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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Your task here is threefold.  First, choose a product or service that has disappointed you in the near past.  Opt for something manageable like an experience at a below average restaurant, a dysfunctional electronic item, etc., as opposed to the purchase of something large like a car.

Second, find the name and address of the business or person that you believe would be the most suitable party to receive a letter of complaint and issue redress for your grievance. For example, this might be a customer service center, a manager of a restaurant, etc. Email Rae, our TA, if you have any problems with this part of the task and she will assist you. 

Third, and comprising your main task, write a formal letter (1-page) in which you explain when you purchased the good or service, what the nature of your problem with it was, and what you expect them to do for you as a result of your disappointment. 

Finally, proofread your letter and submit it to the professor on the due date.

Good letters follow these points:

1.    Clear and consistent formatting. Your letter should look formal and professional (normally, you would use what is called “Full Block”; see example).
2.    Details about the purchase: who are you? why did you buy the product in the first place? Provide a good description of the purchase, including as many of these as possible: date, time, and location of where services were rendered, name of a salesperson you dealt with, name and location of store you purchased item from, receipts, account numbers, etc.
3.    Exact reasons for disappointments (not merely voicing dissatisfaction)
4.    Be direct in what you ask for. What do you want? Why are you writing this letter? Do you want a replacement? Do you want a coupon towards a future purchase? Do you want cash back?
5.    Avoid all grammatical, mechanical, spelling, and/or other format errors.


342 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

How can the administration support first-year teachers in providing effective classroom management techniques?

24 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Evaluate trends in the alternative, non-traditional employment arrangements.

19 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:


​1. Make sure your report is at least 1 page long typed- but if you write it - please write it 1 page - front and back.
2. What is Toastmasters International? How is it organized?

3. Explain the purpose of the organization.

4. What kind of training does Toastmasters provide?

5. What do they do at their meetings? Explain in detail.

6. What resources do they provide? Explain. (Research their website -

7. What events do they host? Explain.

8. Share some success stories from people who attend meetings. What do their members gain? Do research and see what you can find as testimonials. (For example, do a search on YOUTUBE or their website.)

9. How can Toastmasters help you as a business student?

10. Why is Toastmasters important?

Do not answer these as numbers, write paragraphs and include these answers in paragraph and sentence form.

Make sure each of your paragraphs have a purpose statement, followed by supporting sentences with details. Organize your writing so if flows and ensure that the order in which you cover each topic makes sense.

218 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The first writing assignment is the 2004 National Geographic article "Was Darwin Wrong?" by David Quammen. Please read the article and write a 3-4 page paper (double-spaced, 10-12 pt font, 1000-1500 words) for submission. Each paper should consist primarily of a very detailed review of the article (use the first 2 1/2 to 3  1/2 pages to tell me what the article was about), with a short discussion section at the end (last 1/2 page).  Do not cut-n-paste from the text or other sources, and do not include quotations from the article. 

For the discussion section, pick out and discuss some aspect of the article that you found to be the most interesting, surprising, and/or problematic. Please discuss why this topic was noteworthy to you.  Feel free to express your personal opinions, including agreement or disagreement with Quammen's arguments (and your reasoning behind these stances).

Don't worry about a particular 'style' (e.g., APA, Chicago), but do use college-level grammar, paragraph and sentence formatting, spelling, etc

177 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

should Netflix be responsible for producing and promoting Canadian content?

21 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Proposal of an Internet of Things product:
What is the IoT(Internet of Things) proposed product?
Provide the statement of need for the IoT (Internet of Things) product.
What else is offered similar to the proposed IoT(Internet of Things) product in the market?
How is your proposed IoT idea better or different? Identify the qualities that make the IoT(Internet of Things) product better or different than other products.
Description of your chosen market that could benefit from an IoT(Internet of Things) product:
Does the IoT(Internet of Things) product
solve a problem for the market,
enhance exiting processes,
improve existing products, or
provide a new product offering?
Identify how the IoT(Internet of Things) product supports electronic commerce, business-to-business electronic commerce, or business-to-consumer electronic commerce in the market?
Identification of both pros and cons for the proposed IoT(Internet of Things) product (see the “Pros and Cons of IoT”(Internet of Things) diagram above).
What are the pros of the proposed IoT(Internet of Things) product?
What are the cons of the proposed IoT(Internet of Things) product?
Reference List

186 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

This assignment requires you to choose a market failure within the air transportation industry that has been caused or exacerbated by regulation (action or inaction). Prepare an executive summary that describes the regulation, its impact, your remedy, and resulting expected impacts on the market. 
Pretend you are a government consultant to the President charged with ensuring the aviation industry is/remains a globally competitive industry. Describe the regulation, the impact, your remedy, and resulting impacts on the market. Be sure to address intended or unintended consequences, stakeholders, consumers, suppliers, costs, and externalities.

Your document is required to be two to three pages in length. You must provide a minimum of three cited sources. All sources must be cited in current APA format

132 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Can Innovation lead to economic growth?

17 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:
The Bible has many examples of men and women in leadership roles, some of which we should strive to emulate and other that we should us as examples of how not to lead.  Many of the leaders in the Bible lived through times of change.  Transformational leaders must deal with change. Read Ezekiel 26-16-28 and Proverbs 27:17 and discuss the change process in relation to Lewin and Kotter’s change processes.  Be sure to include each component of the change processes.

91 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Impact of mergers and acquisitions on the monetary policy transmission mechanism

22 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

How will Bitcoin/Crypto Investing Benefit Generation Z

18 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Your Task:
Prepare a briefing note for a colleague who has just been promoted into a leadership position within your organization, or an organization with which you are familiar. The note should advise your colleague on what leadership and team building approaches would be successful within your organization and why. Base your advice on your own knowledge of the organization and on the theories of leadership and team building covered during the module and any others you have read/researched.
The briefing note should have a word length of 1,500 words maximum. Please ensure that your report is fully referenced using the Harvard System of Referencing.

Assessment Criteria: 
the Individual Report will be assessed using the following criteria:
· Knowledge and insight about organizational context.
· Understanding of relevant leadership and team building theories.
· Application of relevant theories to organizational context.
· Evidence of reflection and critical evaluation.

topics taught during class 
1. Introduction to Management, Leadership and Teams
2. Working in Teams
3. Leadership Defined
4. Leadership Explored
5. The Practice of Leadership and Developing Leadership Skills
6. Leadership and Team Performance
7. Teams, Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
8. Emotional Intelligence, Leadership and Team Performance, 

please try to integrate the topics into the essay. if you want me to send sup-topic for more precise info let me know.

-reference and essay must be in MLA format. Must have at least 5 references and must also be in alphabetical order 

253 Words  1 Pages
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