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Movie review: Hotel Rwanda

Ethical theories, what should be done and why

 Hotel Rwanda movie explored the genocide that happened in Rwanda and the repercussions of the violence. Paul a hotel manager and his family witnessed his neighbor being dragged away by a Hutu force but decided they could do nothing about it (George & Pearson, 2005). According to Barrow (2015) utilitarianism theory, it aims at upholding the best moral action which can maximize utility. Through this theory, Paul and his family did not act accordingly. This shows that Paul was selfish and would have at least done something for their neighbor even if they were risking their lives. This is because it is related with the welfare and upholding the virtue ethics of humankind (Barrow, 2015). Deontology approach suggests that the ethical position is judged on the morality of the action based on its adherence to the rules and its consequences. According to this approach, Paul and his family had the will to help but would have risked their lives in order to save another and it was not guaranteed. This is because according to this theory Paul and his family were actions were justified on the basis of right over good (Corrigan, 2010). Virtue ethics approach emphasizes on the individual characteristics through ethical thinking capacity rather than the act of the rules themselves. This is because according to this approach it is ethical to offer assistance since it is human (Athanassoulis, 2013).

Valid distinction and the meaning of a peacemaker.

At one point Colonel Oliver said they were there as peacekeepers and not peace makers. There is no valid distinction since both deals with conflict. A Peacemaker is committed in telling the truth and reconcile any conflict at the expense of own comfort. They attempt to solve the differences, getting tough and opening up to enable moving on through healthy means for peace to prevail (Bailliet &Larsen, 2015).

The special obligation to the family and the reality of it.

 In the conversation between Paul and Tatiana, it is clear to say that to Paul nothing matters more than family. All his life the work he does is all about family and nothing can come before that. For Tatiana helping a neighbor is a priority since there are circumstances where they may also need help and in this case they were in a position to assist (Corrigan, 2010).. The obligation to the family exist but not to the level of overseeing wrong over right and forgetting the human in us. In an ideal real situation, there should be the willingness to help and assist those in need even though there lies an obligation to the family.

Paul action and the moral difference

            Paul is a Hutus and hosting Tutsis in his hotel shows that his action is permissible. He was unwilling to assist his neighbor though he is responsible for protecting over a thousand Tutsis by sheltering them in his hotel. He took a risk by protecting all these people who were from his wife’s tribe. This shows that he put self-interest aside and he did the best he could at that particular time. Through his action, it may not make a difference morally since the aim is to assist but at least there was a better side of him that can be seen through his action (Corrigan, 2010).



























Pearson, K., & George, T. (2005). Hotel Rwanda: Bringing the true story of an African hero to    film. New York: Newmarket Press.

Barrow. R, (2015); Utilitarianism; A Contemporary Statement; Routledge.

Corrigan, R. H. (2010). Ethics: A University guide. Gloucester: Progressive Frontiers Press.

Athanassoulis, N. (2013). Virtue ethics. London: Bloomsbury.

Bailliet, C. M., & Larsen, K. M. (2015). The international law of practice. Corby: Oxford            University Press.

627 Words  2 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Write an essay analyzing the musical score in relation to the story and picture for the following scenes and cues, and comparing the musical scoring of these two films:


Cues 13 and 14, "Some of the Old Songs" and "Play It Sam" - 31:35-33:30 

Cue 15, As Time Goes By - 33:32-36:09 


Cue 11, The Portrait - 41:24-44:39

Cue 12, Mark - 46:33-47:41

You are to trace, identify, and write on the songs and leitmotifs as they occur. (For Casablanca, there are also a couple of songs in cues 13 and 14.) 

CHECK THE CUE LIST for each film to determine which leitmotifs to listen for. These may be heard more than once.

Be sure to cover the following:

1. Describe the musical characteristics and orchestration of the leitmotif and other dramatic music in the cue.

2. Describe the corresponding film narrative: action, characters, dialog, what we are seeing as we hear the leitmotif and other dramatic music.

3. Describe the function and meaning of the leitmotif and music scoring - how the music helps to tell the story in this scene or cue.

The paper must begin with an introductory paragraph giving a general overview of your topic.

