meet the customer’s needs, who are not aware of such needs themselves. The customer needs are to an extent satisfied by the incumbent technologies but they improve with time, and at times even exceeding the performance expectation of the market. Even though disruptive technologies introduced into the market have performance attributes that do not meet the needs of existing customers, but they undergo enough improvement with time that they meet the markets expectation (Christensen, 225). All that is needed for disruptive innovations is a better performance that incumbents, but a performance good enough to appeal to customers’ needs at a lower cost. This means that disruptive technology is normally a market issue but not technological.  The puzzle in this case is that a firm does not always need to be a market leader to gain rewards from disruptive technology. However, the failure to be innovative and improve on the incumbent technology means that a firm will not be able to meet the changing customer needs.   The innovator’s dilemma comprises of various issues; sustaining technologies are not similar to disruptive technologies; the rate of change in technology normally goes before the market’s knowledge of the need (Christensen, 225).

 There major reason for failure of big firms is that they do not perceive the threats arising from disruptive technology. This is because they focused too much on acting for the interests of customers who are not aware of their technological needs until innovative technologies are introduced. Once they new technologies are introduced, customers no longer want the incumbent technology that the large firms were using to meet customer needs but which have poor performance.   Customers are not attracted to the new technology initially because their performance is poor. The poor performance means that margins from the disruptive technologies are worse than margins from incumbent technologies (Gallaugher, 3). The market do not look attractive to the big firms due to poor profit margins and big firms fail to allocate enough resources  for development of the new technology or care for the needs of an emerging customer base.  The focus of the firm is the traditional cash-cow operations but not the disruptive technologies. The focus on market demand and firm’s financial performance serve as a veil that prevents firms from foreseeing the emerging technologies.

 The innovator’s dilemma whether to focus on traditional cash-cow ventures, and hence satisfy market needs or focus on emerging technologies, makes the big firms to lag behind ( Gallaugher, 4). Before they adjust to the new market, the start-ups have been embracing the disruptive technologies long enough to amass expertise and reap benefits from improving scale and increasing customer base.  The new brands of organization spearheading the disruptive innovations are now associated with new technology and the big firms can only play catch-up ( Gallaugher, 4). Few of these big firms are able to catch-up with the new market leaders. The innovator’s dilemma helps to explain the failure of big firms, since they are focused on sustaining technologies with high margins and ignore the disruptive technologies. Customer demands that the large firms focus on change the moment the offerings from disruptive technologies are introduced, and which satisfy market needs that customers were unaware of.  Executives who are overpowered by organizational forces such as shareholder interests fail their firms once faced with disruptive technologies ( Gallaugher, 4).

The reason for Kodak’s failure was essentially too much focus on the present success that it failed to see the onslaught of disruptive technology. The company failed to re-invent itself and align its incumbent photography technology to the emergence of digital technology, which means that there was little left to do. The focus on the present means that Kodak’s management had their attention fixed on their cash-cow business operations based on an analogue photography which satisfied the market needs.  The focus was on satisfying the prevailing market demand and investing little to emerging technological trends.  The first digital photos were of poor quality and had little appeal for the market, meaning that the new start-ups offerings had little emerging in comparison to the incumbent Kodak’s traditional offerings. Such margins did not attract the interest of Kodak to allocate resources for the digital disruptive technology in photography. The market stuck to the offerings by Kodak since they satisfied their needs became aware of the need for digital technology only after it was introduced into the market. Customers had to turn away from Kodak’s analogue offering since they hardly satisfied the new found needs for digital photography.

 The management of the firm failed to notice the digital revolution and allocate resources and experts to work on the new technology. Its technology could not be sustained in the long-run and hence, margins started plummeting. By the time Kodak’s management realized the nature of influence digital revolution had on photography, the start-up firms that were not building their customer base and their margins were improving. For Kodak to adapt to the new digital era, it had to play catch-up to these firms that had already created an influence in the market.  The only positive thing was that the firm was able to capitalize on the present market demand and the brand earned enough from this. It developed a competitive edge that could not be matched at the time and took advantage of customer loyalty to succeed with the incumbent technology.  However, such success could not be sustained due to disruptive technology.

Micro-soft is among the firms that are threatened by disruptive technology. The firm may slide into irrelevance in the coming 10 years if it fails to make adequate progress in the tablet and smartphone market. This can be attributed to the fact that the decline in PC market will continue, as the trend has indicated over the past years.  Microsoft introduced its own tablets and while this may seem logical, it may add up to playing it safe and competing rather than disrupting (Arthur, 1). The firm’s offering has to compete with notebook that are ultra-thin and desk-top OS with products such as Android tablets and Apple iPad that may push it out of the market.


 A firm has to be ready to disrupt if it has to embrace technological disruption by not only focusing on the present but the future in order to remain relevant. Allocating resources to emerging technology may bear little returns presently but it will ensure that firms remain competitive in the market. Since customers may be unaware of their technological needs until offerings are introduced in the market, a firm should maintain a lead in innovation.


Arthur, Charles.Microsoft threatened as smartphones and tablets rise, Gartner warns.2013. Retrieved from:

Christensen, Clayton. The innovator's dilemma: when new technologies cause great firms to fail. Harvard Business Review Press, 2013. 225


Gallaugher, John. Information Systems: A Manager's Guide to Harnessing Technology. Disruptive Innovations: Understanding the Giant Killers and Considerations for Avoiding Extinction v. 2.0. (n.d). 3-4




1228 Words  4 Pages

How Digital Technology Has Transformed Business Activities E.G. Operations, Marketing, Accounting, HR.


Digital technology is categorized to be the most essential modern change that has thus revolutionized modern businesses (Peppard and Ward, 2016 p.4). Digital technology has not only changed the manner in which business is carried out but the outcome, as well as productivity, has improved. Over the last couple of years this trend that drastically transformed conventional business models while creating notable changes within different business activities like human resource and operations. The utilization of flexible and friendly mobile technology has offered most businesses with extensive options and growth opportunities. This has also allowed the already developed products to grow into higher profits while creating fresh strategies that adhere to innovation for new products creation thus creating a rather diverse product options. The effect of digital technology is evident in all the main aspects of business systems ranging from management, production, Human resource, communication and so on. Digital technology is associated with more benefits to the organizations that have adopted the systems but the success of the operations is not without challenges as different management approaches are needed (Strauss, 2016 p.12). Modern business is required to revolutionize their operations in the quest of catching up with the ever-changing business markets. This is best regarded as the digital transformation which refers to the acceleration of business operations, procedures, capabilities and strategies to fully control the variations and opportunities with respect to digital technologies and the associated effects in a planned and ordered way.

