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Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Describe the structure and workings of the East Asian world order known as the Tributary System as this was established during China's Han Dynasty. Then discuss the, changes which occurred in the East Asian world order during three different episodes of the history of East Asia: the Mongol empire, the Zheng He Voyages, and the Pacific War. What kind of order between East Asian states do you envision for the region in the twenty-first century? 

84 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

The 1960s proved to be one of the most pivotal, change decades in the 20th century. Indeed, there was a United States before the 1960s, especially before 1968 (the watershed year of that decade) and a US after the 1960s. One of the reasons why the 1960s was such a crucial decade was the fact that never before had so many younger Americans appeared to have galvanized into such mass protest and resistance not only to the socio-cultural status quo of their time, but  against the government led by the Democratic party and its liberal policies. Even before the Vietnam War became the raison d'etre of the 1960s youth rebellion, other affinity groups found plenty wrong with 1960s American culture and society and decided to try to establish their own alternative community within the macro-capitalist bourgeois consume culture. They called themselves the hippies and through a variety of celebrations, drugs, sex, love, and music, believed they represented the possibility of a "new consciousness" for the United States that would soon embrace everyone and change the United States for the better. 
What was it about 1960s white middle class suburban America--its lifestyle, mores, norms, etc. that so alienated many white youth? As the hippies cohered into a movement or subculture, what was their "philosophy" and how did they hope to propagate their new message to the rest of the world? Despite the many flaws in the hip creed, there were moments of genuine joy, celebration, community, peace, and love, where it seemed that for an instance the hippies had found their way back to the Garden. What were some of the movement's highlights? Conversely, what were some of the movement's "lows," which in the end were greater than the "highs," ultimately resulting in the hippies' demise.

306 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Paper must be 1,000 to 1,500 words, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font, properly cited in Chicago Style. Address as completely as possible for full credit. Be sure to use course sources as they are required and cite all work in Chicago Style. Course sources are required. Failure to follow these instructions will result in significant point loss on the final essay.

1. How did the Cold War begin out of the ashes of WWII? Explain the Truman Doctrine and the role of Containment in US policy? Show these policies in effect, that is, especially from the Stone and Kuznick text, give some examples of these policies and their impact on the ground. Is there a disconnect between the theory and the reality in terms of what these policies alleged to do vs. what they may have actually done? Some historians have referred to the Cold War as the Third World War, both because of its longevity and reach as well as the fact that most if not all of the conflicts that defined the Cold War took place literally on the ground in what is known as the third world. How do you see the comments of former CIA station chief John Stockwell in terms of how Americans see their own role in the Cold War? In your view, was this a black and white, good vs. evil kind of war, or was it more complex? Explain. Again, the work from Stephen Kinzer, author of Overthrow, could be useful for additional background (see the Kinzer interviews below).

Course sources:

Third World War?

John Stockwell


Bill Moyers Secret Government

295 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

SCENARIO: You are a poor but respectable young woman from East Anglia.  You are intelligent, literate and a good worker but there are no good opportunities for employment at home or even in London.  You want more out of life and hope to get ahead in the world.  Therefore, you have decided to take your chances as an indentured servant in the English colonies.  After your period of indenture, you hope to settle down and get married.  Which colony do you choose? Why? (Note: you should consider social, economic, and political reasons and mention how your colony is different/better than the others)
a.Massachusetts Bay


Use only the materials provided in the course module or your assigned textbooks.  We have vetted all materials in this course and other materials may or may not be appropriate for college level work. I will downgrade anyone who uses outside materials.
Remember what you have learned about thesis statements and evidence in the Historical Analysis materials.  Your post should have a thesis statement and it should have both primary and secondary source evidence in support of the thesis
Don't quote secondary sources.  Paraphrase in your own words and then cite instead.
You must properly cite using the Turabian/Chicago style that you can find under "Writing Help" in the course menu to your left

Review relevant parts of Chapter 2
Chapter 3, Sections 3 and 4
Chapter 4, Introduction and Sections 1 and 2 

258 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Identify the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Consider the similarities and differences of the disorders.
Select two of the following patient factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how the factors you selected might impact the pathophysiology of the disorders, as well as the diagnosis of and treatment for the disorders

63 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the immediate cause of World War I. But the events that led to the Great War go further back into the nineteenth century. As with the Boxer Rebellion of 1900, nationalism, imperialism, and militarism all played a part.

Analyze how the forces of nationalism, imperialism, and militarism irrevocably led to World War I. Pay particular attention to the rise of Pan-Slavism in Eastern Europe and the corresponding rise of nationalism in German-speaking states. Analyze how the alliance system contributed to the ultimate outbreak of war.

