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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Structure, Organization, Ease of reading, Grammar: 2.5 Points

This Assignment had a very, very specific structure.  Identify 3-4 issues.  Come up with solutions for those issues and summarize them briefly. Provide a table with Pros and Cons for each, and wrap it all up with an overall (but brief) recommendation – what could have been done to help prevent this disaster from a PM perspective.  DID YOU FOLLOW THIS STRUCTURE?
Did you follow the advice given in the lectures and From Your Instructor about the format?
Did you follow rules of English grammar, spelling, and syntax?  Did you fix errors pointed out via Word’s editing capabilities (e.g. squiggly blue or red underlined text)?
Content: 8 Points

Is it clear from reading your assignment that you read the case and understood what happened that led up to the Deepwater Horizon explosion?
Did you ‘dig deeper’?  Some people identify very technical issues – did you find the underlying reasoning that may have driven decisions to go a certain way technically?
Did you keep your writing concise and to the point?  Part of the intent of this assignment is an exercise in expressing important ideas in as efficient a way as possible.
Was there a logical flow from your Issue Identification to your Proposed Solutions, to your Pros and Cons and to your conclusion?
If you did have ‘extra’ information to exhibit, did you put it in an Appendix rather than in the body of the text?  Again, the focus is on a concise, crisp presentation of your arguments.

References and resources: 1.5 Points

Did you provide several relevant references that helped make your points?  Of course you can use the main MIT/Sloan case as a reference, but did you reach out and find out more about the Deepwater Horizon from other sources?

Other things to consider:

Did you add value from your own professional and/or personal experience?
Did you make appropriate use of figures and tables in an appendix?  Don't substitute quantity for quality here - one good, relevant, and meaningful small table is worth 100 randomly inserted graphs and charts.
Did you really take on the viewpoint of a project leader here, and consider the way the team was motivated, the way the different stakeholders communicated (or didn’t), the culture of the different companies?

397 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Immigrants and the Problem of Canadian Job Experience

19 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

School mission statement: The blank School of Management develops ethical and entrepreneurial leaders who make a positive impact in the world through innovation, collaboration and knowledge.

Please choose TWO of the following words from our mission statement: entrepreneurial, innovation, collaboration, and knowledge. Discuss how the meaning of these words have played a role in your career. (500 words maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font)

73 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions: After watching the video, Write an essay to draw a boundary between Recruitment and selection processes. Describe how the recruitment process is important to have a successful selection of the right employees?

45 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The paper must contain the following components:

1. A 3–5-page overview that defines the course as an academic field of study (significance of the course to business)
2. A 3–5-page discussion of the top 5–8 questions you believe are critical in order to demonstrate that a student who completes this course can synthesize the key concepts of continuous improvement and propose strategies for improving an organization using recognized quality management tools and best practices
3. A 3–5-page discussion that integrates the concepts from the Keller (2012) text into a cohesive understanding of why quality management and productivity are significant for advancing God’s purposes for business on earth
4. A minimum of 5 references in addition to the course texts

For this course, the concept of stewardship is especially important. As Van Duzer (2010) posited, a steward is really a trustee of God’s creation. Duby (2009) adds the following:

Stevens (2006) observes that Adam and Eve were given the role of stewards who had “the wonderful role of representing the absent monarch’s interests” (p. 6). As stewards, followers of God act as trustees that are to develop and to serve the “unfolding kingdom” of creation (Roels, 1990, p. 27). Further, Roels contends that if one believes that his or her business plays an important role in God’s kingdom, then an important concern is to best determine how to be God’s steward in such business endeavors.

Understanding this important role is critical to understanding God’s intentions for business. Thus, in this assignment, the student will link the concept of biblical stewardship to quality management and process improvement, noting how such concepts are tangible manifestations of good stewardship.

In Module 1, the presentation addresses the need for those in quality management to see the big picture: that we are called to be regents of our God in every human activity.

In Module 4, the presentation builds on this foundation, noting that as regents we are stewards of all that God gives us, and as stewards, we seek the best uses for the resources entrusted to us—including our desire to be productive and to produce quality. Consider these ideas as you develop your paper

371 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Based upon the readings and research from the course, you will develop a Strategic Quality Management Implementation Plan for an organization of your choosing. You may choose a for-profit, non-profit (including a church), government, or educational organization. You are encouraged to review your own workplace, if appropriate.

The Strategic Quality Management Implementation Plan (Section 3) is to be written as a document submitted to an executive team. Due to this, you may present the material in Section 3 in more of a report fashion rather than as an academic paper. The plan must be based on current research (including theory and practice) that is appropriate for the unique context of the organization selected. Think of the plan as a subset of the entire paper.

In support of your plan, write a 10–15-page literature review that focuses on the basis for the quality management tool/technique selected. Include at least 15 scholarly peer-reviewed references. The literature review must be included as an appendix (Section 4 of the format below); it must not be included in Section 3.

Note: Sections 1, 2, 4, and 5 must be in current APA format.

The assignment must be submitted in compliance with the requirements found in the Strategic Quality Management Implementation Grading Rubric. The assignment must be a minimum of 20 pages (not including the title page, abstract, and reference page).