Background of Research

It cannot be argued that indeed digital technologies have brought essential and intense impacts on businesses and the economy in general. Although the transformations are mainly linked to the digital period, it is agreeable that actually, the business world is transitioning from operations that are driven by technical and industrial technology into one that is fueled by digital technology (Nambisan, 2017). Technology is transforming rather fast thus requiring businesses to adjust to the changes in order to attain success through efficiency. Due to the increased competition in the market and the need to meet the ever-changing consumer needs technology has become the only solution for businesses. However, technology is characterized by faster changes when equated to businesses operations but the responses of organizations have been positive which has created notable transformation (Strauss, 2016 p.12). Based on the fact that the business markets are changing every day requiring the adoption of new business operations management, marketing, accounting techniques and so on market leaders have acknowledged that effective operating approaches and approaches must be reflective of the evolving digital technology. Major concerns of modern businesses lie on achieving efficiency in operations and obtaining a reliable human resource for improved and motivating gains. With this, there is a necessity to minimize the operating expenses while heightening shareholder’s gains in general. It is from this context that Digital technology has transformed businesses by ensuring that these goals are achievable for the long run.

Research Objective: To establish the effects of digital technology on business activities with respect to operations, marketing, accounting, and HR.

Literature Review

According to Hanelt et al (2015), business operations in the contemporary society are faced with more complexities thus requiring them to adopt more strategic tactics to overcome the underlying issues. To begin with, competition and the ever-changing demands in the market have forced organizations to depend highly on innovativeness that seeks to develop new and acceptable products. On the other hand, this is aimed at creating differentiation and diversity to offer more selection choices to the consumer which in turn led to improving their experience in general. Technology has actually improved business activities in different forms but communication operations are the most essential. In fact, instant communication through texts and social networking have turned to be the most weighty technology impacts on all areas of businesses. However, communication operations are faster it is evident that it has become more complex. In actual sense, digital technology has permitted business operators to communicate at ease in spite of the locations, time as well as language differences. With this business has become more global in general by permitting the carrying out of business within different locations (Nambisan, 2017 p.1030). This, therefore, means that the operation markets have expanded with larger markets. It is the communication that additionally facilitates individuals to understand consumers need and implement strategies for meeting them within the shortest time frame. Through internet technology, it is easier for individuals to communicate with the consumers which in turn assists in creating more close relations.

Based on Strauss, (2016) communication is one of the most essential business operations and without it, efficiency and productivity might never be achieved. Technology has enabled businesses to run and manage different activities simultaneously by ensuring that the staffs clearly understands what is required from them while maintaining close connections with consumers and shareholders. Digital technology has permitted most businesses to enhance their communication procedures. Through different kinds of technology communication options, organizations can steep their economic surrounding with constant communication. Workers productivity can be improved through the application of digital technology. This is because the use of computing programs provides more opportunities for the staffs to acquire more insights that in turn facilitates creativity. It is through digital technology that human workloads have been decreased which leads to fewer labor expenses. This technology has permitted businesses to attain more extensive markets in the global setting for the provision of better production (Hanelt et al, 2015 p.1315). Human resource monitoring and outsourcing is an additional impact of digital technology. The trend has allowed the outsourcing of different business functions within the domestic and global business settings. Outsourcing is essential as it facilitates the reduction of costs thus concentrating on the completion of distinct business operations. The innovative need requires businesses to focus on not only employing skilled but also creative personnel to bring their ideas to the business for differentiation and sustainability in the competitive surrounding. Technology provides favorable grounds for understanding those areas that are associated with the cheapest form of resources (Matt, Hess and Benlian, 2015 p.342).

Marketing is the central drive of business and most standards regarding the operations that were created many years back are still applicable in the present. Marketing revolves around promotion and the creation of both awareness and familiarity of business operations and their products (Westerman, Bonnet and McAfee, 2014 p.21). Without effective marketing, it is apparent that the targeted consumers will not be aware of business provisions and this makes it difficult for increasing sales. Promotion is a means of increasing products sales and creating better relations which is rather common in the business world. Marketing is very dependent on technology and different technologies modes hold differing effects on marketing capacity. Marketing is particularly cheap due to technology which has provided more platforms for promotion with little to zero charges. Most businesses regardless of their sizes have created online platforms that facilitate online marketing in a faster mode. For social media platforms, the employees can connect directly with the consumers to understand their experiences with the offered products and their needs which helps in developing more strategic plans for addressing each of them. These platforms are effective based on the extensive numbers of users that they accommodate and the fact that they reach the targeted populace within the shortest time period. Technology permits businesses to systematize labor-intensive operations and procedural data with ease (Mithas, Tafti and Mitchell, 2013 p.17). While in business, digital technology is mainly applied via computing devices, server storages, and systemic arrangements, the internet is the foremost advancement which has thus facilitated fresh communication strategies that are utilized for processing financial and operational data.

Westerman, Bonnet, and McAfee, (2014) notes that E-business has been a major effect on digital technology on contemporary businesses. Online business has transformed traditional business operations in general. A fundamental characteristic of e-business lies in the communication competence and information transferring while using the internet. Most organizations mainly utilize internet communication approaches that enable communication and data sharing amongst administrators and staffs through platforms such as mail and video conferencing. In addition, most firms have also created different business websites that permit customers to fully evaluate information regarding the corporation and its goods in order to make better decisions. The sites additionally offer them with the channels for connecting directly with the firms. The internet has created means for businesses to establish fresher strategies for decreasing the operating expenses and saving production resources. This is because most businesses normally apply business software’s that seek to track differing business activities while regulating and assessing the effectiveness and competence of all departments. These aspects assist administrators in evaluating details and settling for more informed choices that regard business operations. The supply network is also enhanced due to constant and increased information movement (Matt, Hess and Benlian, 2015 p.340). Most businesses operating within the conventional environment were not able to conduct sales in any direct ways while interacting with their consumers a trend that has been changed entirely by technology advancement.

