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Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Please read "Developing Paragraphs" on pages 254 to 265.

This section defines many key concepts that help create structure and content in body paragraphs. They are Concepts that Create Unity:

Topic Sentences
Repetition of Key Words
Critical Strategies to Develop Paragraphs

Examples and illustrations
Analyze texts
Tell narratives or anecdotes.
Define Terms
Make Comparisons
Examine causes and evaluate consequences
Write one body paragraph for your paper and try to use all three concepts of unity and at least two strategies for developing paragraphs. Post one body paragraph and respond to two of your classmates (100 words min) on how well they used these strategies or where they could use them more effectively.


123 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Part 1: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Carefully look through the following list of “families”—some are admittedly very loosely structured; some embody a very generous understanding of the term—in Huckleberry Finn. (The list is not all-inclusive.)

Huck and Pap
Huck, the Widow Douglas, and Miss Watson
Huck and Tom
Huck, Tom, and the other members of “Tom Sawyer’s Gang”
Huck and Jim
The Grangerfords
The Shepherdsons
Huck, Jim, the King, and the Duke
The Phelpses (Uncle Silas, Aunt Sally, and brood)

Now answer the following two questions. Neither answer should be longer than 250 words
1) Of the “families” in the list above, which one seems to you most stable, productive, or beneficial—most akin to what you might consider a “real” or “normal” or “ideal” family? Why?

2) Which “family” in the list above seems to you least stable, productive, or beneficial—least like an “ideal” family? Why? What is Twain satirizing or condemning through his portrayal or creation of this “family”?

171 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Write a response to the film articulating how it is a modern fairytale. Give specific examples of scenes and attributes of the characters that confirms it meets the criteria for a fairytale. 1990 film please use quotes from the movie as citations.

51 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

After watching BOTH the Jane Elliot and the Tim Wise videos and chose the one that had the most impact on you.  Write a 2 page essay double spaced that addresses the following:

Jane Elliot

Are her methods too extreme?  Is she herself practicing discrimination?  Can people truly understand racism without experiencing some form of discrimination themselves?  Do you have to 'like' someone/something to learn from it?

Tim Wise

Chose 2-4 points about affirmative action that Time Wise makes in this video and discuss those ideas making sure to:

1. How did watching this video make you feel?

2. Analyze what he is saying. What does it mean for whites? What impact does this idea have on white people’s lives? For men?

3. What does this idea mean for people of color? For women?

4. What do you think about these ideas? Do you agree or disagree? Support your ideas.

159 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Write an essay about Zomia: Peoples, Societies, and Cultures of Upland Southeast Asia

22 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

In My Ántonia, both literal and what we might call “communal” families seem threatened. Some families disintegrate; others, while more or less intact, seem frayed at the edges. What threatens “family life”—in both its narrow and more generalized meanings—in the novel? Does Cather seem to believe that, given human selfishness (for example) and encroaching modernism, the collapse of the family is inevitable? Or does she suggest ways in which immediate and extended American families can stabilize themselves, can endure? INCLUDE INTRODUCTION with THESIS, BODY AND CONCLUSION

95 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Beginning with Malcolm Cowley, prominent Faulkner critics tend to see a “disconnect” between Faulkner’s greatest novels (and the world view, perspectives on humanity, and values they imply or underscore) and the philosophy circumscribed in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech (which such critics tend to dismiss as populist or sentimental thinking that has nothing to do with modernism and everything to do with merely pleasing an audience). Please read Faulkner’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech at the following website (the speech is only three paragraphs long): Nobel Prize for Literature Acceptance Speech (1950): William Faulkner. Then, as efficiently as you can, explain how the ideals of the address are inherent in or perhaps even central to his novel Absalom, Absalom!—especially as such ideals are tied to family relationships.


135 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

For this exercise, you will write a 3-4 paragraph rough draft of a definition essay. You may choose from the following pool of topics:
After reading Syfers' essay, write your own definition essay of what a husband or wife is.
With the purpose of entertaining and/or informing, define the term flaky.
After reading Kasugan's essay, write a definition essay that uses persuasion to define the term patriotism.
Try writing a definition essay of a familiar term, such as home or trees but approach it in a unique way.

Read the web article:
Syfers, Judy. "Why I Want a Wife.” CWLU Herstory Website. 1971.
Read the following student essay available on the web:
Kasugan, Sean. "American Patriots: Soldiers, Citizens, Voters.” Northland Community and Technical College. 10 February 2005.
Read the following sample definition essay:
"The Real Meaning of Honesty.” English Works! At Gallaudet University. 1 June 2001.
Read the following web article from ProQuest:
Khol, Ronald. "Exactly What is High Tech?” Machine Design 72.12 (2000): 14. ProQuest.
Read the web article "Developing a Definition”


186 Words  1 Pages

Question We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Write a reflective essay in which you explore a personal experience or event and reflect on its deeper meaning

28 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Write an analytical essay on Nella Larsen’s "Passing". Do not summarize the book. You are required to think about the content: what does it mean (then and/or now), what thoughts did it provoke in you, why…You are also required to discuss the form: writing, structure…

54 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

For your first paper is write a two-to three page double-spaced, typed paper on one of the themes discusses in class as they pertain to one of the texts provided.

Theme: The stories are bookends around the ideas of science and nature. 
Text: Will Robots Inherit the Earth? by Marvin Minsky


60 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:


An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.

Annotations are descriptive and critical; they expose the author's point of view, clarity and appropriateness of expression, and authority.

See: Cornell University Library

See: Purdue University OWL: Annotated Bibliographies

93 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Write A Modest Proposal essay about the environment

17 Words  1 Pages
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