1. Title page – must include the following:
a. Course number and name
b. Paper title
c. Student name
d. Date submitted
e. Respectfully submitted to: (instructor’s name)
2. Abstract
3. Strategic Quality Management Implementation Plan – must include the following:
a. Introduction
b. Organizational context (background, structure, leadership, and culture)
c. Quality statement (how your organization approaches quality)
d. Identification of quality problem/process to improve
e. Goals and objectives
f. Model and methodology
g. Structure/scope (include who does what, stakeholder involvement, and communication plan)
h. Performance measure(s)
i. Time frame
j. Summative comments
4. Appendix (literature review)
5. References

337 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

1. What were some important points from this documentary that resonated with you specifically or personally?
2.In a general sense, what identities and characteristics does the film indicate that culture assigns to men?
3.Why do you think they chose to name the documentary “the mask you live in”?
4.Why do you think that the suicide rate is higher for males than females?
5.Do you think that sports perpetuate the culture of “toxic masculinity”? How could sports also be a solution to the problems that males face?
6.What pressures are boys/men faced with? How do they differ from those that girls/women face?
7.Give examples of how masculinity is something that needs to be “proved” in our society?  What are systemic issues that contribute to this issue?
8. Joe Ehrmann, former NFL defensive lineman, argues that there are three lies that every boy is taught in our society: that the road to successful masculinity is achieved through athletic ability, economic success, and sexual conquest.
-Were you (or men you know) taught to believe this is what makes a successful man?
-What qualities or practices come to mind when you think about expanding what it means to be a man in our culture?
9.Do you think that the documentary is accurate in its portrayal of this topic? Why/why not (cite evidence beyond your personal opinion)? Can this awareness help change stereotypes?
10.Rape culture refers to a society or environment whose prevailing social attitudes have the effect of normalizing or trivializing sexual assault and abuse. Jackson Katz states, “We have a rape culture. What that means is that individual rapists aren’t just crawling out of the swamp. They are being produced by our culture.” How does the objectification of women influence rape culture? How can we help our society to eliminate violence towards women in all forms

326 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

TOPIC: Millennials in the Workforce

You are the assistant manager of recruitment at a small marketing firm that is expanding rapidly. Your supervisor needs to recruit new employees, and you have been given the task of researching one specific segment of the workforce: millennials. You have been given two sources to review, and your job is to write a short report that can be used as a guide to inform these recruitment strategies.

Your report should consider the following questions, in addition to any other points you feel are important:

What seem to be some of the pros and cons of millennial employees?

What are some specific strategies for recruiting, managing, and retaining millennials?

Would you recommend adopting a strategy to recruit millennials specifically? Why or why not?

Your supervisor has given you two resources to review in drafting your report. To earn full credit, you will incorporate both of these resources into your report to support your arguments and recommendations.

Because your findings will be presented to the Board of Directors, your supervisor has specifically requested that you organize this short report using the indirect arrangement. Thus, you will need a brief yet informative introduction that prepares your readers for your recommendations. Presenting the supporting data before your ultimate recommendations will prepare the reader to accept your solution to this problem.

Write up a short report of at least 400 words describing your findings and recommendations.

The primary audience for this report is your direct supervisor, and the secondary audience is the Board of Directors. Thus, you should adopt an appropriate tone for this audience. Your recommendations need to be clear so that your company can move forward with its recruitment strategies.

You will format this report as a business memorandum (memo).

304 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

What should this assignment look-like?

For this assignment you will write a first-person “research essay” (you may use “I”) that applies the lesson, “The Four Components of the Standpoint Theory.”
1.Situational (we experience situations in unique ways)
2.Questions objectivity (the notion of objectivity is “ideal” and lofty; Standpoint theory asks, "whose objectivity are we considering in practice"?)
3.The “lived experience” (poses that peoples’ own lives are important sources of expertise)
4. Reflexivity (acknowledging our biases, allows us to see how our view of the world differs from others, and eventually can produce a less biased view of the world. Feminist theorist Donna Haraway (1988) indicates that we develop a “situated knowledge” that results in holding a particular position (positionality).Your paper requires citing research (which is explained further in the instructions) and you must provide the sources in APA format both in-text and in the "References" section. In short, you must support your claims, and provide attribution.

The essay should be double spaced and approximately 4 pages in length (not counting the references or title page), 12pt. You will use Times New Roman font type, and 2 - 4 sources are required, but you may need more. You will use subheadings, centered in bold, for each of the four points in the standpoint theory in your essay. You do not need an abstract for this paper.

What is the goal of this paper and what should each part of the paper “do”?

The paper will explain how the standpoint theory offers insight into your view on a particular issue that you have formed a relatively strong belief or opinion about.

In the introduction, you will introduce the topic from historic or cultural relevance, providing a thesis statement that introduces your viewpoint on the topic prior to your research and reflexive work.

In the body of the paper, you should address each component of the standpoint theory and show how each relates to the development of your standpoint on this issue. (Use APA subheadings for each of the 4 points).

Your conclusion should quickly reiterate your process in exploring the topic, then discuss how your views on the topic or issue were altered or changed after employing the components of the standpoint theory, and finally, it should leave the reader with a clear sense of where you now stand on the topic and what questions you still have unanswered.

413 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Review the Chapter 1 case, “Real Choices at Colgate-Palmolive” in the Unit 1 READ section, then research the Wisp product line on the Colgate-Palmolive website:

Provide a brief background summary of the case.  What are the dilemmas that Colgate-Palmolive is facing in the case study?
What are the elements of the marketing mix for the Wisp product line?  Discuss each element in detail.
What is the lifetime value of a customer for Colgate-Palmolive and how would this be calculated?  What can Colgate-Palmolive do to maintain customers for life?
As a brand manager for Wisp, who would be your target market, what would be your market position, and how would you plan to market the Wisp product line to consumers?  Explain your marketing plan in detail.

139 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Current Trends in Strategic Management

16 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Implementing Corporate Strategy: Managing the Multibusiness Firm

18 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

External Grown Strategies: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Alliances

18 Words  1 Pages
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