Nambisan et al (2017) hold that it is universally assumed that digital technology is the real solution to all business problems. However, it is worth noting that it requires constant maintenance to ensure that the competitors do not apply the new technology in gaining competitive positioning. There is the cost that is associated with this adoption but this does not imply that the technology is not essential but it requires to be maintained constantly. Digital technology has made HR management simpler since it facilitates successful information storing and sharing. Since performance evaluation is one of the operations that is needed for higher productivity and employee’s motivation (Mithas, Tafti and Mitchell, 2013 p.22). This implies that data is to be stored and shared among administrators to enable the implementation of more enhanced strategies for increasing production and encouraging better performance following innovativeness. On the other hand communication especially on the social networking platforms including mobile technology creates better means to interact, share information, cooperate and build better associations globally. Information storing and sharing is facilitated by the ability of technology to support multiple tasks such as information filling and research which helps in the integration of operations such as marketing and operations management. Production has increased compared to that of traditional businesses since technologies such as data analytics and artificial intelligence are supporting product expansion and innovation (El Sawy and Pereira 2013 p.12).

Based on Hess et al (2016) marketing branding has also been transformed by technology as the promotions are aimed at communicating the innovative nature of products. As information about products increases, there is an increasing power shift given that consumers have gained more authority over their products choices. Basically, most individuals do not believe that digital technology is applicable to business operations such as accounting. One of the primary use is the improvement of operating intelligence is via the utilization of data analysis. For instance, within the retailing business, the existence of data analytics digital technology that is driven by accounting information permits managers in reviewing the existing sales and progress that seeks to address the existing issues regarding operations (Trainor et al, 2014 p.1204). Through technology systems, finance auditors can modify the existing sets in the quest of allowing enhanced communications and operations to be carried forward.

According to Matt, Hess, and Benlian, (2015) operation management is also affected by digital technology by generating effectiveness and competence of different processes. In this context, data analytics generate a number of openings that seek to improve operations in general. On the other hand, the use of different technologies such as artificial intelligence can create more value for researching and development activities without affecting production. Cloud computing has generated the most intense in the manner in which most IT systems operate. HRM is affected both by the HR operations and people monitoring within an organization. The functioning of HR is mainly impacted by modifications that occur within the management procedures based on the rise of information digitalization and operations (El Sawy and Pereira 2013 p.13). Newer technologies are additionally generating modifications in regard to the manner in which talents and skills among employees are managed. This implies that organizations have to reevaluate their job requirements in the quest of addressing the existing creativity gaps within. With the rise of more positions due to technology the management is then pressured to develop fresher strategies that seek to address issues that are related to compensation and performance (Mithas, Tafti and Mitchell, 2013 p.26). An additional consideration revolves around legal matters that incorporate confidentiality, intellectual violation, safety issues, and distractions. Employees must be educated on the use of the technology not be exposing themselves to threats, violate ownership of data or lose privacy.

According to Trainor et al (2014) as business activities are becoming digitally transformed and fresher technologies are gaining full integration into every industry it is essential for businesses to adopt the transition to meet the needs. Inevitably, the rising competition is encouraging the ever-growing demand for costs management and controlled operations. It is these technologies that are creating cost-saving options and resource outsourcing opportunities with solutions that best support higher competence, performance and productivity that in turn transforms all operations (Fitzgerald et al, 2014 p.1). Conventionally one of the major issues that businesses were facing revolved around the fact that although the objectives for all operations were clear regarding human resources, accounting and management the ability to create efficiency was low. However, it is courtesy of technology that more alternatives have been created for companies via which they can fully reassign their efforts towards vital procedures and functions to be achieved thus rising efficiency and goods. Operations having being developed more adequately means that there are better collaboration and participation among teams due to the willingness to be part of the changes within the organization and beyond (Fitzgerald et al, 2014 p.1). Capitalization on the networking platforms has been essential for the involved companies in generating feedbacks.

Research Analysis

The research gathered information through the use of primary and secondary research. In that, primary data was acquired from qualitative interviews and quantitative online surveys that sought to provide direct and reliable information. These methods were mainly selected based on their convenience, reliability, affordability, and ability to generate maximum information in regard to the subject (Hussein, 2015). On the other hand, a review of literature was mainly acquired from secondary sources which included journals and books. This helped in generating adequate information for a comparative analysis of data acquired from primary research. Content analysis was utilized in the analysis of primary data.

Technology affects all aspects of life and business operations are not an exception. Technology has the ability to improve a business or abolishing in based on its application. Communication, marketing accounting, and HR management are some of the business activities that have been transformed more by digital technology. Based on the conducted research it is evident from both primary and secondary investigation that communication is one of the most affected aspects of business. In that digital technology has created more opportunities for sharing information and integrating directly with those that are involved in business. For instance, most businesses rely on social networking platforms to connect with their consumers and accessing feedbacks that are utilized for improving products and operations (Trainor et al, 2014). Technology has made communication more fast and effective in communicating the involved needs in general.

Digital technology mainly facilitates marketing and networking operations. Traditionally running effective supply chains was rather difficult based on the complexity of handling unpredictable changes and consistent operations which is not the case today. More companies are focused on the generation of capital higher capital under minimal expenses which they are able to achieve based on the use of technology. In that, Digital technology has created different marketing and promotion platforms ranging from the social media sites to instant messaging. With this company are not only able to communicate with their respective consumers but also maintain connections with suppliers, distributors, and others. Creating awareness and familiarity of products that are related to the company is easier because postings can be made on consistent basis while receiving comments from the consumers (Fitzgerald et al, 2014 p.1). Operations have eased given that the management is only responsible for regulating the flow of products as well as communication. These activities are not only effective but cost friendly since minimal expenses are incorporated.

Human resource drives the business and thus proper management is necessary. HR has thus been transformed by technology with the need to nurture talents and develop skills. Technology has brought with it innovation a thing that every company must own in order to differentiate itself from others and acquire a competitive positioning. HR managers are now focused on the development of programs and strategies to cater to employee’s needs and exposing them to better training and skills development (Nambisan, 2017). This occurs in order to enable them to be creative so that they can bring their ideas to the business for the development of new products. In other words efficiency and increased production are some of the benefits that digital technology has brought by improving operations and supporting effective marketing, accounting, and HRM operations. Communication has played part in creating better grounds for business success and improved performance.


Business operations in the contemporary society are not only complex but also demanding. Businesses must, therefore, evolve their strategies in order to successfully meet the increasing changes and secure their markets. Technology is evolving rather rapidly. In the past few years, the impacts of digital technology on business has remained evident to most. In order, for the positive transformation to be achieved by companies in regard to digital technology, businesses must be ready to adopt more strategic approaches. To begin with, one of the strategies that businesses should utilize is to ensure that they utilize the latest technologies. Employees should also be trained enough in regard to using these technologies. This helps in increasing operating efficiency and increasing productivity. Setting priorities also help in ensuring that the goals are achieved adequately. Communication and promotion should be the main priorities for digital technology given that when communication is effective operations run better leading to high productivity and performance.