This should then be followed by the body of your paper in which you analyze the music of each of these cues as they relate to the story and picture. Your concluding paragraph should consist of a comparison between these two films and their music scoring based on these scenes and cues, with reference also to the use of a theme song, whether as source music or as underscore.

The essay must be a minimum of three pages in length (12 pt. and double spaced, with one inch margins). 

If you are not sure of the name or spelling of characters, look them up rather than guessing!

Be sure to capitalize the names of the themes and other proper names.

333 Words  1 Pages

128 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Topic: The Future of the Theatre
Will it continue to thrive, or will it be overcome by other forms of entertainment? In what ways should it change to reflect current cultural life? What aspects should remain the same? How much does the price of tickets affect attendance? Why do young people seem to avoid the theatre? What could the theatre do to attract young audiences?
Essays should be typed and double-spaced in Times New Roman font with 1-ich margins. The citation format for papers Should be MLA style or another recognized, consistent academic format. Failure to follow a consistent and correct format will result in a loss of points for the assignment.
Essays must be supported by a minimum of 5 sources. AT NO TIME MAY STUDENTS USE WIKIPEDIA AS A SOURCE FOR ESSAYS. Failure to fully and properly support essay arguments with source material will result in a loss of points for the assign.
ESSAYS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY THE DUE DATE, OR THEY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.  Any student who does not submit the essay by the due date will receive a Zero (0.00) for that assignment.  

202 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Song Analysis paper

Instructions: Students will select a favorite song. The song must have a relationship as a theme between human beings.

Minimum of 1250 words

Include a copy of the lyrics ( does not count as the minimum typed words)

References Page in APA style

Students will analyze the song using  one concept  ( Conflict, Self-disclosure, Perception, Language,  Self-Concept, Knapp’s stages of Coming Together, Knapp’s Stages of Coming Apart) In your analysis, you may also discuss any line in the  song that sounds dysfunctional if it was actually said to someone : For  example ( “I can’t live without you,  My world is empty without you, Forget what happened in the past”) 

Do not quote from the song in your analysis. Refer to the song lyrics by line ( example : Line one of the song reveals that ……..)

Students will type the paper in essay format, with paragraphs using the following structure as a guideline:

Indicate your Song ( title, group or person singing song)
Discuss briefly why you selected the song
Explain how you will analyze the song indicating the name and author of the textbook and the concept to be used from the textbook.
Next,  in a different paragraph-

Short summary of what song is about ( No more than one paragraph)
Afterwards in additional  paragraphs

Concept #1 

Define concept  (  Paraphrase your definition in detail using at least one paragraph-( mimimum 5 -7 sentences)  No quotes from the textbook. You may state in your paraphrased definition : The course textbook states that …….
Provide an example from the song to illustrate the concept. ( please paraphrase the song lyrics or  indicate which line of the song that you are referring to) 
  3. Share ( no T.M.I) an example that you observed either from real life or a popular movie.


Summarize main points
Share  new insights gained  from analyzing the song  
Students are expected to follow typing guidelines as explained in the course syllabus for assignments.

Grading Rubric

Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation, Sentence Structure, paragraph use :  10 points

Precise Song summary  :  5  points

Analysis Using Concepts  : 20 points

370 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

How do people who are deaf learn about music?

20 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Describe the creative life and music of Haydn. Mention important works. What were Haydn’s contributions to the development of the symphony?

32 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Write an essay in which you compare and contrast two different styles of jazz (e.g. Bebop and Free Jazz). To receive credit, you must demonstrate thoughtful and critical thinking, use vocabulary learned in chapter 1, and refer to the recordings used in the module and in the text. Completed essays should be between 500 and 700 words long. Extra research and listening will be required in order to write an essay of appropriate length and quality.

88 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Discuss the role of African traditions in the blues.  Additionally, write about the experience of one of the musicians we studied who faced racial or gender discrimination (B.B. King).  How do you see racial or gender discrimination and stereotyping present in the music industry today?

57 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:


Assignment questions for film “Dolores Claiborne” and readings by Chancer, Browne.