Then analyze the events that drew the United States into World War I. Clearly discuss why America first remained neutral between1914-1917. What role did ethnicity play in America's neutrality? Then identify and analyze the specific events that led to America's entrance into the war. Evaluate America's contribution to the war effort and to what extent America's entry contributed to the end of the war. Finally, analyze the events that led to the defeat of the Treaty of Versailles. What effect did this have on America's role in the world during the 1920s and 1930s? Pay particular attention to the role of President Woodrow Wilson both during and after the war, in particular, his efforts to establish the League of Nations.

This paper must be double-spaced pages in length (not including the References page) and utilize no less than four academic quality sources. Margins should be no more than one inch (right and left) and the essay should be composed in an appropriate font and size. Sources must be documented and cited using APA format.

275 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

I have stated that disunion was a failure of not only our national dialogue, but also a failure of our federal government at the highest level. Do you agree with this statement? What evidence would you use to make your case?
This is an exercise in critical thinking and a good self-assessment to see if you are "connecting the dots" and thinking historically. Answer the question in ONE well-constructed paragraph (4-5 sentences).  Paragraphs should begin with a thesis statement (1st sentence).  Subsequent sentences should present historical facts with your analysis (how do these facts support your thesis statement in response to the prompt).  Grammar and mechanics count and don't forget to cite as necessary.
You may either upload a WORD file or type directly into the assignment textbox

137 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

1) Watch the two short videos, one on the bow and arrow and the other on the atl atl. Write 1/2 page discussing the differences of each weapon/hunting tool. What do you think some of the advantages and disadvantages are when using one or the other for various activities?
Video link:

2) Review the NAGPRA laws and write up your thoughts. Do you believe Federal laws should protect Native American human remains and associated artifacts or do you believe researchers have a right to study them? (1/2 page)

In conclusion, this is two separate coursework from the same Anthropology class you have done last week. Each of the task requires 1/2 pages, so I placed as 1 page. If it must exceed 1 page in total, I will pay an extra. I remember I really liked your essay.

153 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Compare the economic policies and the social views on the American standard of living during the 1920s and the consequences that led to the GREAT DEPRESSION to the economic policies that led to the  GREAT RECESSION.

Be Sure to ADDRESS the three parts (social, economic, and political) aspects of how all this happened. 

Be sure to use PRIMARY and SECONDARY Sources

70 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Analyze the impact of Kennan's Long Telegram on Americans' perspectives of Germany, Cuba, and Asia during the Cold War.

Project Objectives:
Evaluate the United States' foreign policy during the Cold War through the evaluation of primary sources by focusing on the author's main points, purpose, and perspective; examining different points of views; and assessing the credibility and validity of the pieces that analyze the different forms of government in human history.
Analyze the United States' foreign policy during the Cold War by formulating questions and address these questions through historical research and study to evaluate historical events and their impact. 

Analyze the documents to see how they connect to the United States' attempts to enforce the containment policy.

Document Provided (4)

Kennan's Long Telegram -word Document See attached 

Berlin Wall - The site below will direct you to primary sources connected to the Berlin Wall. Use this primary source to describe how Americans were impacted by the event. Remember to include your source.

Cuban Missile Crisis- The site below will direct you to primary sources connected to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Select one primary source that you can use to describe how Americans were impacted by the event. Remember to include your source.

For the Vietnam War Select the primary source that you can use to describe how Americans were impacted by the containment policy in Asia. Remember to include your source.
Vietnam War- Pick one primary source on this website-

260 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

This is an exercise in ethics and civics.

The United States, like many industrial nations, entered into a new race for colonies at the end of the nineteenth century (the Age of High Imperialism). The Europeans squared off in a Scramble for Africa, the United States and Japan were vying in the Pacific, and everyone was carving up spheres of influence in Asia. While the United States did create a formal empire and expand its informal empire over Latin America during this time, the concept of American Empire stirred quite a bit of debate.

Prompt: Why do you think American Imperialism stirred debate? Which side of the issue (imperialist or anti-imperialist) had the best argument? (for this latter, do not use presentist (looking at the past from our own perspective in the early 21st century) arguments - use the reasoning of the time when considering your response).

NOTE: You must provide specific and detailed historical evidence in your posts - cite as appropriate.  

Use only the materials provided in the course module or your assigned textbooks.  We have vetted all materials in this course and other materials may or may not be appropriate for college level work. I will downgrade anyone who uses outside materials.

Remember what you have learned about thesis statements and evidence in the Historical Methods Portfolio.  Your post should have a thesis statement and it should have both primary and secondary source evidence in support of the thesis
Don't quote secondary sources.  Paraphrase in your own words and then cite instead.
You must properly cite using the Turabian/Chicago style that you can find under "Writing Help" in the course menu to your left.

1 Reference
The American Yawp, Locke, Wright, B., Stanford, 2018

297 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Should Donald J Trump be impeached? Discuss

16 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

What is mass society?  How did mass society, mass transportation, and mass consumerism encourage the growth of a middle class?  What new activities did this middle class get to enjoy?

39 Words  1 Pages
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