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Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

For the second part of this research paper, you will select one main idea to focus for the rest of the paper.  You will take this topic and expand your research through different prospectives.  In this order, you will talk about one strategy you will use through a pedagogical prospective.  Remember, the topic has to be something to do with Universal PreK.  In addition, please select an article to further your research. Quote references from the article.  Please base your ideas as an educator and how you would implement these strategies through a pedagogical prospective.  Note that the article has to be a scholarly article.  Lastly, please make sure to choose one topic from the introduction provided below.

Please note, that you must entroduce your topic that you will be focusing for the rest of the research paper.  In other words, this is a continueation of the paper provided below.  Pick a topic that you can expand on in the long run.  Something like duel language learners, education being provided to families with a financial struggle.  It must be relevant to UPK.

 The choice for this topic was drive by a growing research showing that providing high quality education for pre-kindergarten children has significant benefits to them, schools and the entire communities in which the kids grow. The need to understand these benefits and any possible negative effects of the education programs was also a major reason for selecting this particular topic. The Pre- Kindergarten education programs assist in preparing children for the school, and considering that gaining basic knowledge is important for childhood development, the programs are quite essential to the kids.
Various research work done indicates that children who attend pre-K programs offered in public schools   are normally better prepared to succeed in kindergarten than the kids who have not been exposed to such programs(Stevens  & English, 2016). Such benefits have been observed among kids who are dual-language learners and these benefits are relatively significant after they undergo pre-k education programs. Another important aspect is the effect on the cognitive development of the children who have been taken through such programs. The cognitive development of the children is enhanced and this improves their readiness to take part in the kindergarten education moving forward (Stevens & English, 2016).
Regardless of the mentioned impact of Universal Pre-K, the programs should have a broad focus on childhood education to cover not only the academic part, put their social and emotional growth as well. I think that to connect the dots in educational trajectory of a child, the program should involve the input of parents and well-trained teachers. My passion for this stems from the fact that these programs can close the life gap for all children and hence benefit entire society.  The strengths for the Universal Pre-K are that all children regardless of economic status or race are given the same platform to start off their academic journey.
Stevens, K. B., & English, E. (2016). Does pre-K work? The research on ten early childhood programs—and what it tells us. American Enterprise Institute, 1-53.

523 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

This is creative writing, and you are an observer for a summer reading class of 3rd graders
Please write a reflection paper (Essay 1 1/2 typed page) describing your emotions and your feelings when you met your teacher. 
please answer the following questions. 
How did you feel driving to your school?
Upon arrival what were your impressions of the school?
Describe the meeting with your CT.
How is the room arranged?
How did you feel after the meeting with your teacher?

92 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

Briefly discuss the Achieve Model. Select two of the factors that you believe your principal/supervisor utilizes to evaluate performance problems.
Discuss the Trait Approaches to Leadership. Which do you believe is your strength and why? Which do you believe is your weakness and how will you improve upon this? 

59 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

Discuss Management Effectiveness versus Leadership Effectiveness.
Discuss Successful Leadership versus Effective Leadership.
What determines Organizational Effectiveness?

26 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

Ethical Leadership Simulation Activity – It is the beginning of the school year. The principal has requested that you, a newly appointed assistant principal, present a discussion of the State Code of Ethics for Educators to the faculty and staff. S/he has suggested a PowerPoint presentation of up to12 slides to summarize the content of the “ Code”. (Your first slide should reflect the APA format for a title page and the last slide should reflect an APA formatted reference list). Your slide presentation cannot exceed 12 slides. I need your presentation to be informative but  able to hold the faculty and staff’s attention for 15 to 20 minutes.

Florida students use this hyperlink for the State Code of Ethics:

134 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

In your own words, describe Situational Leadership. Ensure you discuss the various powers.

23 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

Is Facebook Bad for College Students Health?

17 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

All work should reflect research, support, and include citations from your readings and research at the master's level. See Rubric for specifics. 

Read the Introduction, The Political Context of School Improvement, Chapter 1: What We Want, Chapter 2: What We Believe from: Danielson, C. (2002). Enhancing Student Achievement A Framework for School Improvement

See Rubric for Scoring
1.If you were a parent and walked into a school, what might you see or hear there that would cause you to say to yourself: “I would like my own child to attend this school”?
2.If you were to walk into a school, what might you see or hear there that would cause you to say to yourself: “I would like to work here”?
3.Looking at your current school setting do your goals include “what we want”? Explain your answer.
4.How does your school provide for the learning of all students?
5.Why is it important to help all students learn, and what do we even mean by “all students”?
6.What is “high level learning”? What does it include?  How does it relate to state or district curriculum standards, or to high-stakes tests that students may be required to take?
7.Most educators recognize the subtle influence of institutional regulations on the school culture; with this in mind respond to the following questions: a.How do teachers and other staff treat the students?
b.When students go to the office, are they kept waiting while the office staff talks?
c.Are student requests treated as unwelcome interruptions?
d.Are all students regarded as either real or potential troublemakers?
e.Are students permitted to assume genuine responsibility for their achievements?
f.Are the rules for attendance and homework sufficiently flexible to accommodate individual circumstances?
g.Are students permitted to establish and maintain a culture that systematically discriminates against peers?
h.Are bullying and its effects on its victims tolerated?