In summing up, it is evident that digital technology has brought undeniable transformations to the business. Companies are required to evolve with technology in order to acquire the associated benefits. All the aspects of business have thus been transformed thus leading to higher economic gains. Marketing and communication activities alongside human resource are the most affected. Given that they are an integral part of business and success cannot be achieved if they are not controlled businesses are now focused on better achievement of improved communication and promotion. Technology platforms have created easier and more cost-effective means of communication and creating awareness among consumers thus improving productivity and business performance.




El Sawy, O.A. and Pereira, F., 2013. Business modelling in the dynamic digital space: An ecosystem approach. Heidelberg: Springer.

Fitzgerald, M., Kruschwitz, N., Bonnet, D. and Welch, M., 2014. Embracing digital technology: A new strategic imperative. MIT sloan management review, 55(2), p.1.

Hanelt, A., Piccinini, E., Gregory, R.W., Hildebrandt, B. and Kolbe, L.M., 2015. Digital Transformation of Primarily Physical Industries-Exploring the Impact of Digital Trends on Business Models of Automobile Manufacturers. In Wirtschaftsinformatik (pp. 1313-1327).

Hess, T., Matt, C., Benlian, A. and Wiesböck, F., 2016. Options for Formulating a Digital Transformation Strategy. MIS Quarterly Executive, 15(2).

Hussein, A., 2015. The use of triangulation in social sciences research: Can qualitative and quantitative methods be combined? Journal of Comparative Social Work, 4(1).

Matt, C., Hess, T. and Benlian, A., 2015. Digital transformation strategies. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 57(5), pp.339-343.

Mithas, S., Tafti, A. and Mitchell, W., 2013. How a Firm's Competitive Environment and Digital Strategic Posture Influence Digital Business Strategy. MIS quarterly, 37(2).

Nambisan, S., 2017. Digital entrepreneurship: Toward a digital technology perspective of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 41(6), pp.1029-1055.

Nambisan, S., Lyytinen, K., Majchrzak, A. and Song, M., 2017. Digital innovation management: Reinventing innovation management research in a digital world. Mis Quarterly, 41(1).

Peppard, J. and Ward, J., 2016. The strategic management of information systems: Building a digital strategy. John Wiley & Sons.

Strauss, J., 2016. E-marketing. Routledge.

Trainor, K.J., Andzulis, J.M., Rapp, A. and Agnihotri, R., 2014. Social media technology usage and customer relationship performance: A capabilities-based examination of social CRM. Journal of Business Research, 67(6), pp.1201-1208.

Westerman, G., Bonnet, D. and McAfee, A., 2014. Leading digital: Turning technology into business transformation. Harvard Business Press.

3473 Words  12 Pages

Crossing the chasm

 The idea behind Technology Adoption Life Cycle results from the importance of one’s attitude toward the adoption of technology when a product that needs the change of their present behavior, alter the services or products is introduced.  The introduction of disruptive technologies requires that businesses be ready to adopt them in the production process and marketing approach so that they can profit from them (Moore, 12).

The various types of consumers in the technology adoption cycle include laggard, early majority, later majority and the early adopter or innovator.  The innovator category includes those customers who aggressively pursue the new introduced technological products and normally look for them before a program for marketing them is launched.  Technology forms a basic part of their life and they are intrigued by any advancement (Moore, 16).  The early adopters accept the notion of the new product in the early part of life cycle but are not usually intrigued by technology. These people are able to understand and even appreciate the benefits arising out of such advancement and relate it to other issues concerning them as long as there is a strong match (Moore, 16). Early majority possess an ability to relate to new technology but require a practicality for them to adopt.  Late majority have same concerns with early majority but are not comfortable handling new technology products (Moore, 16). Laggards comprises of people with no interest in new technology due to various reasons like economic or personal ones and will only acquire the technology after it is deeply integrated with another product(Moore, 17).

The most integral factor to success of adoption is the ability to see, understand and even value the various benefits that arises from the new technology. This can allow the customers to relate their needs with the potential benefits and hence, buy the new products that have been introduced.

Works cited

Moore, Geoffrey A. Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling Technology Project. HarperCollins e-Books, 2014.


328 Words  1 Pages

Technology & Cyber stalking

 Tracking cyber-stalkers requires that the law enforcement operate in the same virtual environment in which the criminals operate. Since websites are places, the webmasters, designers and administrators that manage the place should be given a role by the law enforcement officers helping them to track their activities (Basu & Jones, 2007).  The enforcers of the law will then use the various forensics tolls that will allow them to discover the stalkers behavior patterns, trail the computers used them and use forensic data that is potentially relevant and which the stalkers may have discarded.  The uncovering of stalkers behavior patterns requires the officer to be with the victim so that they can observe the sessions of the stalker. The agent can also be replaced by a television camera with a closed-circuit and even a recorder which can monitor the stalker’s sessions and then determine their patterns. Trailing the computer used by the stalker can be done using a monitor system that can allow the law enforcers to obtain host data and even the important network data (Burmester, Henry & Kermes, 2005).  Such data include the data on victim’s PC and the screener buffer contents including the outgoing or incoming network packets while at the same time  ensuring exclusion of machine-generate overhead.  Thirdly, the storage of the collected data is necessary which will allow the law enforcers to relate any evidence collected to the cyber-stalker activities in a forensic lab. This data is important since it can be used as evidence in the court (Burmester, Henry & Kermes, 2005).

Tracking the behavior of cyber-stalkers is not an easy task for the law enforcement due to a variety of reasons. First, the patterns of behavior related to cyber-stalking are unpredictable, varied and complex which makes it quite difficult to investigate, examine and even prevent.   This is because of anonymity challenge where the cyberstalker can conceal their identity through the use of different providers of internet service and adoption of various screen names. Stalkers with more experience can remailers that are anonymous and which makes it impossible to recognize the true identity of the e-mail-source. Since they know that the victim cannot identify them, they can continue with their pursuits without being uncovered by the victim or even the law enforcement officer (Reyns, 2010). Secondly, a problem arises when the law enforcers attempt to identify the criminal since this brings about serious issues relating to privacy and eventually lead to political backlash. The protection of internet users privacy means that efforts by the law enforcers are curtailed, which provide an opportunity for the cyber criminal to exploit while at the same time, avoiding being held accountable for their actions (Reyns, 2010).

