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Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

For developing a cogent project is to establish what the existing state of knowledge is around it. it involves amassing a range of sources. You should draw on experience in section (library searches, how to reference and cite), as well as in lectures.
You should have a summary (typed, double spaced, 12-point standard font, 1” margins) of what you found and how your thinking on your topic has evolved. Re-establish your research topic. How has your topic become more specific? Are your original questions (if you posed any in Assignment #1) answered? What do “we” know? What do “we” not seem to know? Who is the “we”? Are “we” geographers or some other intellectual community? Where appropriate, you must cite work from the bibliography as evidence of your statements, facts, and claims. Citations must be correct for full credit.
Attached to this update, you should have a running bibliography. It should be in correct and consistent format. It should have at least ten (10) items in it (more is better). They should be relevant to the topic.
it can be a wide range of sources such as
--Textbooks, Dictionaries or Encyclopedias on a topic (e.g. The Dictionary of Human Geography entry you cited in Assignment #1, additional entries or citations from them)
--newspaper articles
--magazine articles
--editorials, blogs, and opinion pieces, etc.
--Wiki sources
These sources can be online or hard-copy, but regardless they must be listed correctly and consistently in your running bibliography. You may use these non peer-review sources to establish background and relevance of your topic, opinions and perspectives on the topic or issue, but you must clearly distinguish between peer-reviewed and non-peer reviewed sources. You must keep an electronic copy of your bibliography, as you will be adding to it for the next assignment.

for my topic you can write about the increase of tea culture in US, and be more specific about the quality of life, health benefits and so on. Plus it would be better to give a definition of traditional Chinese tea culture through the research online. such as when we say Chinese tea culture it refers "kung fu tea", which simply means we have to give a definition to the "Chinese tea culture" first. 

in the attach is Assignment 1, you can write this paper based on some information in my assignment 1. 

Please include at least 10 online sources related to the topic.

411 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

social worker interview with video

below to complete the required components for your assignment. 
The Exercise Objectives are:
•    To practice communicating to a client your readiness to listen, willingness to focus on work with the client, warmth, and overall involvement with the process.
•    These behaviors say to the client: “I am fully present and ready to be with you.” 
•    To heighten your awareness of the nonverbal ways clients communicate.
•    To practice listening to what the client is trying to communicate.
Assignment Directions:
1. Preparation: Identify a subject you would like to interview.
•    This person should not be a family member or a close friend. 
o    You will find that it is actually easier to work with a person, who is not a family member or close friend because this mirrors what a blank slate experience is like with a new client. 
•    This will be a person you don’t know well, so as you are preparing for the interview remember you are just beginning to understand what the identify as challenges in their life. 
•    Most important of all, by interviewing an acquaintance or stranger you will be less likely to make assumptions about that person.
•    This practice exercise must be done with a live person -this cannot be a mock interview that you have made up.
2. Ask the person if they are willing to participate in an interview with you, to discuss a problem or difficulty that they have experienced in order to assist you in learning interview skills. 
•    Mention that this will take roughly a half hour of time.  
•    Mention that it will be confidential and you will review the parameters of consent.  
•    Mention that you will need to videotape/audiotape the session, but that only YOU will be visible in the videotaping.  
•    Ask for their verbal agreement to participate.
3. Identify an appropriate private location, prepare for the interview. Public locations are best. Consider library study rooms, empty room in an office location, even at the table in a home. No bars, restaurants, or busy public areas.
•    When meeting with the subject, you will review and discuss confidentiality and consent.  
•    You will need to obtain written consent from your subject to participate in the interview. 
•    Please review the sample informed consent form found on pp.127-128 in our textbook.  A modified version of that sample consent form is available for use in this week’s folder.
o    Be sure to submit a copy of the consent form as an appendix to your paper. 
•    Have a photocopy of the evaluation form on pp.115-116 available for both of you to review post interview. This is the “ratings survey” that is mentioned on our grading rubric.  
o    You do not need to attach the ratings survey to your paper, but be sure to include in your narrative a summary of your discussion and findings.
4. Interview Exercise: The problem/conflict should be something that you are both comfortable discussing for a few minutes. It doesn’t have to be too personal or sensitive; an everyday challenge can be fine. 
•    Review the behaviors discussed in the chapters for this week and on the evaluation form for this assignment. 
•    Clarify with your subject the parameters of the interview and limitations of your roles as client and practitioner.
•    Obtain written consent from your subject to participate in the interview.
•    Begin video-recording of yourself during the interview. 
o    You can use your personal cell phone or other electronic device to record and upload it, share a link, or email the recording directly to your instructor.
o    If you do not have a device that can record video:
§    Review instructions for using Screencast-O-Matic to record video here: Multimedia Writing & Design Support
5. Evaluation:  After the meeting, both you and your interview subject will complete a copy of the rating survey for this assignment.  
•    Have the ratings survey available to complete and discuss post interview with the subject.
o    You can photocopy the form or write the scores in your book or write down the scores on a separate sheet of paper. This is for your use only. 
o    Be sure to include in your narrative your discussion and findings of comparing the ratings survey.
6. Document your reaction to the interview.  
•    What is your reaction to the exercise? 
•    What did you learn? 
•    Provide examples and details about each of the following skills:
o    Attending
o    Observing
o    Listening
o    Warmth
•    Which skills do you see as your strengths and which ones would you like to improve on?  
•    Discuss and compare the two ratings survey evaluations.  
o    How were the ratings of yourself and your interview subject similar or different? 
7. Mechanics
•    Your paper should be written in a professional style, 3-5 pages, and single spaced.  
o    Summarize your interview subject
o    Summarized the issue discussed
o    Summarize your skills strengths and areas to improve upon
o    Include summary of discussion about obtaining consent, confidentiality, and the rating scale.
o    Be sure that your video focused on you interviewing and not the interview subject. 
o    Email or upload video recording of interview.
o    Upload your paper here.
Writing Tips: 
•    Provide clear examples and discussion/reflection on your answers to each question.
•    Provide a clear, well organized, response that integrates the questions into your paper in an essay format. 
o    Q: Identify counseling skills that you used during the interview. Discuss your experience. 
§    For full credit, your answer must be complete, accurate, clear, and show reflection on the assignment. 
§    You need to identify what you did in the exercises (provide examples) in order to show what you learned; rather than simply responding “I was emphatic or I learned to be emphatic.”
§    Sample answer excerpt: In my interview, I utilized the counseling skill of content reflection by summarizing the interview subject’s comments back to them. I did this in order to show the subject that I heard what they said and to confirm that I understood their correct meaning. The client responded “Yes, that’s how I felt” (or no, or nodded or asked why I was repeating what she said), etc. I felt that this was useful because (or awkward because), etc.
•    Use subheadings to identify required sections.
•    Check your grammar and spelling
•    Correctly title assignment i.e. Jackson_Exercise 1

