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  • Square Foot Gardening
  • Abstract
  • Square gardening is one of the most effective methods of gardening used by most people who lack enough space to practice other method of farming. However, critically analyzing the method it has several advantages when used as gardening technique. One of the major advantages of the method is that it allows the gardener to realize an increase in productivity from the land. Moreover, the method can also be used to practice farming even in dry areas. However, one of the major limitations of the method is that if the soil is not well maintained it can lose its fertility.

    • Love and Occupy Wall Street
      •             Introduction
      • Bell Hooks is a writer who is well known for explaining the fundamentals of love. Her work has imprinted a lot of significance in the society and is related to events which have taken part in the past. For instance, Occupy Wall Street is an event which has taken place in many countries whereby citizens express their concerns on the distribution of the country’s wealth or resources. Occupy Wall Street comprises of some characteristics or aspects addressed by Bell Hooks in her book All About Love: New Visions. The aspects discussed by Bell include love ethics, greed, spirituality, honesty, justice and commitment among others which are conceptualized in Occupy Street Wall. The essay therefore addresses these aspects considering the writings of Bell Hooks and in relevance to Occupy Wall Street.

  • Argument Analysis and Evaluation
  • What are assumptions?
  •             The assumptions refer to the various things that are taken for granted. This may also include various things that one had previously learned and therefore one does not have necessarily has to question. In addition the assumption may also be used to indicate part of the belief system. This is because a person usually develops beliefs that are then used to interpret the happening of the world behind them. One may therefore argue that if the belief system of an individual is sound then such is an individual may make a sound assumption. However if the belief system of an individual is not sound then such persons may end up making the wrong assumptions. Moreover it is also important to note that the assumption can be justified or not depending on the type of assumption made.

  • History and development of the English language
  •             Analysis of the origin of the history of the English language indicates that it belongs to the West Germanic branch of the Indo-European family of language (Algeo, & Pyles, 2010). The indo-European families of languages were the first languages to spread throughout European and many parts of south Asia. These indo-languages managed to reach the entire corner of the globe as result of colonization. Some school of thought proposes that the indo-languages originated around 7,000 BC in Anatolia, which is a land that lies between the black and Mediterranean seas from where it spread to the rest of the European countries.  
  • Old English

  • Culture, Community, & Nation: Writers Who Talk the Talk
  • Introduction
  •             The story in the wondrous life of Oscar Wao is set both in the United States and in the Dominican Republic. The narrative mainly relates to the character experience of being in both places. In addition the narrative also tries to relate to the various character personal experiences with regard to dictator Trujillo’s regime where it tries to explore the oppression and the violence experience people went through. Trujillo Molina was one of the dictator who ruled Dominican Republic from 1930-1961.

  • Johnny and Grace
  •             In a small village along the Dutch river, there lived a farmer with his wife and two children named Johnny and Grace. The farmer’s first wife who was the mother of Johnny and Grace died after a short illness when her children were young and in need of her support. The second wife ill-treated these two children and she was often nagging the farmer. There were great famines that stroke the village and the farmer had a difficult time in providing daily bread for his family. The farmer’s wife decided to move the two children away from their home when the situation became worse. The wife always convinced the farmer that they should abandon the children very far away from their home.

  • Translating Humor
  •             There are possible ways of translating humor from Spanish to English although some words are problematic in the translation. The linguistic realities in Spanish language are significant features to identify during translation. During the translation, three categories of humor are included in the work. The first is the linguistic jokes that are universal and a considerable example of these jokes is the puns. The problem that encounters when translating these types of jokes is using automatic translation. For example, taking an original statement, “Please don’t make me too happy” will sound ungrammatical when translated. When translated from Spanish to English, the statement will be, “I request to me not to go too much behind lucky person”.

  • Personal Values
  •             My home is in China and I am twenty-one years old female. I was born in China, my beloved home country, where I grew up and acquired basic life skills that have played a key role in shaping me. I am now in the United States spending my current phase of life. I have already met friends here at the States. In States, I have acquired an opportunity to observe and learn different cultures and appreciate them.