The discussion question should help you to formulate your ideas, hypothesis and reflections. In other words, you need to write two – three paragraphs of reaction to a specific theme, topic, or characterization common amongst assigned film and readings.  DO NOT summarize or critic the film. Your focus should be on the major themes in the film. By using the discussion questions, it is expected that you will be able to identify main themes that connect assigned film to the readings. The assignment will illustrate your understanding of the material.

Use readings to answer the movie question
QUESTIONS TO THINK ABOUT & DISCUSS Do not answer all questions Pick a couple that can be answered from readings and movie.

1.    After reading the empirical research discussed in the reading by Angela Browne, do you better understand the struggles and perceptions experienced by Dolores? How so? What changes have the criminal justice system made to better respond to domestic violence? Are they effective?

2.    How can an audience remain open-minded about people or situations that may end up different than they appear?

3.    How is “home” used in the film? What is the director trying to convey?

4.    Can one have strong, conflicting emotions about another person? How does this play out in terms of domestic violence in general, and with Dolores (Kathy Bates) and her employer Vera, and Dolores and her daughter in “Dolores Claiborne”?

5.    Why is the local police detective so bitter? What triggers his anger?

6.    Typically, children who witness abuse and/or alcoholism in their family are deeply affected. How did this affect Selena in the film? 

7.    Was Dolores’s husband an effective villain?

8.    What does Vera’s comment mean: “Sometimes being a bitch is all a woman has to hold on to” and why is it used by both mother and daughter later in the film?

9.    What kind of genre(s) fits “Dolores Claiborne’ and why?

10.    How effective is the story told through its use of flashbacks? Why do you think it was filmed in this manner?

11.    How does the director highlight the mother-daughter bond in all its complexities?

12.    How does the cinematography change in the flashbacks vs. present-day scenes?

13.    How does incest typically affect child victims? How is this demonstrated within the film?

14.    How does resistance become a collective effort for Dolores? Are there any similarities with the film “A Question of Silence”?

15.    Discuss how violence operates in the film, noting issues of gender oppression and class difference.

16.    What similarities exist between “Dolores Claiborne” and “Thelma and Louise”?

17.      In different ways, various characters are “on trial” in this film.  Who? How so?

18.    Dolores chooses to handle matters all on her own, despite their gravity. Why does she make these choices?  Contrast this aspect of the film with other films we have read about or viewed in class (i.e., “A Question of Silence,” “Thelma and Louise” etc.). Be sure to think about any gender roles/expectations that are violated by the characters’ decisions and why they are seen as problematic.

19.    Does the common bond of gender oppression transcend class antagonism between Dolores and both Vera and Selena? How?

560 Words  2 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

In this Assignment, you will assess and recommend appropriate system software.

To: Technology Advisor

From: Software Acquisition Department

Re: Updating system software

We are currently in the process of evaluating our current systems. After we have determined the appropriate system software, we will assess whether our hardware is appropriate.


Prepare a report explaining what system software is
Evaluate different types of system software
Recommend an appropriate system software
Please include the following in your report:

Explain what an operating system does.
How does the OS manage the processor?
What activities are coordinated by the OS?
How does the OS manage the computer’s memory?
What is virtual memory and how does it work?
How does the OS manage peripheral devices?
What are device drivers?
What is PnP?
How does the OS coordinate software?
What is the BIOS?
What does the BIOS do?
What is POST?
What is the kernel?
What are beep codes?
What are three different operating systems? (Note: Only one can be Microsoft.)
Which operating system would you recommend?

When answering these questions, please write 3 to 4 sentences on each topic. Use a minimum of 2 sources

203 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Start by considering the scene as scene: it is marked off by distinct edits, and for however long it runs it constitutes a discrete part of the overall film; consider where in the film it occurs, what it is about, and discuss any relevant details about composition, shots, camera angles, acting, dialogue, scenery, etc.

T-Men (dir. Anthony Mann, 1947)

scene 28: The Nature of the Business is Business 1:04:11-1:06:25

please watch the scene mentioned above and create an analysis of the scene. DO NOT summarize the scene. Analyze it.

100 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

It is about the book lord of the flies. Write the essay about who was ultimately  responsible for demise of the island.

33 Words  1 Pages
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