Serious penalties can apply to cyberstalking including related collateral consequences that goes beyond jail term.  The penalties may involve statutes like Online Minor Solicitation for the stalking that involves children and teenagers, and in case they are of sexual nature, the stalker may be required to have a sex offender registration after serving jail term (DeMatteo, 2017).  However, these laws may not adequately penalize the cyberstalker since there has been not update so that the laws can be in line with the realities of Internet.  The cyberstalking criminals may engage in various activities that have not yet been criminalized in the law such as sharing of personal information as harassment and the criminal may go scot-free.


Reyns, B. W. (2010). A situational crime prevention approach to cyberstalking victimization: Preventive tactics for Internet users and online place managers. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 12(2), 99-118.


Burmester, M., Henry, P., & Kermes, L. S. (2005). Tracking cyberstalkers: a cryptographic approach. ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society, 35(3), 2.



Basu, S., & Jones, R. (2007). Regulating cyberstalking. Journal of Information Law & Technology, 22.


DeMatteo, D., DeMatteo, D., Wagage, S., Wagage, S., Fairfax-Columbo, J., & Fairfax-Columbo, J. (2017). Cyberstalking: are we on the same (web) page? A comparison of statutes, case law, and public perception. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 9(2), 83-94.


672 Words  2 Pages

Technology and Cyber Bullying

Cyberbullying has increased rather drastically in the recent years due to the advancement of technology. Cyberbullying can best be described as the utilization of electronic messaging to intimidate an individual by sending threatening or horrifying messages. Technology in most instances can be applied both in a desirable and undesirable manner (Cooley, 2011). Several technologies such as mobile phones, computer, social media and instant messaging are utilized for communication as well as cyberbullying intentions. To begin with, while mobile phones are designed to ease the means of communication and to ensure that people are always in-touch with each other they are mainly utilized to intimidate others. In that, it is through the use of such devices that the sharing of hash messages and ruining pictures are sent. This normally leads to the loss of the self-confidence sense. By making nasty calls and harassing information in addition to sharing humiliating photos the intention of cyberbullying is accomplished through this technology. In addition, the gadgets are utilized to take videos that are supposed to remain private and posting them on different internet sites thus violating individuals privacy right (Cooley, 2011).

Computer is an additional technology that cannot be undermined based on its ability to facilitate cyberbullying. Most individuals depend on computers to accomplish daily activities such as workloads and communication an aspect that is exploited by others. In that, computers are currently utilized in hacking individual’s data and essential information courtesy of information technology (Taylor, Fritsch & Liederbach, 2015). By hacking most of the private content is exposed while most of it is utilized for intimidating as well as humiliating individuals. This is not only an infringement of privacy but it also results in psychological instability in general. On the other hand, social media sites are a different technology that is widely known for cyberbullying. In that, these sites are characterized by a number of features that assist in the general communication as well as viewing posts and sharing. Bullies will mainly utilize the sites to send horrifying and demeaning messages to their targets based on their motives constantly. In addition, it is the same platforms that offer opportunities for sharing humiliating images as well as videos in general that causes trauma and in most cases suicide (Taylor, Fritsch & Liederbach, 2015).

Cyberbullying is one of the most destructive activities currently in the world of technology. Cyberbullying usually leaves the victims traumatized and psychologically affected to the point that they can no longer take part in their usual lives routines (Sullivan & Dawsonera, 2011). In that based on the humiliation that the activity generates it can cause the victims to lose their self-confidence by getting the feeling that they are unworthy or unneeded. If the individual’s psychological level is not good this implies that their general ability to take part in the socio-economic setting is affected as well. This implies that most of them with withdrawing from the social circles leading to isolation and trauma and in most cases suicide. Some tactics such as raising awareness and anonymous management of individual’s online activities can help in combating cyberbullying. In that most of the internet users are not even aware of the dangers that the sites create and therefore educating them will be useful in ensuring that the guard themselves against such attacks as well as help in changing the perception of those that bully others (Sullivan & Dawsonera, 2011). While monitoring individuals activities it will help in getting those involved in bullying and stopping the activities before they can cause more harm to the victims.





Cooley, A. H. (2011). Guarding against a radical redefinition of liability for Internet misrepresentation: The United States v. Drew prosecution and the         Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Journal of Internet Law, 14(8), 1, 15–28.

Sullivan, K., & Dawsonera. (2011). The anti-bullying handbook. Los Angeles, [Calif.: SAGE.

Taylor, R. W., Fritsch, E. J., & Liederbach, J. (2015). Digital crime and digital terrorism. (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.


667 Words  2 Pages


Lecture 1

Project management approaches:

Agile-waterfall-Scrum-Extreme programming


It is software advancement that is focused on ensuring an accumulative, repetitive approach. This approach gives an alternative methodology to planning. Instead of the usual in-depth strategic planning   before beginning a project, agile procedure is flexible and open to alteration in various factors at different time periods and also facilitates and motivates feedback from end consumers. Various groups work on constants of particular products within a certain period of time. The activities of the group are arranged in a backlog that prioritizes commerce and client values. The objective of each and every constant is to come up with a workable commodity (Lester, 2007).

Agility is meant to stimulate leadership and group a work among different team member’s accountability and transparency. Social interaction and communication are some of the benefits that also come from an agile approach (Lester, 2007).

Agile refers to a process that facilitates alignment of concepts within its manifesto. It is based on various principles: satisfaction of the clients; flexibility while changing any function and it is easy and friendly to use in order to enable people to utilize it daily. One of the advantage of agile methodology is its flexibility. The brief expansion cycles of interactive modelling processes helps it to give a more flexible point of pivoting when it is required to. It separates the entire project into small workable chunks that can be handled with ease (Lester, 2007).


This a very common method of developing software. A project is   broken down into definite small parts that are then finished in order. It name signifies a continuous workflow. Each stage is different form the other. Software development takes place within this distinct phases. Each phase is completed before moving to the next. One cannot proceed to the next phase if he has not completed the previous phase. Stages of implementation are: concept-initiate-evaluate-designing-code-examine-result-maintain.One of the main advantage of waterfall is its predictability in terms of the work plan (Young, 2006).


It is a type of agile advancement that utilizes specific managerial procedures in a group environment. It pinpoints to motivating and promoting team work and advances in working within small manageable teams. Scrum plays three major roles namely: a scrum a leader who is in charge of coming up with a team; owner of commodity who is in charge off coming up with a backlog and iteration and the actual team that prioritizes its work and ensures their goals are achieved collectively as a team .The work flow of a scrum: sprint (iteration)-products’ backlog-sprints backlog-working on backlog-examination-product and functionality. Scrum does not allow changes in their sprints (Young, 2006).