  • Winning Strategies for Working in Groups / Minding the Pitfalls of Working in Groups
  •             The article proposes a framework for assisting students to work in teams by using motivation skills (Gardener, Korth & Sharon 28). Students can depict various learning guidelines that the article outlines in order to boost their attitudes towards group work. The authors of the article outline various learning tools that ought to help students achieve their goals in academic courses. Considering that business organizations are nowadays looking for competent employees with effective teamwork skills, the article outlines what the students require to understand. According to the article, learning institutions have an obligation of assisting students to gain the necessary skills concerning workplace interaction. Many organizations consist of a platform in which employees need to build working relationship in order to achieve the set strategic goals (Gardener, et al 28). Students need to learn skills that can assist to work on complex problems in a business environment through teamwork.

  • Reaction Essay
  •             The talk is about how to help students in achieving their goals through applying the theory experience into practical activities. The speaker who is 45 years old reflects back to 1975 when an organization from Washington with the obligation of assisting students to use academic experience came into action. The speaker starts by giving his background experience and his walk to victory. He states that he grew in a poor family but with determination, he managed to get his first sociology degree while in college. In the speech, the speaker quotes three practical examples that he values as the base of his success. He starts by quoting how his history teacher helped him to develop a positive attitude towards employing practical examples in what he learns. He also quotes some of the factors that can result to poor performance during school and in everyday life. This include the experiences that affect a person psychologically like the 9/11 attack. According to the speaker’s views, I agree with his opinions on assisting student to pursue in practical activities.

  • The heroic nature of Antigone
  •           Antigone is a real woman living in a small town known as Thebes in Greek. She is the main character in a Greek drama called “ANTIGONE” (Sophocles 5). She represents those who are not satisfied by the rule of men. Antigone is a citizen of a different character in the fact that she knows the importance of spirituality. Antigone chooses not to do as the state’s law states because it is contrary to her beliefs. This courageous act results to her death. Antigone dies for finding justice that she never came to see throughout her life. She is the most holy in the society having a moral character beyond other citizens. Antigone follows her personal thinking while making judgments. She is the heroine in the play (Sophocles 7).

  • Failure
  •             Brown writes the article about failure illustrating why a person should not lose hope for a better achievement. She starts writing the article by commenting on a song demonstrating how an individual ought to ignore the sound of failure. According to the message derived from the song, Brown illustrates that failing in performing a particular issue should not discourage an individual (Brown). However, she states that failure ought to be a foundation of a better start in a certain career. Brown gives some more stories in the article that demonstrate how it is necessary to have a positive attitude in order to overcome all chances of failing. Failure is not enough reason for a person to lose focus in life but rather it ought to be a chance of reflecting the possible ways of attaining success.

  • Comparison
  •             According to the settings of both of the books, the authors demonstrate the stories in a detached style. The reader of these two books gets a hard time in understanding the message that the authors ought to present. In the book known as the secret sharer, the author has used various styles that emerged in the 20th century. Some of the styles demonstrated in this book include the descriptive writing. Although the author writes a boring story while trying to express his points. The main message that the author intended to pass was about the actions that took place during the era of colonialism.
  •             When comparing this book with the one known as the Blue Hotel, they have several similarities concerning the modern styles that both the authors used while writing. The author of Blue Hotel also used the descriptive method while writing his book. In this book, a clear explanation of the descriptive style is where the author tries to describe the incidents occurred in a small town as Nebraska.
  •             There is the use of symbolic style in the writings of both books. In the Secret Sharer, the author uses the common new writing styles in the same way as the Blue Hotel author does. Both of the authors emphasize on the use of proper punctuation marks. The authors managed to apply the correct use of question marks and apostrophe marks where necessary. The authors managed to apply the use of quotation marks and exclamation marks where necessary in their work. Both the authors of the books included the use of commas and dashes in their work. Other writing styles that both the authors managed to use include proper use of capital letters at the beginning of each sentence. The authors applied the correct use of verbs in their work as required in the new styles of writing.
310 Words  1 Pages
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