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Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

HR Headline: Pay for Performance in Public Schools Remains Controversial

"Pay for Performance" has made inroads in business, but has remained a hard sell in public school systems. There are some successful examples where teacher pay has been linked to student test scores. In Minnesota some districts have stopped giving automatic raises for seniority and base 60% of all pay increases on performance. In Denver, unions and school districts designed an incentive program where teachers receive bonuses for student achievement and for earning national teaching certificates. However, some plans have not worked. For example, Cincinnati teachers voted against a merit pay proposal and Philadelphia teachers gave their bonus checks to charity rather than cashing them. It appears that having teachers involved in planning the incentive system is one key factor to success. The same can be said for all incentive plans - if employees don't buy into them, they will not work.

Questions to Research:
1. How could an organization measure the effectiveness of their pay-for-performance plans?

2. From an employee's perspective, what are the disadvantages of using a pay-for-performance plan?

3. From an employer's perspective, what are the disadvantages of using a pay-for-performance plan?

Please support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, include at least three (3) supporting references or sources (NOT Wikipedia, unknown, or anonymous sources), format your work in proper APA format, include a cover page, an abstract, a minimum of 3 FULL pages of written content, and a reference section. Double space all work and cite all listed references properly in text in accordance with the 6th edition of the APA manual, chapters 6 & 7.

280 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

The effects of inclusion on special needs students’ academic performance

18 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Compare the strengths and weaknesses of informal and formal assessments.  Provide detailed examples of both. Make recommendations on when you would apply a particular assessment in a classroom.

36 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

An analysis of Responsible Business in Costa Coffee

16 Words  1 Pages

-Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

What would be the features to which you would draw attention
that would make it appealing to male consumer; that is, how
would you interpellate that subject?
-What does that suggest about the ideological construction of
masculinity, for example, in terms of what aspects of the male
subject are “natural” (essential, biological, anatomical), and
which may be classed as “cultural” (constructed, determined by
assumption, practice, history, etc.)?

76 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

This Research Paper (Assignment 4) has a traditional element, but also a creative component added to help folks get started.  The topic of this Assignment is “The Public Figure That Has Influenced My Life The Most.”  By “public figure” I mean anyone in the public eye, including politicians, entertainers, artists, scientists, inventors, business people, and so on.  You must choose a figure about whom you can find plenty of high-quality research, and the research must be done through the HACC Library (see Unit 6 for more on using Academic Search Complete, a database that is particularly well-suited for this project).  

The Assignment contains two parts:

1)      A 250 word memoir style piece (think back to Assignment 1) in which you outline why this person is so important to you.  How have they impacted your life?  How are you different/ better off because of them?  How did you come across them?  And so on.

2)      A four to five page (1000 word) research paper in which you identify this person’s greatest achievement. This assignment, then, basically comes with a built in thesis statement: “X’s greatest achievement was Y.”  The essay MUST have five sources.  These sources should come from the HACC Library, either books/materials from one of the physical library buildings on campus or journal articles and other sources from the Library’s electronic databases.  Unit 6 will have given you everything you need to begin this research process, but HACC’s wonderful librarians and I will be delighted to offer help and support as you work.  Don’t hesitate to ask questions.

If you can't at first find many sources using the HACC Library, I ask that you try again using different "keyword" searches in Academic Search Complete (see Unit 6).  If, after doing this, you still cannot find adequate sources, use the Library homepage to contact a Librarian and ask for help.  If, finally, you still cannot find the five sources in the HACC library, you may supplement one or two sources from other venues.  If you do this, you are responsible for evaluating the quality of the sources.  What are the credentials of the author?  What is the reputation of the publication in which the source appears?  These are the sort of questions you will need to ask of each source before using them in your essay. 

let me know the one or two people in mind so i can get it approved

412 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 


9 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Recent event that occurred in the North Africa & Southwest Asia realm

20 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Social Networking

Read at least three articles that are no more than 12 months old. Apply the content from the articles to social networking.

The following requirements must be met:

Use an appropriate number of references to support your position, and defend your arguments. The following are examples of primary and secondary sources that may be used, and non-credible and opinion based sources that may not be used.
Primary sources such as government websites (United States Department of Labor - Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Census Bureau, The World Bank), peer reviewed and scholarly journals in EBSCOhost (Grantham University Online Library) and Google Scholar.
Secondary and credible sources such as CNN Money, The Wall Street Journal, trade journals, and publications in EBSCOhost (Grantham University Online Library).
Non-credible and opinion based sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. should not be used.
Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased statements, information, etc.) in the paper and list each source on a reference page using APA style. An overview of APA 6th edition in-text citations, formatting, reference list, and style is provided here.

195 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.
create a PowerPoint presentation of 10-15 slides in which you compare the pros and cons of continuing nursing education related to the following:
Impact on competency.
Impact on knowledge and attitudes.
Relationship to professional certification.
Relationship to ANA Scope and Standards of Practice.
Relationship to ANA Code of Ethics.
Take a position with your CLC group: Should continuing nursing education be mandatory for all nurses? Support your position with rationale.
A minimum of three scholarly sources are required for this assignment.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center 

142 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Do Video Games Contribute to Positive or Negative Impacts on Children Development?

20 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Please answer the following 3 questions in essay format. Please do not include the questions in your word count. 

1. Discuss ideas for order and control in the schools as recommended by William T. Harris. How do these recommendations accurately reflect idealist philosophy? Do these ideas have merit in today's schools? Explain your position.

2. Augustine maintains that we must believe in order to know, and that faith must transcend reason in order to enter the realm of true ideas. What are the implications of having to believe something in order to know it? How does this conflict with our current ways of teaching?

3. Some observers argue that the realist position makes a strong plea for facts and basic subject matter. Discuss whether realism does promote this view. How sufficient is the realist approach on this issue for education today?

149 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

  1. What are some advantages and disadvantages to the pragmatist view on curriculum as a process rather than a mere body of subject matter?

    2. Discuss what you believe to be the major implications of neopragmatism for education today. Are Rorty's suggestions, for example, an improvement for contemporary philosophy, and what impact do they have for traditional views on education? What influence should neopragmatism have on educational theory?

    3. Cornel West has suggested that pragmatism should have a "prophetic" role, that is, it should provide cultural criticism to help us address contemporary issues such as race. What other kinds of contemporary issues need this kind of critical analysis today? Suggest some directions for education this criticism might provide?
125 Words  1 Pages
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