Extreme programming group focuses on strictly prioritized organized projects. Characters that are to be created are given priority by the customer themselves and the team is supposed to implement them in a similar manner that has been suggested by the customer.  This technique assists when there is continuous change in conditions as per the customers’ requirements. The project format is determined by the manger (Young, 2006).

Lecture 2

Project management framework, core concepts and principles

A project management framework is a combination of various procedures and activities that assist in the management of project from the beginning to the end. A summary of this framework is: start up-plan-execute-manage-monitor-terminate. Each phase has certain activities that one must effectively complete. The project structure should be able to bring out quality, capital and time needed. The project goals should be in line with the activities that are supposed to be carried out. This also enables to know the total package of the entire project (Heagney, 2011).

A project’s organization and time chronology gives it the flow and work ethic it needs. It also makes its objectives clear. A proper timeline gives a project a visual interpretation and dictates the pace and the end of the project (Heagney, 2011).The milestone that a certain project makes is supposed to indicate cost and outcome of the project. Milestones of a project defines phases of a project and signals places that need improvement (Lester, 2007).


Lecture three

Planning sets the pace for a project. It elaborates on how to complete a particular project within a certain stipulated period, usually in certain phases and procedures. Project planning sets the measurable objectives; identifies and isolates results and corrects failures. It also decides how the scheduling is to be done and creates a support system (Heagney, 2011).


Even the most organized project can run into a risk that has the magnitude of bringing it down. Risks are caused by unexpected challenges that the project is likely to face while establishing it. Risks can occur when a team in charge of the project falls sick or when they run out of capital that is supposed to drive and support the project. Challenges can always be anticipated and management properly .Although not all risks are negative, measures need to be taken to curb and control them. There are various ways of dealing with risks. A project manager can avoid a risk which is one of the best ways of handling a risk. Secondly, mitigation comes in when one cannot avoid a risk. Mitigating involves taking some action that reduces the impacts of the risks. Thirdly transferring the risk is commonly applied through an insurance company .Finances from an insurance cover will ensure quick recovery in case of any risk befalls a project. The last method is through acceptance of the risk. When all the methods described above fail, acceptance shows one has tried all the alternatives ways of handling the risk but it has not worked out. The quality of a project depends on the manner in which various factors have been handled. Quality is determined by how the project was finished and the requirements that assisted in finishing the project (Heagney, 2011).










Heagney, J. (2011). Fundamentals of Project Management. New York: AMACOM.

Lester, A. (2007). Project management, planning and control: Managing engineering, construction and manufacturing projects to PMI, APM and BSI standards. Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann/Elsevier.

Young, T. L. (2006). Successful project management. London: Kogan Page Ltd.





1020 Words  3 Pages

Application Tacit Consent

There are a number of technologies that have emerged that can be useful to law enforcers in apprehending criminals (Willard, 2007). In that, the technologies can mainly benefit all the law enforcer ranging from police officers to investigators in determining facts regarding different cases and solutions to some of the prevailing issues. This ranges from the use of GPS to sky drones. Two major technologies that can be used in reducing crimes are robotic cameras and software’s that seek to mainly gathers data from suspects privately without being suspected with just the use of normal phones or computers (Willard, 2007). Robotic cameras are mainly utilized in surveillance of operations from the sky. These devices are highly capable because they utilize remote and can access any needed area without being detected.

The robotic camera holds an electronic powered motor with customized wheels that stirs its movement and exploration within a set location (Garcia-Rodriguez & Cazorla, 2013). The devices can be operated by a single individual while recording everything that is being viewed to be analyzed later. The device is highly technological because it is wireless and has the ability to access even the remotest part. Through this device, the law enforcers can mainly focus on ensuring that they survey areas that are characterized by the highest crime rate to observe individual behaviors and stop crimes (Garcia-Rodriguez & Cazorla, 2013). This is relative to community policing which mainly involves moving around the communities to ensure that crimes are prevented. This is because when individuals are aware that they are being spied then it will mainly discourage them from engaging in any crime. In most of the police departments, this can be utilized in assessing areas and enabling them to respond adequately to any rising crime. In that, they can be used within building and outside and thus the officers can utilize them to detect bombs through the use of the controllers to view any suspicious parcels. In crowded location, this devices are highly essential in stopping any terrorist of criminal attack by searching everyone respectively. The acquired information can thus help to assure the safety of the public (Garcia-Rodriguez & Cazorla, 2013).

The use of computer-based software’s is an additional technology that mainly gathers online information from phones and online sites from the public (Peak, 2015). For those being suspected of certain offenses, the devices can thus be utilized to detect the motives and the plans. In this context, the gathered information works to assert the safety of the public in general by stopping crimes from occurring. This is because technology has allowed the sharing of information from different locations which can easily be accessed through this surveillance software without the suspicion of those that are being spied (Garcia-Rodriguez & Cazorla, 2013).

However, these technologies have presented varying issues in regard to individual’s privacy (Willard, 2007). This is because most of those spied might be innocent yet without their knowledge some personal information might be accessed which violates their privacy privileges in general. Based on the fourth amendment the privacy of an individual should never be intruded without a probable cause. Those that choose to use technology have, however, given tacit consent for their personal content (Peak, 2015). In that personal information entails mainly details such as residence, phone details and so on. Agreeing to use the sites means that one has given the consent for the general use of such details (Peak, 2015).






Garcia-Rodriguez, J., & Cazorla, Q. M. A. (2013). Robotic vision: Technologies for machine learning and vision applications.

Peak, K. J. (2015). Introduction to criminal justice. Los Angeles [etc.: Sage.

Willard, N. E. (2007). Cyberbullying and cyberthreats: Responding to the challenge of online social aggression, threats, and distress. Champaign, Ill: Research Press.

628 Words  2 Pages

Innovation: Destructive Technologies


One of the steady patterns in regard to business lies in regard to the catastrophe of the leading firms to sustain the competitive position when technology and operations experience changes. Most established firms normally capitalize profoundly and efficiently when it comes to technology that is needed to retain the already acquire client but experience failure in investing mainly on the demands of the consumers (Christensen, 1997). This normally leads to changes in the market as the expectations of the target populace consistently change based on technological advancement. Consumers normally possess extreme authority as they determine the investments that a company is to mainly depend on. However, if a company adopts a technology that has no adequate power to address their needs then it is disallowed an aspect that had forced most companies to work beyond the present to fulfill the increasing needs of coming generations. Disruptive technologies in this context are useful in determining the growth of the industry. This is considered as a threat as it asserts mainly on creating a market that is ruled by performance thus assaulting the achievements of the market. These characteristics have established numerous innovations that have thus led to the shift from the analog to a digital industry.