1084 Words  3 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering;

 An Overview of Kuhn's Structure of a Scientific Revolution

Outline focuses on the following chapters.

1. Intro to the book
2. focus on the following chapters 
a) Anomaly and the emergence of scientific discovery
b) crisis and the emergence of scientific theory
c) Priority of Paradigms
d) Normal Science as Puzzle Solving

No conclusion but an abstract is required and is not part of the three pages of content.  

At least two references required.

82 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

  1. Stress Trauma and the Brain: What did the film depict?. Please give two examples and explain your answers. (Hint -monkeys and their auto immune systems deteriorating).

    2. States Consciousness: What did this film depict? Explain what this film depicted. Give an example.

    3. Contemporary Issues in Social Psychology: What did this film depict as it relates to Groupthink, Please give 2 examples and explain your answers. (Hint: The Space Shuttle Explosion/ BAY of Pigs With JFK /Cuban Missel Crises)
96 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Explain the main contemporary method used to measure individual differences and discuss the issues related to different approaches. Don't used tons of quotes from direct sources

34 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

Oxygen and Carbon dioxide transport

15 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

why I want to be a pediatrician after going to Columbia university and why living in New York is the best for me

33 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

Behavioral interventions (somatization)

13 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

How technology is taking over the world

17 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

which speech event is most beneficial to people after high school and why

23 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools

This analysis will include a synopsis of the text and personal reflection.

you can google the book title. or check these links if u find it useful.

49 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

briefly describe your background, educational goals, long-term career goals, and why you would be a good fit for the program.
Why do you think you will succeed in this program?
How do you intend to be successful taking graduate level courses?

51 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

The topic for this research paper is Universal Prek. Please compose a personal prospective on this topic along with a scholarly article to support this topic.  Discuss the philosophical background of UPK. Explain your reasoning for choosing this topic.  Use references from the article to help support your reasoning.  Remember this is nearly an introduction for the research paper.  First describe why you chose this topic along with the importance it may have to early childhood education.  How is UPK crucial for early childhood development? What are your opinions? Is this something you are pationate about? What are the strengths of UPK?

Your paper should one page in length.  Make sure there are no mistakes.  Please be thorough and clear.

130 Words  1 Pages
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