8.In order to provide students with the best possible learning opportunities, teachers must continuously work to advance their knowledge and skills, how is this achieved in your educational setting?
9.What types of beliefs might find their way into a school’s philosophy and have the potential to drive practice?
10.What staff attitudes, if universally adopted, might set the stage for a school culture of learning and success?
11.As the school leader how would you help staff and parents explore the school’s beliefs and their impact on the school.

421 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

All work should reflect research, support, and include citations from your readings and research at the master's level. See Rubric for specifics.

Read Chapter 3: What We Know, Chapter 4 What We Do, Chapter 5 School Organization from: Danielson, C. (2002).

See Rubric for Scoring
1. How should schools accurately measure the effectiveness of a given instructional practice?
2. Looking at your current educational setting how does your organization regard each of the following: school size, class size, grouping for instruction, scheduling, and family involvement?
3. Looking at your current educational setting address each of the following topics as discussed in Chapters 4 and 5:
◦school organization, policies and practices regarding students, policies and practices regarding staff, linkages beyond school, programs, and teaching.

133 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

How would you effectively provide principles of effective instruction and the utilization of technology and information systems that would facilitate the improvement of curricular materials for diverse learners? Include the design, implementation and the evaluation of the curriculum of these learners' needs. (ELCC 2.2)

55 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

As the study of culture shifts and changes our understanding, culturally competent professionals are now encouraged to view culture with less emphasis on products (food, festivals, artistic work) and more on the process individuals engage in to make meaning of their everyday lives. Discuss how embracing this more fluid, evolving conception of “culture” is important to educators. For example, what would be a problem with focusing on cultural products and defining the culture of a group as a fixed definition?Why is it important to explore how a group’s culture changes in relation to interactions with others?

3.  Watch several selections of television or movie programs marketed for children. As you watch, identify as many cultural messages as possible, paying particular attention to the roles and images of individuals with special needs, people of color, individuals identified as living within limited resources, and linguistically diverse characters (languages, dialects, accents). Make a list of the media source (title, character, story, etc) and message. Discuss the implications of the messages.

177 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer

How important is it for the group to recognize what kind of style the leader is employing?

26 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer

RUBRIC: Summarizing a Psychology Article

An important part of psychology is the ability to write concisely about research and psychological science. Thus, the writing assignment for this class requires you to write a summary (2 pages) of a famous psychology article from a pre-selected list of studies for the entire course. Students will be required to briefly summarize the theoretical rationale for the study, describe the methodology and procedures the researchers use, the main findings and implications of those findings, as well as a critique of the study as a whole.

o    INTRODUCTION: Research Problem & Question. (15 points)
o    Provide a brief description of the research problem and research question of the article (5 points)
o    Make note of any prior studies/knowledge that led researchers to their hypothesis (5 points)
o    Clearly state the hypotheses that seek to answer the research question stated previously (5 points) 

o    DESIGN: Summarize the methods of the Experiment. (7.5 points)
o    Remember you only have to discuss one experiment or study in the paper. 
o    What sample did the researchers use? (number of participants, age, race, etc). (2.5 points)
o    List the methods and procedure (2.5 points)
o    State any key independent and dependent variables (2.5 points).  

o    RESULTS: Correctly summarize the results of the experiment. (7.5 points)
o    In your own words, correctly summarize the results of the study you chose (5 points)
o    Include results from key variables. Were these results significant or not (5 points)

o    Application: Explain what the results of this study means, and how the results of this study can be used (15 points)
o    Explain what the results of this study means in reference to the research question/hypotheses (5 points)
o    Explain how the results of the study may be applied to the real world/outside the laboratory (5 points)
o    How might others factors change/influence the results in future studies?
♣    Discussion and Results should be framed in reference to the hypotheses & key variables

o    Conclusion: summarize the entirety of your summary paper in 3-4 brief sentences (2.5 points)
o    Formatting/Grammar: proper use of APA formatting, including a title page, citations, and a reference page. Using concise language; avoiding jargon. 2.5 points)

383 Words  1 Pages
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