The innovator's dilemma is a theory in regard to how large corporations that are well established in the market can be unsuccessful despite adhering to all the operations expectations.  In that according to Christensen for most companies, their successes and competencies can later become challenges in the context of changing markets and innovations (Christensen, 1997). In this context, the dilemma of innovators lies in establishing the ability to sustainable technologies. Technology sustainment refers to the capability to consistently develop products while meeting the growing needs of the consumers. These are innovations that are well understood by large corporations and have a well-established part to play in the economy. On the other hand, these corporations mainly experience challenges when handling destructive technologies. These are the kind of innovations that lead to undesirable product development and they are highly preferred since they are cheap and suitable for utilization. Despite the fact that these type of innovations occur in rare cases when they occur they result in extreme failure particularly for the corporations that have already become successful in the market.

In other words, the innovation dilemma usually arises, since in the quest of competing with the disruptive competitors a firm is needed to modify its business. Despite the fact that disruptive technology offers businesses with increased ability to overcome competition and retain its strategic and competitive positioning in the market it is not a long run strategy for success. In the market where demands and preferences are changing rather quickly, disruptive innovation is developed through the use of different processes opposing to those that the competitors are utilizing. Frequently, these technologies are weak and they are characterized by lesser quality. This, therefore, implies that a firm that engages in disruptive technology is mainly forced to abandon its values such as quality in order to increase sales through the use of affordability as its leading approach (Christensen, 1997). This only works for the short run and for the companies that have already been established in the market well they are subjected to failure due to the inability to sustain their the competencies and values while chasing huge profits and competitive positioning.

In other words, disruptive innovation can best be described as the technology set whose implementation leads to affect the functioning of the market. The main example of this technology is the internet which has widely been adopted in the contemporary society and has thus altered the functioning of companies and this has affected the companies negatively that are dependent on it. Disruptive innovation and technology are different as disruptive innovation is more focused on the use of the most productive and cheaper technology rather than concentrating on developing technology on its own to acquire the same benefits for the long run. Most companies have failed in this quest by chasing such a model that affects its abilities to be sustainable and to guard its competencies and values within a given market in general (Christensen, 1997).


The most successful firms today, have emerged to be successful since they are moved in the quest of serving the general needs of the consumers while ignoring the needs that are not within their targets. However, since consumers are in need of results, companies will mainly engage in technology development so that such needs can be resolved. When successful, companies become stranded in regard to all that they are supposed to do in order to sustain their achievements and retain the already acquired consumers in the market generally. In this process, most of them are disrupted and end up in some unfulfilling ventures that are associated with increased profitability but cannot last for the long run. The disruptive technology notion was mainly developed by Christensen in order to offer descriptions of the innovations that formulate fresh markets by targeting a fresh set of consumers. This is acquired partially, by connecting new forms of technology as well as developing fresh business innovations while still exploiting the existing ones. 

According to the disruptive technology concept most big firms normally fail due to the incapability to retain technology development. In that most companies become successful and begin to focus on chasing more profits while targeting new consumers set. It is in this quest that innovation is abandoned while chasing disruption. This is because most of the larger companies are in need of sustaining their positioning by fighting the existing competition. In this context, this implies that the companies are forced to act differently from the competitors for their success which leads to the use of cheaper and convenient technologies that seeks to innovate products that are characterized by lesser quality. If these products fail to fulfill the needs of the consumers this means that the technology is rejected in the market and with low sales the company will automatically fail. The failure of most large corporations can best be explained using the innovator’s dilemma in that due to the increasing needs and competition in the market companies fail to understand how to sustain their positioning.

Kodak was the most successful firm in the film industry but it failed due to its inability to transition when new technologies emerged as it chooses to retain its strategies. The new technologies created cheaper options which catalyzed its failure (Christensen, 1997). In that, there is the need to adapt to consistent changes in the quest of meeting the needs of consumers within a given market fully. The conduct was right as it strived to sustain its competitive positioning by not only upholding its strengths but also values regarding consumer’s satisfaction. However, the company failed to realize that technology was gradually changing and it was also required to change in order to meet the changing preferences while offering solutions to its consumers. IBM is one of the companies that might fail in the next ten years if it continues to conduct business in the same way. IBM is bound to fail based on its incapability to transition and adopt technology as it is rising. In that unlike most of the other companies that are within the sector the company produces products that are less innovative and takes more time to manufacture. IBM will ultimately lose its positioning in the market as it is not able to compete innovatively with other companies. IBM will ultimately fail based on its inability to invest on social capital and innovation which are the primary determinant of the success of any business in the contemporary society. In that, for business to be fully effective especially in the technology innovation industry companies are required to consistently adhere to technological growth and advancement in general (Christensen, 1997). The company is likely to fail as it has been outweighed by various companies such as Apple which is focused on adopting technology as it emerges in order to fully meet the needs of the consumers.


A disruptive technology can be beneficial if utilized strategically but has the potential of leading to the downfall of large corporations which have already experienced success. In this context, companies are recommended to focus on their capability to transition with the rise of new technologies in the market. In other words, this means that companies should seek to exploit the existing innovation while developing further to offer increased benefits to the ones that are not present and have the ability to offer more solutions to the companies. In this regard, cost, effectiveness, and convenience should be considered always. Thus, rather than chasing profitability quality is essential.


The innovator’s dilemma is real in the economic market today. This is usually a challenging option that is faced by the large companies when it comes to making choices in regard to retaining an already present market by ensuring that it conducts business the same way or focusing on investing in fresh markets by adopting fresh models. Most companies normally fail not because they lack the capability to remain relevant in the market but mainly because they are not able to transition in the presence of emerging technology changes. Companies are required to adapt to market changes as they arise while upholding technology as a primary means of achieving greater.




(N.D). Disruptive Technologies. Pdf

Christensen, C. M. (1997). The innovator's dilemma: When new technologies cause great firms to fail. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business Review Press.


1597 Words  5 Pages

Autonomous vehicles (AV)

The new technology in both robotics and communications has developed substantial influence on the daily lives of humanity and transportation has not been left behind. Technology has enabled the creation of autonomous vehicles (AV) that are aimed at reducing the pollution, crashes, consumption rate and the huge congestions experienced and similarly increasing the level of transport services. The development of these vehicles has created some level of challenges which might affect the transport industry (Casner et al., 72). One of the major challenges includes the liability of the accidents caused by these self-driving vehicles. Looking at the similar case where the Toyota Company previously faced a dark moment due to the faulty vehicles, it is inconclusive on who to be blamed on the self-driven vehicles. The malfunction in Toyota vehicles caused some people to be prosecuted while the mistake was the manufacturer of the vehicle.

The software was to blame for the Toyota case which ended up killing some people and injuring others in the process. The software is the main component in the autonomous vehicles which will make important decisions and also drive the cars from one place to the other. The current model by Google does not have any physical appliances which a person can use to control not even the brakes or steering. In case of an accident from an oncoming vehicle, the possibilities of survival are minimal. For the case of navigation in crowded cities, for example, the developing countries, the autonomous car has been designed to stop or slow down immediately there is the detection of humans (Casner et al., 75). The concern is the issue of a zebra crossing where the light turns red but people are still crossing. In this case, the car will be forced to stop for many hours since people will keep crossing.

Work cited

Casner, Stephen M., Edwin L. Hutchins, and Don Norman. "The challenges of partially    automated driving." Communications of the ACM 59.5 (2016): 70-77.


332 Words  1 Pages





Rolltop is a computer development that incorporates the desirable concepts of a technological transformation in the contemporary world and future (Myrolltop, 2017a). The rolltop tends to characterise a laptop computer by its OLED-Display technology and a more modified duo touchscreen technology. The gadget has a lightweight to that of a mini-notebook and thirteen-inch screen, which clarifies its flexibility capability to transform into a graphics tablet. Moreover, a rolltop has a flat-screen of seventeen inches; a feature that its potentiality to serve as a primary monitor (Myrolltop, 2017b).

Rolltop is a technologically modified gadget that offers a reflection on the aspirations of a portable computer in the current day and future. The characteristics of a rolltop presume the partial image of a laptop that can be transformed into a tube-like computer. The development was focused on meeting the need for a computer related gadget that could offer multifaceted purposes. For that reason, it is deducible that rolltop exists as a portable device that may be used as a tablet or preferably a digital frame while serving as a laptop depending on consumer preferences within the ever-changing digital environment (Myrolltop, 2017a).

Target Market

Rolltop is a portable device that underlines government agencies and companies as its primary target market. Also, it targets the students of Information Technology and businesspeople by its offering for convenience.

 Situation Analysis

Rolltop is a significant player that can produce diverse forms of laptops considering that it competes with large corporations such as Toshiba and HP in the sale of computers and other related products. Also, it is a new technology thus the high chances of grabbing market extension. However, the company participates in the very strong market owing to technological advancements. For that reason, the brand receives a lot of threats from the large groups in the market due to technology-based differences.

Rolltop is a fantastic concept regardless that limited attempts to its pervasiveness have been experienced. It reflects the likelihood of experiencing high magnitude and chances of computer transformation in future owing to the changeability of a computerised environment. It demonstrates the power of innovation to unveiling the betterment of computer designs and interfaces from one generation to another.

The Rolltop technology fails to offer substantial value concerning its capabilities over the previous inventions on computer designs in the digital market. The product lacks adequate features to defining its advantages and uniqueness to outdo the recent computer designs. The innovation unfolds a tireless experience through its use despite the small unique elements to validate consumer loyalty. The video shows a technology that proposes the transformation of traditional computer designs by establishing slight variations on the novel techniques. It deduces chances to the termination of keyboards and also the mice (Myrolltop, 2017c). However, the exception of mice or even keyboards in a Rolltop design does not ensure its profitability because the functionality of the Rolltop tends to employ similar procedures in the traditional computer designs. Like the conventional devices, the video denotes that for one to operate a rolltop, his or her hands need to be at rest and should be near the device to reach its controls. Moreover, it is important to note that the significant feature of a rolltop is the incorporation of an OLED screen (Hornyak, 2011), whereas most of its characteristics as shown in the video are already in the market thus the limited chances to grabbing market penetration and competitive advantage. For instance, Samsung Corporation advocates for a similar feature of flexible OLED-screen in its products.  For that reason, the similarity of features between Rolltop and other digital products on touch capabilities denies Rolltop the potential to validating its acceptance in the market.

Marketing Strategy

In response to its failures, a customer-based marketing strategy by pricing and promotion would be appropriate to influencing its success in the market.  It should find ways of providing its services to the market at justifiable prices than the prices of its competitors. Also, different promotional strategies including brochures, web Ads and press Ads are effective ways of creating its image across the world (Disha Experts, 2017), since it is a new technology in the market. 








Disha Experts (2017). Topic-wise Solved Papers for IBPS/ SBI Bank PO/ Clerk Prelim & Mains (2010-16) Banking/ Economy/ General Awareness. Disha Publications

Hornyak, T. (2011). Will flexible 'Rolltop' laptop ever become reality. CBS Interactive Inc.

My roll top (2017b).rolltop. Extracted from

Myrolltop (2017a). Rolltop. Extracted from

Myrolltop (2017c). rolltop. Extracted From


756 Words  2 Pages

Discussion Post

Qn. 1

            These are some of the good ways one can collaborate electronically. There are various options for many things one may need to share, for example, images, videos, presentations, and many other tasks. Of these options, there are those that may require creating documents online while others you can create documents offline. One of the ways is by using Etherpad. Etherpad allows collaboration of clear documents. It is capable of restoring revisions. The other way of collaborating is through Google docs; this consists of all apps and offers good features where one can collaborate with many friends at the same time (Doriano, 2009). The other way is by using Zoho. This also offers a set of apps for creating online documents, presentations and spreadsheets. It also allows creating groups where others can view and edit the documents. There is also Microsoft office live which allows owners to share and collaborate with others using online accounts. However, this is not a free service. It requires installation of office on a computer.

Qn. 2

            Descriptive abstracts give a description of the main topic in the report, and the overview of the content. They are usually short, a paragraph of around two sentences. Informative abstracts derive their information from the body of the report, the essential facts plus the conclusion. They are usually 10% of the full length of the report (McMurrey, 2017). In lengthy reports, it is of a good idea to include a brief abstract and an executive report, because a brief abstract will only summarize the topic and the executive summary will give a thorough summary of the whole report.


Doriano, Paisano.C. (2009). 5 Ways to Collaborate on Documents Online in Real Time

McMurrey. David, (2017). Abstracts Summarize it.

294 Words  1 Pages

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